Online Bus Ticket Booking Project Synopsis


This Online Bus Ticket Booking project will provide an Online bus ticket booking platform and thereby leverage the tedious manual ticket booking activity for a customer. We can come up with features like saving favorite routes and providing discounts for the same. We can provide a feature that will allow the customer to get a ticket booked without much hassle.

Existing System:

Initially, customers used to book tickets manually by queuing in lines at bus stations or go to travel agents who in turn used to book tickets for them. This was actually a tedious process and was leading to wastage of time.  It also had issues like having incorrect names or other information used to book tickets.

Proposed System:

We can eliminate the drawbacks by developing an application which will allow customers to register themselves and book tickets, cancel tickets or postpone or prepone travel dates with feasibility. This actually is a welcome step for customers as they can access the application from anywhere and will also avoid wastage of time that was caused due to the drawbacks in the previous way of booking tickets manually.

User Types: Admin, Customer, Employee


Route management
Bus management
Bus Staff Management
Manage bookings
View bookings


It will be used by admin to create or manage Bus information and create bus staff information. Link the bus staff to different buses that are managed.

It will also have the option to view all bookings that were done for all buses on a day or month or quarterly basis. View all cancellations and rescheduled bookings. Will be able to confirm reschedule bookings. Will be able to handle transactions related to cancellations.

It will have the option to confirm rescheduled bookings and confirm the same to the customer.

The dashboard of admin will basically have a view which will show no of buses running, no of bookings on a specific day, no of cancellations on a day, no of hits to the site.

It will have the option to review and approve employee logins.

It will have the option to add routes for which buses will be linked.


The staff of website can register themselves and send an approval request to admin. Admin will assign a role and approve the login. Once logged in they can view the no of bookings on a specific day, no of cancellations on a day and rescheduled booking requests. They will be able to update and confirm rescheduled bookings, also take care of canceled bookings and its transactions.

Route management:

This module will be accessible to admin and employee both. Information related to all roots will be added in this module. Information like From Where to Where, the distance between two locations, stoppages in a route etc. Depending Upon the distance saved bus travel time will be calculated.

Bus management:

Will have options to add all information related to buses that are plying and then link it to different routes. Bus features like AC/ Non A/c, Two by Two or Sleeper or Pushback etc will all be added in this module.

Bus Staff management:

It will be accessible to employees and admin both. It will allow saving info related to a bus like a bus driver, cleaner, and attendant. Details, like name, phone no, email id, home address, alternate address, an alternate contact number will all be saved for each and every staff.

Customer: This will allow a customer to search for buses on any route with date search criteria. Bus listings will be shown as per search criteria and will also show information related to features of the bus that are playing the specified route. Book option will be provided to confirm booking. No of passengers has to be provided and then booking can be confirmed.  A customer will also have Manage bookings module which will show the history of all bookings that were done till date. The customer can reschedule a booking or cancel a booking from Manage bookings module as two options will be provided for the same.  Dashboard for a customer will show most recent bookings and depart time and date initially in a grid format.

Future Enhancements:

We can provide SMS based alerts and email notifications for bookings.

WThe wallet can be developed to handle discounts on the points basis. It can also be used to provide referral code concept for referring friends.

Chat feature can be included in the application to chat with customer care.

We can come with a feature that will allow the customer to save favourite routes and provide discounts for same.

Introduce coupon management for providing coupons which customers can use to avail discounts.

System Requirement Specification: 

Hardware Requirements:
Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Software Requirements:

Technology: HTML,CSS, Jquery, PHP

Back End: SQLServer or Mysql

Operating System: Windows7 and more

Frame Work: Larvel or Phalcon 

Or it can also be done in .Net


Database:           SQLSERVER 2008 or  more

IDE & Tools:           VStudio.Net 2010 or more

Web Server:           IIS 6.0

Web Technologies:           Asp. Net, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS

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