NS2 (Network Simulator-2 Training) Course Content:
- NS2 Introduction
- NS2 Architecture
- NS2 Components
- NS2 Installation
- Installation of supporting software
- Linux Basics
- Exploring example scripts
- TCL basic commands
- OTCL Programming
- Simulation Trace Analysis using Perl/Awk etc
- Plotting graphs with XGraph
Routing Protocols:
- Proactive protocols (DSDV, OLSR,..)
- Reactive Protocols (AODV, DSR,…).
- Hybrid Protocols (ZRP, etc…..).
Type of Networks:
Wired Network:
- Deep explanation on wired networks
- Designing of different topologies
Ex: Ring, Star, Dumbbell Topologies
Wireless Network:
- Setting and configuration of Parameters for wireless networks
- Designing different Wireless Topologies (MANET,VANET)
- Trace file Analysis using PERL/AWK
- Plotting graphs for simple Wireless Networks and Ad hoc Networks
Wireless Sensor Network:
- Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
Apply New Features:
- Patching NS2 for unsupported features
- Linkage between C++ and Otcl.
- Perl/awk for trace files analysis
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