Automatic Vehicle Accident Alert System using IBM Cloud

In this Automatic Vehicle Accident Alert System project, we are using Node MCU, Arduino UNO, Accelerometer, and GPS module to store the location of the vehicle and to send an immediate alert message to the nearby hospitals, police stations…etc. Here we use serial communication to send the information from Arduino to Node MCU.

The Arduino receives the latitude and longitude values of the vehicle from the GPS module. The accelerometer reads the XYZ axis values. These values are read by Arduino. The XYZ values are compared with the condition given in the code to check whether the vehicle is met with an accident or not.

If the vehicle is met with an accident, latitude, and longitude values are copied to the NodeMCU, and the message is sent to the nearby police stations, and hospitals using the msg91 application. The GPS location of the vehicle is continuously stored in the IBM cloud.

Block Diagram:

Block Diagram of Vehicle Accident Detection

Hardware components:

  • Arduino
  • Node MCU
  • GPS Module- NEO-6m
  • Accelerometer- ADXL-335

Software Components:

  • Arduino IDE
  • IBM Cloud
  • msg91

Home Safety and Security System Using IoT Project

The main objective of the Home Safety and Security System Using IoT project is to implement a home safety and security system with the following features:

  • Monitoring and detection of leaks in LPG gas
  • Unauthorized opening of door/window

Hardware Requirements:

The hardware for the project consists of:

GISMO-V board with:

  • ESP32 dual-core 32-bit processor with Wi-Fi and BLE
  • MQ6 sensor module
  • Magnetic switch assembly
  • 0.96” OLED display with 128×64 resolution

Cloud Platform:

In this project, we are going to use Google’s firebase as a cloud database. It is a No-SQL database in which data is stored as Key-Value pairs.

To access the database the following credentials are required

  • Host URL
  • Database authentication key

These credentials are put into the ESP32 firmware to access the Google Firebase.
The keys used to store the parameter values in the project are:

  • IOTLAB/HSSS/Gas_Leak
  • IOTLAB/ HSSS/Window_Open

Mobile App:

  • The Modular rapid mobile app development utility is used for the development of the mobile app. The utility has two modes, a Developer mode, and a Blocks mode. Different functional blocks are available in developer mode, they are – User Interface, Sensors, Connectivity, Firebase, and so on.
  • In the Blocks mode, a timer with timing set to two seconds will fetch the LPG gas concentration and magnetic switch status values from the Firebase database and fill it in the appropriate place in the UI.
  • To access the Firebase dataset its credentials will be placed in the Firebase component of the Modular app.

Mobile App development of Home Safety and Security System Using IoT Project

Results and Conclusions:

With the help of the MQ6 sensor and magnetic switch, we monitored the leakage in LPG gas and also the window/door open status.
We can get notified with the help of the mobile app.

Download the complete Home Safety and Security System Using IoT Project code, report, ppt, design document, and SRS.

Design & Development of Smart Dustbin Project


The Smart Dustbin Project comes under the domain of Environment, Health, and Hygiene. Through this Smart Dustbin project, we aimed to build a working prototype of a dustbin whose lid opens automatically, without any contact when a person comes near it (in the range of 2 – 30 centimeters) to throw the trash. Since the process is contactless it maintains public hygiene and sanitation. Moreover, there are many instances in public places where the dustbins overflow because of irregularity in the waste collection from the dustbin (which is usually done by the municipality sanitation workers).

To overcome this issue, our next target was to provide functionality such that when the dustbin is full, it will not open at all if the person comes near it to throw the trash. Now, a sanitation worker will need to open the bin to empty the contents irrespective of whether it is full. Therefore, to unload the bin in case it is full we provided a switch that when pressed will open the lid in any case. And in this case, the lid will continue to remain open until there is an object (hand) in front of the ultrasonic sensor in the predefined range.

This Smart Dustbin product can be useful in all the places where the dustbin is frequently used and minimal or no contact is expected from the user. For example, doctors can use this in an operation theatre, flight attendants can use it while serving food, it can also be used in public toilets, etc. In countries like India, where waste management is a crucial problem, it is important to work further on such products that provide methods to collect the garbage along with maintaining proper hygiene as well as contributing to the environment.


Using a microcontroller-based system, we achieved the 3 functionalities at the end of this project that we had aimed for.

1. First, we were able to open the dustbin without any contact using the ultrasonic sensor (the side sensor). It is programmed to detect motion in the range of 2 – 30 centimeters in front of it and this will open the lid.

