Project Report on Operating System for CSE Final Year Students

Introduction to Operating System Project:

Operating system means it is a system OS which maintains and manages the system functionality by guiding the hardware. It is also called as set of programs that control the hardware.Some examples of operating systems are UNIX, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows/NT, Chicago, OS/2, MacOS, VMS, MVS, and VM. There are some services likeKernel services, library services, and application-level services these are all part of an operating system. Kernel provides path to the peripheral device it’s also responds to the calls and invoke the devices according to the call. It can terminate a executing process according to the resource requested.

Objectives of operating system:

  The details at back end are hidden by abstraction mechanism.

 To allocate a process to the resource depending priority.

  To provide a pleasant and effective user interface.

The Process may be defined as work in unity. The process has many definitions

The program which is executing           

The activities which are asynchronous

The procedures which are animated mode

The process for which processor is assigned

Process termination unit

The process can be defined as a work that is to be done according to the CPU instructions. The process has following properties.

  Program counter values are included.

  Register processor contents

 The variable values are included

  The process stack contains subroutine parameter, Temporary data, return address and temporary variables.

 Global values are included in the process

Process State:

The process state consists of everything that required resuming a Resume a process they are as follows.

Program for the code is included.

Static data of the program.

 Dynamic data of the program.

  Stack can call program procedure.

 General purpose registers contents.

 The program counters content are included

  Program status of word are included

Resources of the operating system that are in use.

Download  Project Report on Operating System for CSE Final Year Students.

Protocol Exsequendam C Project Abstract for Final Year Students

Introduction to Protocol Exsequendam C Project:

The abstract contains description of the protocol exsequendam. Communication between the networks of different systems general definition for entity is sending or receiving of information. Two entities cannot send the information to each other unless they understood each other. For successful communication the entities must accept the protocols. A protocol is set of rules what is to be communicated and when and which type.

Overview of the development of the project:

The protocol main aim is implementation of routing protocol using c language.

OSPF Routing Algorithm:

Open shortest path first uses shortest path first algorithm of dijikstra algorithm to determine route of each algorithm. The routers in an area will run this algorithm in parallel mode the results are stored in local databases. Multiple copies of algorithm are run by routers with interface.

Sliding Window Protocol:

The sliding window protocol is based on Packet-based data transmission protocol. This protocol is used where reliable delivery of packets is needed like data-link layer and transmission control layer. Each portion of transmission of packets where bytes in tcp are assigned to the particular sequence of number. Receiver uses to receive the sequence of numbers with corresponding packets are place in order. Discarding of duplicate packets and misplace packets are identified. There is no limit to the sequence of numbers.

There are two types in this:

Go Back N Protocol: It is an automatic repeat request protocol ARQ. The process of sending the packets continued although number of frames to be sent is specified without receiving acknowledgement. Its transmit size window is N and receive is 1.

Selective repeat ARQ: It is specific instance of repeat request. It is used for delivery of acknowledgements. It is used as protocol for the sub divided messages. This process accepts the acknowledgement after any error in receiving frames.

Download  Protocol Exsequendam C Project Abstract for Final Year Students.

HI-LO Game C++ Project Report

Introduction to HI-LO Game C++ Project:

The Game is developed by c++. The theme of the game is guessing a randomly selected integer number within range of 1 to x max by try-and-error method. Before that what is c++?. C++ is the extension of c language which was developed by Bjarne stroustrup in AT&T Bell laboratories. The language follows Object oriented approach .

It follows bottom-up approach.It is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, usually compiled language supporting procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic Commands are either “functions” or “keywords”. Keyword are a basic building block of the language, programming. In this game the user guess the number of game.

The information is provided only after the guess is made. The number should be guessed in least number of trails. The method of finding is similar to method of finding roots. The root finding is used many applications like optimization.

Need of Our Project:

  • The customer service is increased by accurate information
  • Job satisfaction of  staff members is increased and effort duplication is avoided
  • Best economical and safer means of tracking information
  • Access has been made to information like stocks and reports and also accurate faster results.
  • Errors have been reduced for long and repetitive manual processing
  • Greater accountability and transparency in operations
  • The efficiency and effectiveness in administration has been increased.
  • The security is provided for more reliable information
  • Appropriate knowledge-based action and intervention can now take place in a timelier manner.

Final Year Project Report on Hospital Management System

Introduction to Hospital Management System Project:

The hospital management system was developed using C#, MS visual studio, MS office, SQL server. In this system no of doctors and no of available room and patients admit/discharge are maintained.


