Ghat Road Alerting System IoT Project

This is Ghat Road alerting System Project, The main aim of developing this Aurdino based IoT project is to provide safe & secure journey while travelling to the Ghat roads, Hill Stations, etc.

In this IoT project We are using 2 IR sensors, Aurdino board and blue tooth, status indications LEDs Red & Green.

In a Ghat route When the vehicle is coming from one direction, these 2 IR sensors senses that there is a vehicle is coming and the alert signal is sent to the opposite side vehicle and the same thing can be updated in the Android app also.

When the signal is green it indicates that it is safe to take turn which means there is no vehicle is coming in opposite direction.

These 2 sensors can give input to the aurdino and aurdino will send data to bluetooth and bluetooth send data to android app.

The below is the working procedure of the Ghat road alert system project.

Color Detection and Sorting using IOT

In this Color Detection and Sorting using IOT based project we are using Raspberry Pi, pi 3 camera and arduino.

When we keep red color in front of the camera, It can detect red color and displays on the monitor and moves the object one side . Just like that If you keep Blue color in front of the camera it detects and moves to another side.

The main theme behind the project is in industries if we need to separate items/objects based on the color we can use this algorithm to separate blue items in one box and red items in another box

Solar based Robot for Garden Grass Cutting and Watering Plants

The main aim of developing this Solar based Robot for garden grass cutting and watering Plants IoT project is to provide an easy way of cutting grass and watering methods to the formers without much manual interaction.

This is the solar powered grass cutting robot and water Sprinkler which includes Aurdino Board, Bluetooth, Two channel Relay module, and moto drivers and Solar panel, Cutter Blade.

Solar Panel used to charge the battery in the Day time and we have a water sprinkler which is used for pesticide sprinkler.

We have an android app where we are controlling the android app has Forward, Backword, left, Right, Cutter Blade on and Off, Water Sprinkler On and Off options.

Existing System:

There are lots of labor charge needed for a simple grass cutting work for present existing machines.
The electric and labor charge both costs give a heavy expense. The human body depends on the atmosphere and weather conditions.
The existing models are not capable to adjust the cutting blade.
They do only just cutting the grass only.

Proposed System:

We are developing a multi-tasking robot which can trim the grass with height adjustment and can water the plants in the garden.
The Robot is can also be used for surveillance.
This robot is controlled wireless with an RF remote.
This is power with solar energy.

Let us see the working condition of the project below.

This robot keeps going forward and backward to cut the grass.

Block Diagram of The project:


  • Arduino Uno.
  • DC Motors robot movements.
  • BLDC motor for grass cutting.
  • TSOP sensors for detecting obstacles.
  • Water sprinkler for water plants.
  • 12V Battery.


  • Cutting the Grass in following areas colleges.
  • Public Gardens.
  • Houses.
  • Parks etc.

Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project using Arduino

Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project is an IOT-based Electronics mini project for Academic Students, The main aim of developing this Kit is to remind medicines just like an alarm.

In this Smart Medicine Pill Reminder Project, we are using an Arduino board, APR33R3 Voice playback module connected to Amplifier and this connected to Speaker, we have an LCD also to display that.

the main intention before developing this project is to usually remind the medicines which have to be taken in the daily schedule and it is especially useful for old age people, patients, and busy people.

The below Video is the Working condition of the smart medicine pill reminder project.

This is how it reminds the message

Every after 10 seconds it will remind the message. Here we can adjust the time according to our convenience.

Here Aurdino is giving input to the APR33R3 and this gives input to the Amplifier and the amplifier gives the signal to the Speaker.

The output voice message can be visible on the LCD Screen also.

Smart Medicine Reminder For Elderly People Project:

The objectives of this project are to develop a prototype of a smart medicine reminder for elderly people that helps them consume the medicines right on time.


In recent times, the rate of consumption of medicines has highly increased due to the wide spreading of different diseases and illnesses across the globe. While some diseases are temporary, many diseases have a toll on human health for a lifetime. In the pursuit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we often find ourselves to be sick.

This could be threatening if not properly treated. A visit to the doctor and consumption of the medical prescription becomes a necessity. Nevertheless failing to consume the medicine regularly could cause a lot of problems. Keeping in mind this problem, the idea of creating a smart device that alerts the patient to take medicines right on time, so that they would recover soon and stay healthy without any issues in the body.







Needs no prior technical knowledge
Sound reminder enables the user to take medicines at regular times.
Easy to maintain.
Provide comfort and health.

Working Procedure:

The project begins by setting the time in the app created by MIT App Inventor.
On pressing the first button “SET ALARM”, the user is taken to a new screen that enables them to set the specific alarms.
On pressing the second button “SELECT MEDICINES”, the user is navigated to a web page, with which the user can make online shopping for the medicines.

This is the screen that enables the user to set the timings for the alarm.
Alarm 1, Alarm 2, and Alarm 3 is a time picker that helps the user to select a time.
On clicking the button “Set Alarm”, the alarm is set and send to the NodeMcu.