2. The second functionality is that when the dustbin is full (it reaches a level defined in the code), it will not open even if there is movement in front of the side sensor. This functionality is helpful to resolve the issue of the overloaded dustbins which are often seen in public places all around India. The level of the garbage inside the dustbin is sensed using another ultrasonic sensor (the top sensor).

3. Finally, the last functionality is to be able to unload the dustbin when it is full. This functionality is needed because when the garbage in the dustbin reaches a particular level, after that it can not be opened even with the motion in front of the side sensor (because of the second functionality). Therefore, in this case, to unload the dustbin for reusing we added a pushbutton in our circuit.

Components Used:

  • 2 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors – One on the cylindrical surface (Side Sensor) and the other on the lid (Top Sensor)
  • Mini/Micro Servo Motor (9 gms)
  • 4-pin push button
  • Resistor
  • 9-volt power supply
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard code:

Visit Here to Download the Complete Smart Dustbin project code, report, Output Video Link, and any academic project help from the project developer.

A Smart & Secure Helmet IoT Project


This Smart & Secure Helmet IoT Project is aimed at using the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) and chemistry with the rider’s helmet to provide extensive safety, guidance, and health care features. The following features are planned to be implemented in a phase-wise manner in the project :

1. Internet of Things(IoT) based traffic emergency system

2. Internet of Things(IoT) based traffic guidance system

3. Extensive protection from sunstrokes

4. GPS tracking

All these facilities are to be implemented on the helmet with maximum cost efficiency to make the final product within the reach of the Indian common man.


The goal of this project is :

  • To provide advanced traffic safety mechanisms through IoT to the people at affordable costs.
  • To provide IoT-based traffic guidance system to the people – first target: Tier-1 cities in India
  • To provide extensive protection from sun strokes, especially during the hot summer season in India
  • To make this project an innovative platform for many other applications like Easy GPS tracking, Health sensor, etc.


There has been a multiple-fold rise in the number of road accidents in recent days and many times, emergency services have faced difficulty in a timely response to the situation.

In large cities, sometimes the emergency services find it difficult to locate the spot of the accident based on a phone call.

Companies(logistics, customer service) face difficulties in tracking the vehicles of their employees

Even with the heavy risk of not wearing a helmet, People do it as they find it inconvenient to wear a helmet in hot humid sub-Continent conditions. Our new chemical system compartment in the helmet solves it.

All these situations prompted us to look into the possibility of IoT coming up helping people in these cases and we found out that in the initial phases of our project, we can use the helmets used by people while driving. Later the same technology can be used on other vehicles to provide an all-around extensive safety mechanism.

Class Diagram:


The helmet will be mounted with appropriate sensors at appropriate positions on the helmet. They are calibrated to sense high impact due to an accident or crash.

Once they detect the designated input, the rider’s location is immediately sent to a cloud of hospitals, and the nearest hospital is notified about that so that the ambulance can reach the spot immediately.

1. Immediate response to any accident by the emergency services since all of them become a part of the network (of things).

2. The location of the accident is too updated to the emergency services so that finding the location won’t be much trouble.

3. Details of the personnel are also updated to the emergency service center so that formalities of paperwork may be completed beforehand.

4. Continues tracking of employees for Companies like logistics, customer service, etc.

5. Proper Traffic Guidance using Google Services.

6. Humidity reduction inside Helmet.

7. Many inbuilt Bluetooth facilities like automatic call acceptance (while driving) etc.

Conclave on the Internet of Things provided us with exposure to the applications of the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) and several other creative approaches that solve day-to-day problems by invoking the interconnection and sharing between the day-to-day products.

Apart from the conclave, we would like to appreciate the suggestions and help from the faculties which proved to be a priceless booster to our project.

We are a team dedicated to the research and development of creative solutions to day-to-day problems. We aim at creating smart, simple, innovative ad cost-effective solutions which could be affordable for the common man of India.

Future Work

PROTOTYPE-II: To implement a traffic guidance system using Google services.

PROTOTYPE-III: To implement a fully integrated traffic safety and guidance system

Smart Traffic Light Control System Embedded Systems Project


Considering the heavy traffic congestion on daily basis sometimes emergency vehicles like ambulances get stuck in the congestion which complicates the situation. Normal traffic lights are not able to operate according to the requirement of emergency vehicles. So, our project aims to make them operate keeping the track of the emergency.


