Free Flow Resource Allocation and Tracking System

Free flow resource allocation and tracking is a web based application proposed to facilitate day-today work allocation in an organization. This Resource Allocation application is more relevant like a project planning tool is used to affect the project plan including a plurality of tasks to be performed by the users in accordance with respective time schedules. This application used to monitor the performance of the individuals and teams.

This application ensures the user that the work is assigned to the resources without any delay or faults. The network is configured for translating the project plan into the master database to affect an assignments table including a list of project tasks assigned for completion by each of the users.

This Resource Allocation and Tracking project is periodically prepared in the master database from the assignments table and include list of the project tasks assigned to a respective user and a time record for recording time entries therein. Actual time expended in performing the tasks is fed back to the project plan for managing completion of the tasks in accordance with the time schedules.

Assign the project into various teams. It maintains the daily reports of the individuals. Increased visibility into actual time spent on tasks and projects.


  • Free Flow resource allocation and tracking is used for maintaining the performance of the individuals and teams
  • Used to maintain the details of project and the users involved in the project
  • Used to assign project to various teams and team members
  • Generates various reports
  • Project and its various tasks are assigned to teams and team members
  • Projects and its tasks are assigned by the team lead/project managers to the team members based on their experience

Paperless Hospital Service Java Project


Paperless Hospital Service is a system which is to register and store patient details/doctor details and retrieve these details automatically. In this project the data will be entered in electronic format by anesthetists in the hospital. This automatic updating process saves lot of time, work and gets information within no time.


Paperless hospital system is a java based project  used to computerize the front office management of hospital automatically. This project deals with the collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details. while the system output is to get these details on to the monitor when required by the management, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully.

This system gives a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. User can search availability of a doctor and the details of a patient using the id. In this system user can be entered using a username and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist only they can add data into the database.

By using this Paperless Hospital Service there would be no delay in transforming the medical records of the patient to the doctor. Information can be shared easily. This system provides high level security, data modification present in the database will be difficult.


The main objective of this paperless hospital management java based project is to leverage the paperless service where patients need not do any paperwork while admitting the hospital. To provide patient and doctors a automated service which saves lot of time. to develop software which is user friendly, simple, fast, and cost – effective.



Patient will go to the hospital and get admitted by giving their information to the admitting clerk. If patient is in serious state, relative will help in giving information about the patient to the admitting clerk. If the incoming patient is new, then admitting clerk will create a new record in Web portal and store the patient information by collecting all necessary details and also about health history.

Admitting Clerk:

Admitting clerk will assign the in-coming patient record to the department of admin and direct the Patient to meet the department of admin.

Department Admin:

              Department Admin will assign the patient to the respective department like ENT, ICU, surgery, etc and also will assign doctors/nurses who will be responsible to treat the patient.


Doctor will get patient information by querying on patient ID and will conduct series of tests and will update their test report along with comments in the Application.

Billing Department:

Billing Department will calculate the expense and will be responsible to verify if patient has insurance policy, if so then they will open a secure session to charge the cost to insurance providers, If patient doesn’t have insurance policy, Then he must pay either in cash or cash.

Healthcare Insurance Providers:

Insurance Providers will verify the claim and will confirm whether the insurance Id and policy coverage is valid or not.

Online Marketing Java Project


Online marketing is a project developed for selling or buying different products online. This project gives the top quality of information, advice and also tips for marketing. This project saves lots of time and reduces the work of the customers in buying or selling any product.


Online  marketing is a web application. This project helps the users to advertise, buy or sell any type of product online. Only the authorized users can be able to do marketing by using this project.

This project provides an unique username and password to the people who wants to do marketing. For this the user needs to give his personal details and the details of the work he is doing in the site.

Marketing business like selling , buying or even advertising the product can be done from anywhere and at anytime. Users should give the genuine information about their products. User once registered to this site can view all the products.


The main objective of this Online Marketing Java project is to build an E- Market where people can buy, sell or advertise products. To provide the genuine stuff regarding the seller or buyer. This project provides flexibility to the users.



Admin authority should be given to director, he can add product details from the customers. Define the role-based security and manage users. He can manage everything about this website.


