“Online College Bus Record Supervising System” is a web application developed in java. This application enables students to apply for bus pass online. Admin will add the details of the buses. Students can view all the details of the buses and can select a route to apply for a bus pass. This application also allows students to renew their bus pass from anywhere and at any time which saves a lot of time and physical effort.
Existing System:
In the existing system, all the process of applying for a bus pass and renewing the pass is a very time taking process and takes much effort. No proper information is available. All the data is stored in the records where there is a chance of losing it or misplacement of data.
Proposed System:
The proposed system is an automatic system which allows students to view all the details of the buses and apply for a bus pass from anywhere and at any time. This system saves a lot of time and physical effort. All the information is stored in the database where there is no question of loosing or misplacement of data.
Admin should give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add all the bus details. Admin can view the details of the feedback sent by students. Admin can change his account password. Admin can view all the buses details. Admin can view all the student’s details with feedback.
Students need to give all the details in the registration form to get login credentials. Students need to enter valid username and password to get logged into the application. A student can apply for bus pass by selecting a route. A student can renew his bus pass by filling all the details in the renewal form. A student can send feedback to admin. A student can change the his\her account password. A student can get bus pass approval to his\her mail.
“Online College Bus Record Supervising System” satisfies all the requirements of both admin and students in the process of applying for a bus pass. This application made the process of applying for a bus pass, renewing the bus pass and view details of the buses easy and simple. Admin can easily know the details of the buses and students.