On clicking BUTTON 2, the user is directed to an online pharmacy website, where the user can make the purchase of the necessary medicines with just a click of the button.

The RTC keeps ticking as the module is given the power supply.
When the alarm time matches with the real-time, the buzzer blows and the LED corresponding to the time of the day glows at an interval of 1 second.
In the same way, the alarms for afternoon and night also ring along with the glowing of the LED, indicating to the user that it’s time for medicine.



Our project’s objective is to help elderly people. We conclude the results that our project is useful for those elderly people who take pills regularly and whose course of prescription is very long and difficult to remember. This device will notify them at the right time, the right medicine to be taken. This in turn helps them to stay fit and healthy without any issues.


A button on the device, on pressed can send an alert call/text to the caregiver if the user is ill or needs help.
A button, when not pressed after the notification, sends a message to the user and the caregiver an alert prompt

Agri-Bot (Agriculture Robot) Project


This agriculture robot project aims at designing a live Robot which is capable of seed sowing and performing operations like ploughing, seed dispensing and pesticide spraying.

In present days we have many machines which are capable of seed sowing but they are hand operated machines, so we are designing a robot which will drill the soil and sow the seeds this robot has two modes of operations like auto mode and manual mode, in auto mode it moves in a particular grid by help of sensors.

This robot is capable of receiving few sets of command instructions in the form of Bluetooth tones with help of android app and performs the necessary actions. Bluetooth module receives the commands we have an android app which will give signals to Bluetooth at robot for controlling the motion of the robot.

Working Operation

This agriculture robot has two modes one is auto mode another is a manual mode in manual this set with help of switch button in manual it works with Bluetooth (HC -05) signals, in auto mode it works with Help of IR sensor in front of the robot for making a grid pattern seed sowing,

In this agriculture robot project we are using Arduino UNO as motherboard which will control the robot driving motors and seed dispenser servo .entire project runs on 12V lead-acid battery.

Block Diagram:

Voice operated Grass Cutter Robot

In this voice operated grass cutter robot Project, we have used Arduino Uno board and Bluetooth to receive the voice commands from android mobile with help of the android app, 4 Channel relay circuit board to make motor H-bridge circuit for driving  4 DC Motors to make the robot move in multiple directions.

The entire communication is happening with the help of Bluetooth modules.

we have placed cutter blade in the bottom to cut the grass.

Working Operation of the grass cutter robot:

Step 1: Switch on the robot.

Step 2: In android mobile open the android app (voice-controlled application).

Step 3: In that app select voice control option and speak “forward, Backward ” etc… based on the commands robot will respond on the ground.

Smart Luggage System IoT Project


The main Idea of the Smart Luggage System IoT Project is to develop a luggage that could be user-friendly. The project is more of a luggage less of a robot.


  • Bags have always been an integral part of travel life whether it may be a travel bag or a plastic bag or even leather bag every bag has its own importance and carries different functions and utility.
  • Dragging the luggage all over the place has been done since the golden ages.
  • Thinking of a luggage which conveys its weight, tracks its location, which follows the user automatically or manually, by the touch of the present technology to the old baggage it may bring out its true potential.
  • This has motivated the project all along so that it is user-friendly and could be operated by a Smartphone.

Proposed System:

  • There are a lot of applications to the luggage but all of them are not controlled from the luggage instead the commands are sent from the mobile phone to the luggage via Machine to machine communication.
  • The mobile phone has a pre-installed application software with a pre-installed set of instructions.
  • They wait for the user to send the commands.
  • After the microcontroller embedded inside the luggage receives instruction from the user it acts accordingly. This can either be for tracking its location and send it to the user or send the luggage weight.

Hardware Components:

  • ESP8266 Wi-Fi module

Software components:


Working Model:

  1. When Bluetooth is Connected

2) When Wifi  is not Connected

App Screens:

Screenshot of app showing Welcome Page

Screenshot of app showing HomePage

Screenshot of app showing displaying Weighing Module
Screenshot of app Displaying Weight
Screenshot of app when Tracking is Pressed

Screenshot of app in Autonomous Mode
Screenshot of app in Manual Mode


  • Painting/Artwork Security:  With a GPS device owners can quickly learn the location of a stolen piece and recover it immediately.
  • Prevention of Car Theft: By installing a tracking device on a vehicle, the location of it can always be known. The vehicle can be easily recovered, but the device will also act as a deterrent for thieves. This will prevent the nightmare of having a car stolen from occurring in the first place.
  • Police & Private Detectives: Police can benefit by attaching tracking devices to baggage during investigations, allowing them to easily track movement and come up with solid evidence.
  • Hiking: With a GPS device, hikers who get lost can be recovered quickly should they ever come up missing


  • Don’t worry losing your luggage anywhere! It has an onboard GPS module to help you track its position using Google Maps.
  • Whole system integration is controlled through Application installed in Android where controlling the device will get very easy to the user.
  • Weighing the luggage will become easy.
  • The carry of luggage is changed with motorized wheels.