We are operating the traffic light based on the interruption given by the emergency vehicle. So when it gets interrupted by an ambulance it turns off all the traffic signals apart from the one on which the ambulance is coming.
Proposed- In the Smart Traffic Light Control System project IR transmitter is being used which will transmit the code and the receiver will detect it then the microcontroller(Arduino) will get an interrupt and it will stop the normal functioning of the traffic signal and free the path of the ambulance by making the light green.
CCN components to be applied-
Source encoding and Decoding and error detection like checksum and parity Checker.

Design Schematic/Flow Diagram/Block Diagram

Components Used (S/w, H/w)

Hardware components:

• IR module
• Arduino
• Breadboard
• LEDs, Resistors
• Jumper and connecting wires

Software Used:

• Arduino(IDE)

Cost Estimation:

Around 250 if we use a general microcontroller instead of Arduino.

Work Done

Whenever there is no emergency vehicle like an ambulance, the traffic system will work as usual but when the vehicle comes it will turn on the green light (according to the program) so the ambulance will not have to wait.
For making it foolproof, source encoding and error detection are done by assigning a specific code to the ambulance.

Working Constraints

  • The traffic congestion needs to happen for deploying this technique.
  • Only aiming at VIP/Ambulance vehicles.
  • Works using IR so restricted to a particular radius.
  • Only applicable to Tier-1 cities with traffic lights already installed.

Future Scope of Project

  • In the future, this project can be implemented for every vehicle irrespective of the priority.
  • IR can be replaced by GPS modules to increase the effectiveness and span of the connection.
  • It can be used as a tracking device by the company to seek their employee’s current positions, like pizza delivery or e-kart suppliers, etc.
  • By using the tracking sensor we can implement our traffic cloud system to help users to navigate through the less clumsy path.

School Bag Security Device Microcontroller Project

Bag Security is a device developed in partial fulfillment of the course of Microcontroller and its applications that gives an indication to the owner whenever the Bag zip is opened when it is carrying. This School Bag Security project also displays the number of books in the bag which is useful for children below 10 years to verify whether they are carrying the same number of books they bought from home or not.




For increment first, the IR sensor1 will be detected and then IR sensor2 will be detected then only the book will be increment. IR sensor1 should be placed near the bag zip and IR sensor2 should be placed below the IR sensor1.

This shows the connections for our project left side two switches are IR sensors and the left side two switches are one switch and another IR sensor



For Decrement first, the IR sensor2 will be detected and then IR sensor1 will be detected then only the book will be decrement. IR sensor1 should be placed near the bag zip and IR sensor2 should be placed below the IR sensor1.


EXPLANATION for case3:

The buzzer should ring only when we are carrying the bag and also when the zip is opened the truth table explains that. So, we kept the switch on the bag Zip and the Ir sensor below the zip inside the bag. When the switch is on and also the Ir sensor detects the light then the buzzer or LED will be ON.


We have designed a device that will ring the buzzer only when we are carrying the bag and also when the zip is opened. And also, we have included an LCD which displays the number of books in the Bag.


  • Microprocessor development board
  • AT89C51
  • LCD

Download School Bag Security Project

This project was developed with an 8051 Microcontroller.

Cloud-enabled Vehicle Theft and Accident Detection System Project

For vehicle theft, in this project for the opening of the door we first click on the button, after a few seconds we get an OTP (random number) generated by Arduino through the GSM module to the phone number stored in the Arduino, we again text back the same random number.

After some time the OTP will be checked, if it’s correct the door will be opened, in our Vehicle Theft and Accident Detection System project the servo motor rotates, if it’s wrong the buzzer will ring indicating someone is opening or stealing the vehicle

A mobile phone is also used for the owner’s interaction with the device installed in the vehicle, so that, when the owner wants to track the vehicle, only he/she can do it.


In this Cloud-enabled Vehicle Theft and Accident Detection System Project work, we use the accelerometer to detect the position on different axis (to detect the toppling condition) of the vehicle during an accident. The output of the accelerometer acts as an input to the microcontroller present on the board. The GSM & GPS module fitted onto the device computes the latitude and longitude value for the vehicle. The time, latitude, and longitude values are recorded periodically. The sensor value is transmitted to the cloud in the event of an occurrence of an accident.

A continuous application runs in the background and recursively compares each vehicle’s sensor field to some standard value. A deviation from the standard value retrieves the address of the location from the last updated longitude and latitude via the API.