Employees should be able to maintains all types of request, information  which is required for giving 24/7 services to online users.


Enrollment is must for the users who wish to see details of any products or want to buy/sell any product. For enrollment user needs to provide some basic information like name, contact no/email id, and if user wants to sell something then he needs to fill description part of the product.  Registration page should be available for registering in the site.


Daily report should be generated like how many users visits the site and how many has registered in the site to the admin. Monthly reports based on daily reports for different products to admin person.

Online College Magazine Java Project

Abstract :

Online college magazine provides a platform for students to exhibit their talent. This online college magazine can replace the printed version. By this introducing this project students get more knowledge.


Online college magazine is a java based web project where students can share their articles, read various articles, and promote literary insight. Every student can view and post their ideas because this is not a printed magazine as it leads to wastage of paper. Large number of data can be stored without any missing of information.

Online magazine is a user-friendly interactive place for students and faculty. This application  maintains all information in a centralized database. students and faculties share their ideas online. Articles posted by students can be searched by anybody in the world.

This application provides a website where students can go through and post their ideas. This will be an open website and everybody can access to view the article posted by students. Any student/faculty In  college can give rating to the articles posted. Rating on article creates a strong impact and gives high competition among students.


The objective of this Online College Magazine Java Project is to design and develop a system for the creating and managing an online college magazine where college students and faculties can post and read various articles. To store large  data and makes the management’s work easy from data complexity


Guest / Anonymous:

Guests can read articles, rate them and comment on them. They can also access other optional features but can’t post articles unless they sign in as registered users. Automatic commenting the articles by spammers / automatic bots to be defied.

Registered Members(Students/faculty):

College students /faculties can only register as members through unique ID’s and old pupils registration to be supported. Registered members ,Moderators and Administrators are allowed to post articles.


Moderators will have associated categories, according to which to be validated articles will be posted to them on their profiles.  On rejection, he will have to provide a reason for the same, which will be forwarded to the concerned user. Automatic mails to be sent on rejection/acceptance of articles.


Admin can add / delete moderators. Progress report of moderators will be available to her / him. Admin has all the privileges a moderator has. Can post news which will be visible at the home page.

Micro Finance Java Project


Micro finance is a project which has become a mainstream instrument for providing access to formal financial services for helpless people. This project is developed to maintain all the details of the users and to develop online portal.


Micro Finance is an online system developed to provide a online micro finance portal to the bank micro finance customers. This application makes the customer to view all the transactions without any trouble.

This application can be used by the customers who are having a bank account, passbook and photo identification. Bank administrators will manage the customers. All the received details of the candidates will be filtered and divided into different divisions. If all the details of the candidate matches the policies of this application then the candidates will be provided with the loan. All this process will be done automatically without any time waste.

Microfinance  serves as a bridge between social investors and people who need small amounts of money to improve their business and financial position. Micro finance is a banking project where all the services like bringing credit, savings and  financial services are made reach of every customer.


The main objective of this micro finance project is to provide users a way to use their local PCO/CSC booths to perform micro-finance banking through online away from the physical bank. To provide banks an effective way to interact with users and make the transaction easier.



In this module security  identification of anyone assisting the user in using the application. History of loans, repayments, future options. Opportunities in the domain of the user’s operation or expertise.  Roadmap for financing and returns on effort invested.


Details of financed individual are maintained in this module. Relevant history of funds utilization and history of repayments and other borrowing behavior. Brief and relevant history of kinds of transactions conducted. List of possible assistance from bank / institution. Assistance for profession related matters of customer / user ,Planning future activities.


Most productive investments and assistance to be provided to these individuals. Most productive loans administrators. Government support available in users’ domains.

Employee Expense Management System Java Project

Abstract :

Employee expense management system is a system which helps an organization to maintain the details and transactions of the employees in the organization. This system maintains a centralized database. All the personal details and the transaction details of the employee are  maintained by this system.

Introduction :

Employee expense management system is an automated system. This system can be useful the managers in any organization. Employee Expense Management System provides the facility to define the tasks of the employee in the organization.