Future Scope:

  • The application should be more dynamic and it should show the live feed of the movement of the luggage which updates every time the luggage is in movement. The tracking could be taken online using the cloud technology.
  • The introduction of Digital Locks into the luggage will help the user secure the contents of the luggage with the help of dynamic encryption algorithms and techniques which will safeguard any Machine to Machine Communication.
  • It comes with GSM module which helps us to triangulate its location when GPS is failed to retrieve the data.
  • Get the status of the flights, regulations using app and pack accordingly.


  • The limitations of the traditional luggage will overcome with Smart Luggage. The market is still new and has potential to accept the new face of luggage.
  • Know the weight of your Luggage at any time and pack accordingly.
  • Move the luggage easily using autonomous and manual modes.
  • The smart luggage will ensure its safety and builds security for its user. From built-in scales to GPS tracking and mobile apps, these bags won’t make hauling stuff any lighter, but they could make the experience less harrowing.

Automatic soil irrigation over IOT Project Synopsis

Project Title: Automatic soil irrigation over IOT

Functional specifications: 

• The system will detect the moisture level in soil with help of moisture sensor.
• The system will be interfaced to Microcontroller board which will be tracking the status of soil moisture level.
• A Wi-Fi module is interfaced to Arduino motherboard and the same module is paired with the wireless router.
• A small water pump will be activated automatically when the moisture level in soil decreases to a minimum point.
• The entire unit works with 9V/ 1A power supply.
• User or admin will get the live status report of soil moisture level in ground and water pump running status from a remote location.

Non Functional specifications:

• The entire project electronics part is fixed in 200mm X 150mm X 100mm ABS plastic box with mounting holes.
• The entire system will be fixed in a waterproof box with IP 65 standards.
• This project will be easy to use and a person with minimum knowledge can also understand.
• The entire system has very minimum wires outside with proper name tags.
• The unit will easy to configure the surface (Tree/pole / flat surface).
• This project is totally shock protected.
• This project is low-cost automation for farmers/agriculture sectors.



• Soil moisture sensor 1no.
• Water motor pump 9V 1no.
• Water pipes 2 meters.
• Arduino board 1no.
• AC to DC Adaptor 9V/ 1A.
• ESP8266 wifi module
• Connecting wires.


• Arduino IDE is used to develop the entire project source code.
• Eagle CAD is used to develop circuit design.

Automatic Touch Screen Testing Machine Project Synopsis


  1. Abstract
  2. Electronics circuit and embedded systems
  3. Mechanical design.
  4. Microcontroller program
  5. Android app


Designing and developing an automation process for testing capacitive touch screen of mobile, there will be android app installed in mobile which displays few color blocks on lcd screen when capacitive touch pen touches the particular color blocks on lcd screen with help of automation process with X,Y and Z-axis movement by holding capacitive touch pen on Z-axis, when capacitive touch pen touches color blocks on lcd screen in this process color block on lcd screen will change if its touch sensitivity is good else the block color will remain same and feedback from android mobile is taken for evaluating performance of touch screen and feedback is displayed on LCD screen.


• XYZ axis router setup.
• Atmega 2586 Microcontroller board.
• DC motor driver L298.
• 12V/5A regulated supply.
• Hi-tech 645MG Servo motor z-axis movement.
• 2 DC motors for x-y plane axis movement.
• 2 DC motor encoders 16bit.
• Capacitive pen and its holder.
• 20X4 LCD Display.

Electronics circuit and embedded systems

In this Automatic Touch Screen Testing Machine project we are Arduino nano board which consists of Atmega328 microcontroller with 2KB RAM and 64 KB flash memory this board will act as control unit which gives signals to DRV8266 stepper driver motors and 16 X 2 LCD screen, we have 4 input switches to select menu options all these are interfaced with Arduino nano motherboard.

List of components used in this project.

• Arduino nano 1no.
• DRV8266 stepper motor driver 2nos.
• Nima 13 stepper motos 2nos.
• Servo motor 90G 1no.
• 16 X 2 alphanumeric LCD.
• Input switches.
• Connectors and wires.
• 12V / 2A Adaptor.
• Dotted PCB.
In our Automatic Touch Screen Testing Machine project, we have used dotted PCB for interfacing.

Block diagram of electronics parts

Circuit working operation

We are using 12V / 2A adaptor for powering our circuit board Arduino nano and DRV8825, Arduino nano plays a major role in this Automatic Touch Screen Testing Machine project.

Arduino Based Weather Station Monitoring System

The objective of this Arduino project is to build weather monitoring station. In this project, we are measuring temperature, Humidity, atmospheric pressure etc.

The main features of our project design are that it is small in size, low cost, less weight, less power consumption etc. We are here using DHT11 Sensor which can measure physical parameters temperature, humidity. BMP180 Sensor from Bosch is basically a pressure sensor.

We are here using Arduino board which has Atmega328 microcontroller to process data. It displays the result on 20x4LCD. It shows parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure etc. It plays important role in weather stations.




1. Atmega328 Microcontroller (Arduino UNO)
2. DHT11 , BMP180
3. 20×4 LCD Display
4. Regulated Power Supply