Puducherry Tourism Statistical Report and Information System


Puducherry statistical analysis and information center is a website designed for Puducherry tourism Department. In this web site people who all over the world can know the details about Puducherry. One can find its location, specialty and can find their place to stay in Puducherry. As an information center, peoples can get all the important details about Puducherry like the Hotels, Restaurants and its location. They can also find the available travel services and packages in Puducherry are. Help Desk allows one to know the important contacts in Puducherry.

This project contains various modules like User, Admin, and Hotel.  The whole project has been developed by using PHP, HTML, CSS, and MYSQL as a back-end tool.

The User module is a complete Web site for the peoples to see. Peoples can enter into the Web Site freely can collect information’s, know its location and can see photos of Puducherry. The whole website will be User-Friendly and attractive.

Admin module concerns with maintaining the tourist information of Puducherry. They have to collect this information from the hotels located in Puducherry and have to send the details to Indian Government. This manual work is now changed as a computerized work. The department can collect the information from the hotels through the website and can print the details in the given proforma.

Hotel module concerns with updating hotel data’s to the admin database online. The person who is managing the details of the customers who is coming to a particular hotel has to update the database with a unique username and password. They can change the password to their sufficiency. The hotel management updates the database to the Tourism department through the website.

Both the Admin and Hotel module are designed with high security with username and password.


To develop a better website for Puducherry tourism department
To increase Security for information’s
To update the information using internet facility
To reduce manual work in a simple way.
To reduce the Paper works


The organization is undergoing major work through human interventions.
Maintaining Tourist information
Maintaining Hotels in Puducherry
Sending Details to the Government
Maintaining the Proforma of every month


The proposed system reduces the manual activities in the existing system.
It helps in maintaining the information of tourist and hotels in Puducherry in a database which replaces the paper.
Writing the details in the paper is replaced by printing the information in the paper.
The proforma will be printed whenever necessary so no need to maintain it the information in the paper.


Database files are maintained instead of papers, which contains all the necessary details about the hotels and tourist.
The proposed system provides faster access.
The system provides effective report generators.
The organization’s cost and time effectively reduced by the automated system.


1) User

This module is a complete website which is designed for the Department of tourism.
People can collect information about Puducherry with this site.
As the concept of AJAX is implemented with this Web site people find it easier to load the pages.


2) Admin

This module concerns with maintaining the tourist information of Puducherry.
The information’s collected from the hotels can be saved in the database and can be used to print proforma.
They can add a new hotel and view the information of a particular hotel.
This module was designed with a secured login hence the user has to log in with the password.


3) Hotel

Hotel module concerns with updating hotel data’s to the admin database in using internet facility.
The person who is managing the details of the customers coming to a particular hotel has to update the database.
The updating of the database was carried out with a unique username and password by using the Pondicherry Tourism Web site.


TABLE DESIGN (user_admin)

TABLE DESIGN (hotel details)


  • A search system can be incorporated to search for a particular place in Puducherry.
  • Facility of booking of tickets and rooms can be done through the internet.
  • May enhance the payment scheme for ticket booking through internet.
  • Calendar events of Puducherry can be added.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • API


  • PHP (for server-side scripting)
  • JAVASCRIPT (for client-side scripting)


  • MySQL


  • AJAX

Output Results:

Home Page

How to reach



View Hotel

Printing Proforma

  1. Install XAMPP
  2. How to connect the DB
    • Go to the URL http://localhost.
    • U will be navigated to another screen
    • In that click on PHPMyAdmin on the left side panel
    • On the new screen in the create new database text box type” tourism_pdy” and click on create.
    • In the new screen comes up you can find the option to create a new table for the existing DB. There look for Import option in the upper navigation.
    • Now click on import and import the text file “tourism_pdy” which I gave with the project and click on go
    • Now it will show “Import has been successfully finished, 29 queries executed.”
    • Database part is completed
  3. How to run the project
    • Copy the source code and paste it here in the path “C:\xampp\htdocs”. Means that the project source code should be inside the htdocs folder of the XAMPP. (This is very important)
    • Now open the browser and give the URL like “http://localhost/project_folder_name/index.php”
    • If the source code is copied as such it should be http://localhost/pondi/index.php
    • Now you will be able to see the project

Art Auction Houses Data Science Project in Python

Art Auction Case Study:

Art auction application provides buying and selling of artworks. The normal way of sale of an artwork is auction places buy artworks from the art owners and sell it to the customers who bid more. The bidder bids a maximum price based on the art’s Naturality, quality, and artist value.
The dataset provided contains details of art auctions from various art houses and the details about the art piece auctioned and the other details about the auction


