Introduction to PPT Presentation on Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing is a system which compounds the topics related to old computing styles and techniques. It does it in two ways called the Physical and also the Virtual. The development done in the computing devices are Mobility explosion, Collaboration, Conversation between the users, Web technologies and the pressure generated due to the companies and the industries.
Cloud computing are used in the following services like Yahoo, Gmail, IBM, Amazon, VMware etc… according to the global survey of the scientist in the year 2012 about $95 billion. In that Microsoft has the largest in the survey graphs. Second comes the Google and third is the Amazon. The wireless technology here is very low price and very unique form other devices. Cloud computing connects to the PC, Kitchen Sink, Mobile, Code, servers and Database too…
The gallery and specifications of the Cloud computing is the hardware where money is very neatly used to develop the systems, Cost is the main factor in every person’s life, Global Model which send the data all over the world, Flexibility which is solved and answered very fastly by the team, Elasticity which has the structures which is send back, the alliance to this Cloud Computing are Intel, HP and Yahoo.
The advantages of cloud computing are Cost effective here the user are free from the problem like the time and balance kept money. Speed and scales which can be scaled more up and scaled down according to the user wish. Innovation here the management service is seen by itself so the user don’t have to look after it. Flexible, Location, Storage capacity, Custom settings, Device managements, multiple accesses are some to the other advantages of cloud computing.
This cloud computing developed from the internet and the cloud called as the space. Here the internet service is used as the cloud. This work is very responsible for the assessment of servers, bandwidth, channels, other functions.