  • Records of patients are kept and appointments are made according to schedule so that the patients can meet doctors in right it is convenient for both doctor and patient.
  • Prescriptions provided by doctor are kept in records
  • Medicine department records are kept for patients convince about the medicines that he need.
  • Details about consultants and prescriptions and all details are stored. 


The first module is IPD in patient details. These module compromises of the patient details about his illness and bed allocated to him whether he is admitted in general ward or ICU all the details are collected.

OPD outpatient details. These patients often visit the hospital for regular checkup they are not admitted patients. They are the patients with some fever, muscular pain and some disease.

Billing Module: This module contains information about billing that is amount paid by the patient and the remaining balance amount it contains both IPD and OPD. The billing is made on complete chart of diagnosis.

View Module: In this module details of every patient can be known with single name the details may include his name age sex and the disease from he was suffering. By patient ID we can also Know all his details.

Employee Module:  this module contains information about the staff working in hospital like Doctor, Nurses, Ward Boys, Receptionists, Peon, and Cleaning Staff.


The security is very necessary in today’s world. Because intruders can hack all the information so an ADMIN ID/Password is provided to protect the data safe. These admin rights are given to the Right full person.

Computer Science Final Year Project Report on Compilers

They are the software program that translates the program code in the binary form or other form varies according to the system. They are used for the high lever programming languages that needed to be converted in to machine language code that a system can understand. A complier performs various operations like lexical analysis, optimization and code generation. When we compile the program it checks for the error and if it found then it return the error and details about the error whether it syntax or logical error and line number where it is found. 

Complier construction is not the easy job. We need to check the price of project development, total man power required and in what time it will be developed. Documentation of the project is also the important part. It is called SRS of the project. In this we need to mention the software used, application can be used on the software and the proper specification. Mentioning the list of all interfaces including system interface and hardware interfaces are necessary. Define the memory constraints, how much memory it will require.

We need to make the entire organization model that will be used in the compiler. There are different types of models used like repository model: this manage the symbol table of the program, check and update it if necessary. Layered model: it manages the whole function of the program. It has too many functions like lexical analyzer, semantic analyzer. Their main function is to check the program code and find for the error and put the details of them.

We also have to determine the domain of the model of the compiler. This is the important step is design of any software. it should have good features and previous version features should be also kept.

Download  Computer Science Final Year Project Report on Compilers .

Online Auction Market Bid Java Project Report

Introduction to Online Auction Market Bid Java Project:

To sell any item in the market we first need to set the price of the item. Price depends on the many factors such as type of item, value of item, type of auction we are going to launch and the quantity of the product with its initial price, number of participants.

All these things are kept in point to deal with the price.

This auction can be performed online also or using any software. For that we need to design the software. To design new software we need few tools like for coding the software we can use JAVA jdk1.6 and for the back end IBM DB2.

We need system that run that software, minimum requirement for the system that can run that software is XP operating system with 40 GB hard disk with Pentium IV and RAM 512MB.

This technique is based on the clustering that is used for focusing the price for online auction with k-algorithms.

We need to determine the starting price and end price with the help of bid calculator. We can develop the simulation based model for the final price. Authors proposed the algorithms for simulating the final prices. Multi-agents can do multiple at a time for the auction.

Clustering technique differentiate the price across the different auctions. System should robust for more than one online auction.

Using the technique of regression tree, we can finalize the final price with multi-classification and multiple binary classifications.

We also have machine learning problems. This should be kept in mind that all the auction should began at the same time and all the bidders that are participating are starting from first with step by step. 

Download  Online Auction Market Bid Java Project Report.

Simulation of OFDM and Bandwidth efficient Wireless OFDM NIT CSE Mini Project Report

Introduction to Simulation of OFDM and Bandwidth efficient Wireless OFDM Project:

These timeless present days demand mobile wireless communications with high-speed. This project of simulation of OFDM and bandwidth efficient wireless OFDM technology achieves requirements of spectral efficiency and high data capacity for wireless communication network systems for near future.

OFDM can be abbreviated as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system. In this paper we investigate various methods to maximize the spectral efficiency of OFDM.In USA and Europe all are using current standards of IEEE 802.11a (USA) and Hyper LAN/2 (Europe) for OFDM in their PHY layer. To get rid of from inter block interference and inter channel interference, wireless OFDM need to occupy a bandwidth which is wider than the Nyquistrate and need to use insufficient statistics in the symbol demodulation. Thus computational efficiency in demodulation is gained by conventional OFDM by using DFT Discrete Fourier Transform by the usage of cost of low efficiency bandwidth and degrade in symbol error performance.