We would like you to perform an exploratory analysis on the dataset provided. Please take a shot at analyzing this dataset using any tool of your choice and create a summary of key insights and analysis charts.
The questions to be solved are:
a) How many art pieces were auctioned in zip codes mentioned?
b) Which country has contributed most in the auction?
c) Highlight the states which have sold most of the paintings?
d) How many paintings were made between the year 1947-1950?
e) Which artist has sold the most number of paintings?
f) Which dimensions of the art were used the most?
g) Categorize according to the sales of art in terms of year in which they were made?
h) List out the top 10 buyers.
i) Distribution of Acquisition price of art over the country.
j) How many arts are insured above the average minimum insurance price?
k) How much difference is there for actual cost and buyers cost?
l) How many arts were sold online according to year?
m) Which artist got the highest rating below 5?
n) In which year most of the arts were the good purchase?
o) Design out a predictive model to show whether the purchases were good purchases or not?
You can use your own way of visualization and Modelling.

Mini Project on Online Car Pooling System


The online carpooling system is a web-based application is to provide us with a simple riding platform between the car owner and car user. This project enables users to access mobility assets own by others exactly when they need. It shows a medium for available cars to pick up them on the interest of car owner with time and capacity.


Personal ride booking and sharing services allow customers to arrange transportation quickly.
Ride booking Apps typically use a smartphone, GPS technology to match a customer’s location with the nearest available car.
In this online carpooling system, the customer receives an estimated pickup time, a description of the arriving vehicle, and an image of the driver. At the destination, the user can pay automatically.

Existing System

The online carpooling system is an emerging criterion that provides comfortable and consistent rides for both the user and the car owner using this application within the city can be somewhat difficult.

Proposed System

The online carpooling system connects car owners to people in their vicinity who needs a vehicle.
A platform as a link between supply and demand is provided creating a new mobility service.
The ride fare is fixed by the car owner within the range of kilometers traveled and will even take care of all administrative issues.


Car – owner:
To connect with server owner must give their username and password then only they can able to connect the server.

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Car owner login with id
  • Step3: Searching for the server
  • Step4: Connect to the server
  • Step5: viewing the admin details
  • Step6: Conformed the ride
  • Step7: Stop

Owner accepting nearby user, the owner is going to get the request from the user considering his starting point.

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Admin login with username and password
  • Step3: We need to register by giving all the details
  • Step4: Start the ride
  • Step5: User searching for this ride related post
  • Step6: Selecting the ride
  • Step7: Viewing user details and ride details
  • Step8: Stop

After getting the registration request to the admin, he personally verifies whether the user or the car owner is genuine or not .if genuine then there request is accepted.

  • Step 1: Start
  • Step 2: Admin will make a post of his ride
  • Step 3: User login with username and password
  • Step 4: User needs to register the details
  • Step 5: Viewing user details
  • Step 6: Admin accepts the user details
  • Step 7: If the admin does not accept the requesting user needs to choose another driver
  • Step 8: Stop

UML Diagrams:

ER Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

Mini Project on Time Table Generator


The timetable is needed to be scheduled in such a way that the number of different courses with a number of subjects in each, handled by a limited faculty provided with their slots and timings does not overlap.


Timetable generator automatically schedules timetable for students and faculty which reduces the manual work.
Once the inputs like faculty with their respective subjects are given it will generate the period slots for the entire week and also for the substitutional hours.

Existing System:

Previously timetable was manually made by the head of the departments that involves a lot of manual work and is a time consumptive process.

Proposed System:

This system will help the colleges to generate the timetable automatically without any manual workload and saves a lot of time that plays a prominent role in the present lifestyle.


1. Admin Module

The admin is responsible for taking all the details of the faculty, course, subject, semester and how many hours a day the classes last. The admin generates the timetable according to all these factors.

2. Faculty Module

  • The faculty gives all of their details to the admin
  • In the case, at times the faculty could take a leave as well
  • In times like these, the facility is responsible to send the reason, date and on which period the leave is to be taken.
  • The substitute faculty gets the request.
  • The substitute faculty has the facility to either accept or reject the substitute hour.
  • Then this is sent back to the faculty informing about the request.
  • According to the timetable is modified.

3. Time Table Generation Module

In this module, generation is done by considering the maximum and minimum workload for each faculty. This will be generated by the admin and viewed by the faculty who are the users of this system.

Work Flow:

Step 1:- Start
Regular timetable
Step 2:- The details of the hours, subjects and faculty names handling each subject is taken.