This system  also allows the managers to give the certification  for any reimbursable expenses put up by the employee. Employee expense management system is the means by the organization which is developed to reduce the transaction code. This system also enables the employees to keep track of their expenses.

In this system all the control will be taken by the manager. This system stores data related to expense vouchers for any reimbursable. This system provides all description and  detailed information of the employee. The main advantage of this system is this creates an excel report and PDF documents based on the information in its database.

Objective :

The main objective of this system is to improve the database management performance and provide easy and fast result in maintaining the employee details. To provide high level security and to reduce the time in generating the report.

Modules :

Administrator module :

Administrator assigns a priority to each report that is generated. Administrator can also access voucher related information. Admin module generates reports based on data submitted by managers.

Manager module :

Managers should be able to view vouchers waiting for their approval in their inbox by logging in to the application. Employee should be able to track progress of his vouchers. At any point in the workflow, managers should have the option of rejecting any voucher stating appropriate reasons and controls the team member’s access to the vouchers assigned. Manager has the permission to generate the reports and update the information of team members and can add new members to the project.

Employee module :

Employees department and designation, the vouchers should flow to his supervisors for their approvals. The number of approvals required will vary according to total amount of the voucher and approval limits set for supervisors.

Backup Admin :

Back up admin means accounts department users should be able to view approved vouchers of all employees and mark vouchers as paid. This step completes the lifecycle of the voucher and the associated process instance.

Software Requirements :

Language                                 :           Java

Web technologies                    :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                   :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                  :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Browser                                   :           IE 6.0/ Mozilla

Operating System                  :           Windows/Linux

IT Service Help Desk Java Project


IT service help desk is an application which will incorporate all requirements needed for the interaction between Project team and IT support team. All the information about the project team  and IT support’s will be maintained by this application.


IT service help desk is a web application which gives the solutions to the issues to the project team. This application provides cooperation to IT service management in solving the problems like installations, network resource allocation and so on.

This application will give an environment which will  provide unlimited services to the project team. This application also helps the reporting managers, IT support team to function effectively.

This application integrates other services like online and can access this application from anywhere. It will guide the entire team in solving the issue. IT support team has a facility to view the problem details, gives the solutions.


The main objective of this project is developing a web application which is directed to the employee’s in a company and  to serve as the reproduction to them.


Project Team Members:

In this project team members will take care of the issues raised regarding  installation of the  software’s. They send their problems to IT Support team and for each problem one id will be created. Based upon this id they will  download the solutions for the problems.

IT Support Team :

In this Module IT Support Team can send the solutions for the particular problems based upon the problem id. They upload the solutions and they give the chance to download the solutions.

Software Requirements:

Operating System                    :             Windows XP Professional or later

Platform                                    :          Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008

Web Technology                     :           Asp.Net with C#.Net

Data Base                                :           SQL Server 2005 /2008

Indian Wildlife Java Project


Indian wildlife is a website developed in java Oracle database which provides awareness and conservation of India’s  wildlife system. This final year student project will act as a platform for wildlife conservationists and ecologists. This project also share the knowledge and recent trends about wildlife.


Indian wildlife is a web based application which provides a high-level and clear information about protecting animals. This Indian wildlife project provides alertness, it will give all the detailed information on various rare Indian animals along with the coverage of all species of animals in India.

This application will portray all the recent wildlife success stories. This project gives an opportunity for users to participate in Wildlife blogs, forums, internships, conferences and other awareness programs.

Indian wildlife provides a facility to the user to know about details of  any animal. He can give suggestions or he can upload particular video or images or presentation on a particular animal. This project will develop research and allows user to participate on subjects like animal communications.


The main aim of developing the application is to provide information about the  research and participation on the subjects like animal communications, habitats, wildlife health issues, effects of global warming and various disasters. To explain users with various career opportunities in the field of wildlife, along with list of universities  offering Wildlife Degrees, fellowships and certifications.



Administration facilities like add/update members, back up/recovery of data, generating various reports etc are handles in this module.