Since the applications of digital media are developing the demand to the broad band communication system products is increasing. As we are dealing with consumer products we should implements these technical requirements for related products in cheap.This project OFDM deals with the OFDM receiver structures evaluation and development.

This OFDM technology has the advantages of reduction inter symbol interference and increase in the symbol duration as in this the entire channel is divided into many sub narrow channels which can be used in parallel transmission.This technique is effective for high-bit-rate transmission and combating multipath fading over mobile wireless channels. By using the discrete Fourier Transform and inverse by using the discrete Fourier Transform we can implement OFDM technology in both analog (time-domain) and digital forms (frequency-domain) this provides more efficient and effective implementation. This OFDM technology gives the advantages of spectral efficiency, reducing ICI and combating ISI.

Download  Simulation of OFDM and Bandwidth efficient Wireless OFDM NIT CSE Mini Project Report .

Student Course Registration Visual Basic Project Report

The aim is to build software for student course registration by automated system. This project is developed using Microsoft visual basic v6.0 and MS-access as back end data-base.

He She  who wants to join an intuition or college comes with necessary details about the course he wants to join and further information is stored in the database by registering and it can be retrieved easily with one click and it can be maintained  up to a long time for future purpose.

System Requirement Specification:

This process of registration is an automated process.

The student should give all details regarding certificates.

Hardware configuration:

 The hard disk RPM should be very high.

 The hard disk should be single not multiple attachment for fast accessing and delivery of data.

 The system must contain at least Windows XP OS with 1GB RAM.

 .Net Framework must be installed on system as minimum requirement.

Data-Flow Edge Image:

The image below shows the flow of how data is processed.  First student comes and selects course it may be a PD/UG.

And he selects the desired course based on his qualification after his registration the data is entered in data-base and for any enquires he contact them.


By The use of this system the data be easily entered.

There is no chance of losing data because in olden days the data is entered manually in records and after some years the data is lost but by the implementation of this system helped in protecting data even up to 100 years also.

This reduces lot of work task and work Load.

Download  Student Course Registration Visual Basic Project Report.

Rajastan Tourism Website PHP Project Report

Introduction to Rajastan Tourism Website PHP Project:

The aim of this project is develop a website which is used Rajasthan tourism. It is developed using Xaamp/php5 and MySQL. By this website the customer can view the information of Rajasthan and it history along with that the number hotels available, Different places and visited locations are previewed on the website. Not only this packages and offers available are also shown. Some of the salient features provided to the customer are as follows

  Customer can get information about particular place

  Information regarding hotels can also be obtained

  The information can also get through e-mail

 Customer can maintain/manage his profile at any time anywhere.


The system present is time consuming and it includes lot of work task. Because the current system is manual entry. The errors are also increased along with turnaround time. The reports cannot be generated in in time.


There are two pages

  • Admin page
  • User page

Admin page:

The admin page contains Login id and password for admin login. It has also INSERTION, UPDATION, DELETION of hotels information and details. Admin can also make another user also admin.

User Page:

The user page contains details of hotels and places. User can also create an account by registering new account and he can login into his account and he can book rooms directly via internet. The payment is done through online transfer.


By this website the tourism of Rajasthan is developed all over the world. Not only that this place history and historic monuments and some interesting facts can also know by the people  which creates interest among the people to visit the place which helps to increase number of visitors.

Library Management System Computer Project in java with SRS

Introduction to Library Management System Computer Project in java:

The main aim of this project to illustrate the requirements needed for the library management system. The project gives a view about both functional and non-functional requirements chosen by the client. The project is developed using Edraw Tool, JAVA, MS-ACCESS database, SQL. This application has a search facility the admin can search by book or name. The admin can add or remove users or book from database.


 The library transactions like issue, return and renewal of members. It can be used in various fields like :

  In an educational institute, college giving description about content and the author.

 It can used in libraries for easily maintain the books and their details.

Conventions used:

  • Admin: a person who has admin access privileges can login with his id and password.
  • User: The user can login into his account by the assigned login id and with his password.
  • Clients: They are nothing but intended users.
  • SQL: It is used to retrieve the data from data base.
  • SQL server: It used to store data in an order.
  • Unique key: It is used for the differentiation of table entries.

Product features:

  • Admin is the librarian.
  • Student can access his account through online
  •  To the Librarian can issue a book to the student.
  • Admin/user can view different books available in library.
  • Admin can the books information or edit them.
  • Admin check issued books and can view the details of student accounts.
  • Student can request a new book from library
  • Student can view the previous books that he was taken.
  • Student can search all the books available in library.

Data-Base Tables:

  • Books database
  • Borrowers database
  • Users database
  • Category database