  • a. 7 hours per day
  • b. 6 subjects per semester
  • c. 4 labs per semester
  • d. Number of faculties, 10

Step 3:- Read the details provided.
Step 4:- Validate the details and a timetable is created accordingly.
Substitute timetable
Step 5:- The details of the substitute faculty is taken.
Step 6:- Read the date, reason and substitute faculty available for the subject.
Step 7:- The request is sent to the substitute facility.
Step 8:- The substitute faculty accepts or rejects the request.
Step 9:- The details are read.
Step 10:- Accordingly the timetable is generated.
Step 11:- Stop

ER Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

Graphical Representation of Student Performance and Project Reporting System


This project can implement features like: The first feature is “Graph”, it shows the graphical representation of the student’s performance (attendance and aggregate). The second feature is the “Projects”, here all the project titles with description are stored in the database so that it will be helpful to our juniors and it also helps to know if the new projects are colliding with existing.

Existing System:

  • In our college, the projects are stored in the CDs so there is a problem in accessing.
  • In our college website, the student’s performance is not shown clearly.

Proposed System:

In our application, we are introducing “Graphs” and “Projects”.
Graphs – Here the student’s performance(like attendance, marks) is shown in charts. Where bar graphs are aggregate in semester wise and curve graph for attendance.
Projects – Here all the projects are stored, we create a hyperlink of all the project titles when we click on it the page will be redirected to the project description. There is a search bar where we can search any project by the project’s name or by guide’s name or by the year and duplication of projects can be eliminated.

Modules of Project

Modules Description

Back End: Database, which stores the student details and list of projects with their description.
Front End: User interface, where the client can view charts and project lists.
Middle End: It is the logic or Java code which retrieves data from the database(backend) and display it in the form of charts and it also displays the project lists so that it is easy to access rather than from the CDs.


  • We used MySQL for storing student information and list of projects with descriptions.
  • Java language for coding the logic and HTML & CSS for designing the page.
  • Morris.js chart, JChart are the packages helpful for projecting the charts.
  • Every project title is hyperlinked to its description.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Screen Shots:


Our data set includes student’s details of our college like every semester marks, attendance percentage and details of all the projects done by students of CSE.


In this project, we showed the students performance in the form of charts so that it is easy to know the student’s overall performance.
This project also consists the details of all the projects done by the CSE students in our college.

Mini Project on Agile Project Management System


To know how many action items can be completed in each sprint, which helps in reducing the time taken to finish the given project.


In this management system, the users can create projects in which the stories, sprints and action items can be created or updated respectively. Here stories represent the overview of the project, action items represent the procedural flow of the story, sprints indicates the time interval in which the action items can be completed.


• User
• System


1. Authorized users login into the application.
2. The user selects from the list of projects.
3. The user creates or updates the story.
4. The user creates the action items for the selected story.
5. The user creates sprints by using required action items.


• The changes done in the project by the user are updated in the database and are saved for a future purpose, validates the user.

Use Case Diagram:

Knowledge Zone and K Blogs Project Synopsis


The project is aimed at developing a utility application that can enhance the teaching-learning curve in an institution. It further gives the students an opportunity to improve their research abilities in a particular subject area. The knowledge zone system will provide file upload and publish content option. This application is intended to develop the research skills of the stakeholders such as, faculties and the students. Administrator creates the master data which initiates the system, and enables the users to use the system. Users at different levels register with the system to post their articles on a particular subject with the keywords and also the subject related details. The Search feature will be enabled based on the keywords / authors and the article titles. Search can also be done based on the dates of the articles posted. This further can be complemented with a blog facility/option wherein users of the system can review the articles posted and add their point of view on the specified topic. This enables to group all the related information on a specific topic/subject area thus creating a knowledge base for the benefit of all the users concerned


Admin: System will have a separate admin or it can be HOD. Will approve student and faculty registrations. Will post the initial master data like categories, sub-categories, topics, description and related information for added topics. Once the content or information for a topic is published, it can be viewed by students and faculty both. Admin will also manage permission which will allow publishing content to the portal. If permission is provided to publish then a logged in student or faculty can publish content for a topic. Admin will also review the content and topics that are published by logged in users and once admin approves it, they are available for viewers in the portal.

Article Module: This Module will be used by admin and other logged in users to publish their own content for different topics. Articles once published will be forwarded to admin and they will be approved for viewer availability.

Dashboard: It will basically be the front end frame which will showcase the latest published topics and show a link which when clicked will open the content for the topic. It will be the catchy responsive part of the portal which actually will have search option too for searching specific topics. Topics that are shown in the dashboard (latest ones) will also show info related to the author who published it and publication date. It will also have download option which will allow content download for the selected topic.