Users can be from any Government and private organizations, Wildlife conservationist, ecologists, veterinarians and wildlife enthusiasts. Secure registration and profile management facilities for registered members and, government and non government agencies.

Group members (registered users):

To setup a reviewers panel to have a tab on data being posted for the website and select appropriate contents from them  to be posted. Moreover, this panel will be responsible for solving various queries of website users.


Reports provide recently updated data on the website. Reports on recently  concluded Wildlife conferences and workshops. Newsletter review statistics are also given by the report module.

E Gas Seva Java Project


E-Gas Seva is a java project which is developed to provide services for gas agency of Indian company. This java project  provides an in-depth service for gas.


E-Gas seva is a web application which user can apply and know the information about gas online. This project provides an interface for the users to book gas. By using this gas seva customers can  be highly benefitted with vast areas of company’s services.

E-gas seva will provide an username and password to the users by with they can do all the service online. Customers can view all the services provided at all the locations. It is easy to put a request like gas booking or for new  connection through our system. It is highly befitting to provide services to customers.

The customer can easily communicate with the dealers for asking connections, accessories, transferring services from one location to another location.This project makes all the gas bookings easier.


The main objective of this final year project is to make the path for LPG Gas connection and other services a smooth and easy way.


  • Admin:

Admin can manages the locations, dealers, no. of connections for the dealers.Admin can able to perform following operations:

  • online application form for dealer ship etc.
  • allocate the connections for dealers
  • adds the new locations
  • accepts dealers applications
  • Dealer:

Dealer manages the customers for particular location. Dealers can able to perform following operations:

  • transfer LPG connection to another location.
  • providing accessories
  • online booking facility for LPG Gas
  • receive the requests from the customers.
  • accepts the customers applications, accessories
  • Customers:

Customers are the users ,who gains services from our system. They put requests for  gas booking, cancellation or change service connection location etc to the dealers.

Software Requirements:

Web Presentation                                 :           HTML

Client – side Scripting                          :           JavaScript

Programming Language                      :           Java

Web based Technologies                     :           Servlets, JSP

Database Connectivity                          :           JDBC

Java Version                                         :           JDK1.6

Backend Database                                :           Oracle 10g

Operating System                                 :           Windows XP

Web Server                                           :           Tomcat 5.5

Browser                                                  :           IE/Mozilla

Development of Online Examination System Java & MySql database Project

The main aim of developing this Online Examination system is to provide all college examinations in educational institutions without manual efforts. Have developed this application using java and the MySql database.Here we divide the project into 3 major modules, They are Admin, Faculty, and Student.

The objective of the project:

This Online Examination system website contains many modules to conduct the exams in the proper manner that helps us to conduct exams. With the help of this site, exams can be conducted anytime, anywhere with ease. One of our objectives is to create a User-Friendly system and reach a responsive design. Make out report generated process fast so that user will not get wait.

Modules are described below

Admin features list


Manage subjects

  • Add subject  list
  • Delete subject  list
  • Edit  subject  list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exams (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Student management

  • add student
  • delete student

Manage results

admin can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions
  • delete questions
  • edit questions


Faculty features list


Manage subjects

  • add subjects list
  • delete the subjects list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exam (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Manage results

Students can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions

Manage questions

  • edit questions
  • delete questions

Edit your profile


Student features list:


View results

Take tests

  • View the list of attempted exams along with the result

Practice test

Resume test

Edit your profile


Technologies :

  • The student has to be present in the examination hall till the end for that please hide the submit button till the completion of the time
  • Please provide a timer for the exam.

Future scope

1. This Online Examination system will reduce the manual operation done by people.
2. People can directly enter the examination hall with one click.
3. People will be able to redirect to the link of the website where the exam is available.
4. Quick and accurate results.
5. No need for pen, paper, and any examiner.

Scope for Extension

Things that can be added to extend this project into a major one:

1. This Online Examination system web interface can also be converted into an android application for easy access to the people.
2. We can add some functionality related to the security of data.
3. Also, we can increase the efficiency of our system.
4. We can also focus to increase the restriction on Remote Proctoring to encourage talented students.
5. In this COVID-19 pandemic, the chances of extension of this project are very high.