The occurrence of an accident is promptly reported to nearby hospitals and the police through the messaging service. With the GSM and GPS module installed in the device, the location of the car can be tracked in real-time, which helps the police to recover a stolen car.

Download the complete CLOUD-ENABLED-VEHICLE-THEFT-AND-ACCIDENT-DETECTION-SYSTEM source code, Project Report, PPT, and Output Video Files and Android apk.

Obstacle Avoidance Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project

This Obstacle Avoidance Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project work is mainly based on Arduino, Motor driver, and Bluetooth module. Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform that is based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino makes use of an ATmega328 microcontroller.

Robotics has become a major part of our day-to-day life and also it plays a vital role in the development of new technology in the engineering field. This is a simple type of remote control car, where the ordinary microcontroller has been replaced by Arduino and the IR sensors have been replaced by the Bluetooth module.

The remote device to control this device can be any android or IOS mobile phone. And in this, we have also included the ultrasonic sensor which detects any obstacle present in front if any it stops the car. This project can be made used on a large scale for real-time vehicles.

hardware implementation of the circuit diagram including ultrasonic sensor

This project is controlling cars not by using sensors or transmitters but by using Bluetooth which is a very simple medium of communication in the present day. The remote device which controls this project is an android device that has an inbuilt Bluetooth module. Through Bluetooth, we can connect two devices.

Here we have inserted a Bluetooth module that gets connected to the phone‘s Bluetooth, which allows us to communicate and allows to take control over it. The main control of the car is played by the Arduino UNO which is the micro-controller ATMEGA32. Arduino has played a major role in the robotic section and it had made it easier to convert digital and analog signals to physical movements.

This project is Bluetooth-based because it gives us a wider range of control and more efficiency. It also gives us the advantage of changing the remote anytime, so that we can use any android device including phones, tablets, and computers. Physical barriers like walls and doors do not affect controlling the car. We have also included the ultrasonic sensor which helps the bot to stop automatically when an obstacle is present before it. An obstacle detector is added to protect the system from obstacles on the way by using an ultrasonic sensor that is mounted on the servo motor.

The voice-controlling commands are successfully transmitted via Bluetooth technology and on reception; the desired operations successfully take place. This project reduces human efforts in places or situations where human interventions are difficult. Such systems can be brought into use in places such as industries, military, and defense, research purposes, etc.

Hardware components to implement this project:

  • Arduino UNO
  • Motor shield
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
  • Servo Motor
  • Jumper Wires
  • Bo Motor 300 rpm
  • Car Kit

Download the complete OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE VOICE CONTROLLED ROBOT Final Year ECE Project code & Report.

Automating the Irrigation Process by Analyzing the Soil & Weather Conditions

This is Automating the Irrigation Process by Analyzing the Soil & Weather Conditions Project.

The main aim of developing this Smart Irrigation System IoT project to provide easy irrigation methods to the farmers as per the Soil & Weather Conditions.

In this project, we are using GSM Module (SIM300 Module), this is used to receive text messages from the Android app and it gives the message to the Arduino UNO board.

The Job of the Arduino board is to read messages from the GSM and it will process the output for the motors and it will also tell us the status of the soil moisture, temperature, and humidity in the agriculture field.

Smart Irrigation System IoT project

This project 2 Modes

In Auto mode, it detects the soil and if it is dry The motor will be on and If it is wet then the motor will be off.

and can swich on/off the pestiside motor also.

In Manual Mode, the farmer can switch on the motor manually with the help of the Android app.

Whatever the messages We send via an Android app, The GSM receives and it sends to the Arduino UNO board over serial communication.

from this Arduino we have 2 Relays, Relays are nothing but electromechanical switch. This Arduino giving a signal to the relay board.

The below is the working procedure of the Smart Irrigation System project.

Ghat Road Alerting System IoT Project

This is Ghat Road alerting System Project, The main aim of developing this Aurdino based IoT project is to provide safe & secure journey while travelling to the Ghat roads, Hill Stations, etc.

In this IoT project We are using 2 IR sensors, Aurdino board and blue tooth, status indications LEDs Red & Green.

In a Ghat route When the vehicle is coming from one direction, these 2 IR sensors senses that there is a vehicle is coming and the alert signal is sent to the opposite side vehicle and the same thing can be updated in the Android app also.

When the signal is green it indicates that it is safe to take turn which means there is no vehicle is coming in opposite direction.

These 2 sensors can give input to the aurdino and aurdino will send data to bluetooth and bluetooth send data to android app.

The below is the working procedure of the Ghat road alert system project.