Features In the system:

  • The option will be provided in the portal to like a published content.
  • The option will be provided to comment on a published content.
  • Share option will be provided for the posts that have been posted to the system by admin and faculty.

User Types: Admin / Faculty / Student / HOD

Technology to Use:

Design and Markup

– HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behaviour
– AngularJS will be used for making the site responsive and secured as per scripting is concerned.

Server side language (anyone can be used depending upon your preference)
– PHP (Core PHP or any framework like CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel)
– C# and Asp (with a bootstrap framework or DNN skin)

Database Software (anyone can be used depending upon your preference and server setup)
– SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Crystal Market E Kart Web Portal Project


This concept basically related to a portal which will allow dealers or vendors and customer linking on a common platform. This portal will be a web platform wherein vendor will register and add crystal products. They can also differentiate and highlight special crystals as per horoscope ( as they have a huge market). Once crystals are added they will be available for sale which can be searched and added to kart by customers for buying. Portal will provide an easy to use and responsive website.

Project Description in Brief:

The requirement will be to develop an admin module which will be used to sell products, register vendors, register customers, cart functionality and related crystals functionality. We can also manage coupons from admin panel. This will also involve web service / API which will communicate with Website front end and database and save data securely via admin panel.
We will also have employee management wherein executives delivering the sold products to customers will be registered and in turn, will track the delivery part. The application will involve order management and delivery. This will involve executive, the order created and tracking id.
The application will have an informational part too like About US, Terms & conditions, Privacy policy etc which basically will be static pages.

User Types: Admin, Customer, Employee logins (no vendor login as discussed)

  • Admin will have access to all modules in the web and can monitor everything in the application.
  • Customer / Buyer will have access to crystal products view and can browse through and access offers and then finally add products to the kart and order the same.
  • The employee is basically the delivery executive login who will actually manage the deliveries and will have access to the related delivery management screens only
  • Vendor / Seller is basically related to sellers who will register themselves, add their products to the admin panel and the added products will be marketed via the website.


Users Modules: Will involve login, registration and log out as the basic functionalities. Users will also have My basket functionality to manage the crystal products added to the kart. My orders will deal with the story of transactions and orders for a logged in and registered customer. My profile will have edit, delivery address manage option, change the password and other details that are necessary.

Admin Panel: Admin being an important module will manage delivery executive employees and their delivery history as it will be linked to order and delivery management. Customers also will be managed by the admin panel. Vendors will register to the application and we can manage vendors via admin panel. Registered vendors will be able to add their products which will be advertised for sale in the crystal market portal. Admin will most importantly manage the categories and subcategories that are involved in adding products and then their sales via the portal. It will also manage the filters that will be provided for searching for various types of crystals.

Kart Module: This Module actually will handle the addition of crystal products which are anticipated to be ordered by a viable customer.  It will be then linked to order management and delivery tracking.

Delivery / Order tracking: It will basically show which order is linked to a particular executive as admin will assign it to a particular executive. Complete delivery status can be tracked in this module. As per order management is concerned once a product is confirmed in kart it will be transferred to order tracking as an order id is assigned to it. And then a delivery executive is assigned an order. This workflow actually provides a flexible tracking system.

Future Enhancements:

  • We can come up with SMS alerts for delivery tracking and registration messages.
  • We can provide reports module with a different type of reports for admin login related to sales, order and delivery reports.
  • We can also introduce a comprehensive invoice module too.
  • Add coupon management system via admin panel

Technology to Use

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behavior
  • Bootstrap / Angular JS will be used for making the site responsive and as a framework.
  • PHP (CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel) OR .Net with framework
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Java Mini Project on Vehicle Hiring System


Vehicle hiring system is a web-based application designed to provide the user with an easy way to hire vehicles like cars, buses, vans, lorries etc on rent.
The customer has to choose the vehicle of his choice, the location where he wants to board the vehicle and pay for the rental online.
This application calculates the fare based on three categories short distance, medium distance, and long distance.


Vehicle hiring system is a web application which includes an end user i.e, a customer in which they can make a reservation and view other related information about their reservation.
The administrator has all authorities to change and manage the system such as adding a new vehicle, removing and updating any related information about the vehicle and keeping track of all vehicle reservations.

Existing System

  • The current system does not have wide ranges of vehicles available.
  • The customers do not have the facility to give feedback.
  • Description of vehicles is less.

Proposed System:

  • A wide range of vehicles including vans, two-wheelers, buses etc., are available.
  • Feedbacks and reviews from the users can be taken.
  • A detailed information about the vehicle is available.
  • Notification on timings and pickups is available.



Admin can view/edit/delete vehicle and driver details and has authority to view transaction details of the users.


This module enables the user to Login/ Register, view vehicle details and hire vehicle and perform the transaction.

Admin Login Details:

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Login to the account with a unique username and password
  • Step3: Choose from the options
  • Add vehicle (car/bus/2 wheeler etc.,)
  • Add/Delete/update vehicle details
  • Step-4: View vehicle reservations of the users
  • Step-5: Confirm vehicle reservation and calculate fare based on distance.
  • Step-6: Stop

Customer Login Details:

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Login to the account with username and password.
  • If not registered, register by filling required details.
  • Step3: Hire the vehicle and enter details such as date, duration, and boarding location.
  • Step4: Confirm the reservation.
  • Step5: View bill and make payment.
  • Step6: Stop

Flow Chart:

ER Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Collaboration Diagram:


Database Tables:

Admin Table

  • admin_id number(32),
  • name varchar2(256),
  • email_id varchar2(256),
  • constraint pk_admin primary key(admin_id)

Vehicle Table

  • vehicle_id number(10),license_no varchar(20),model varchar(20),
  • status varchar(20),
  • drate number(10),
  • Status varchar2(20),
  • constraint pk_vehicle123 primary key (vehicle_id),
  • unique (license_no)

Customer Table

  • c_id number(32),
  • name varchar2(256),
  • email varchar2(256)
  • address varchar2(256),constraint pk_customer123 primary key(c_id)

Feedback Table

  • fid number(10) not null ,
  • message varchar(140),
  • email varchar(50),customer_id number(10),
  • constraint pk_feedback primary key (fid),constraint fk_feedback foreign key(c_id) references
  • customer(c_id)

HIRE Table

  • hid number(10) not null ,
  • hdate date,
  • amount number(10),
  • vehicle_id number(10),
  • constraint fk_hire primary key (hid),
  • constraint fk_hire foreign key (vehicle_id) references vehicle123(vehicle_id)

BILL Table

  • bno number(10) not null,
  • bdate date,
  • Famount number(10),
  • hid number(10),
  • Constraint pk_bill primary key (bno),
  • constraint fk_bill foreign key (hid) references hire(hid)

Real Estate Website Academic Project


Project Understanding:

As per our discussion, we need to design a website for a real estate company which deals with plots for sale and luxury apartments. We also had a discussion in regard to few clarifications and inputs from your side specifically to understand the project flow. In this document, we present our understanding of what needs to be accomplished in the project along with the budget and time estimation.

Project Description & Statement:

To design a website which will have the option to view the upcoming project, completed projects and related info for the purchase of plots. It will have the option to book site visit and download brochure as needed. We also provide an option to upload pictures related to completed projects and upcoming projects which can be viewed on the website by anyone who visits the site. For managing pictures, visits and maintain customer information we will provide admin panel.  It will be connected to DB via a customized, eye catchy and responsive front-end website and thereby save the data in a secure way.

User Types:

Admin: To manage information that we will show on the homepage and manage images that need to be used for promotions and advertisements. Will also have access to upload pictures in gallery page of the website.

Modules Description:

  • Home Page Design/splash screen
  • Home Page with Menu Features
  • Gallery
  • Contact US
  • Projects
  • Logo / About US
  • Admin Panel/pages
  • Web Service API


Contact Us page will provide an address, phone and email id information related to the customer. Will also have the option to submit any queries. We will need SMTP configuration related details to configure the same.

Homepage with menu features will have scrolling banner and option to get access to projects (upcoming, completed, ongoing), gallery, the board of directors, blogs (if needed) etc. All features in the home page will be responsive and we will use the framework to achieve the same.

Admin panel will have the option to add pictures to the gallery page.  Will initially add two service types as Luxury apartments and Plots for sale. Depending upon service selected pictures that will be scrolled on the home page will change dynamically. All those settings will be configured in the admin panel.

About US page will be showing details related to partners of the organization like their images and a brief description.

Admin panel details:

Sl No Task / Module
1. Admin
Admin Login, Forgot Password, change the password
2. Customer registration
Registration details info in admin panel with options: Name, Phone, Email, City, State, Comments
3. Category Create category types depending upon the activities carried out by the organization
4. Images module Will have image name, category type id, description etc


Design and Markup

– HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behavior

– Bootstrap / Angular JS will be used for making the site responsive and as a framework.

Server-side language (anyone can be used depending upon your preference)

– PHP (CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel) OR .Net with framework

Database Software (anyone can be used depending upon your preference and server setup)


– SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor

RAM 4GB and Above

HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above

64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above