Introduction to Seminar Topic on Biochip:
The current device the biochip is the application which is a simple and also a fair condition of the system. The biochips in today’s generation are very micro and small in size. It can be easily inserted in the skin of the computer system. This device is also used for the use of unique identification purposes. This biochip has two of the different types called the transponder or the reader else also called as the scanner. The transponder is usually the complete biochip object and also its components.
This biochip device has the transfer of the radio waves or radio frequency called as the RFID called as the radio frequency identification system. These systems make the use of the very low radio transmitting signals which is use to communicate in between the device biochip and the reader or the scanners.
The length or the distances between the two biochips are near about approximate two to twelve inches. Te biochips are also used for the medical purpose which is used to inject to check various other tests that an expert demands to. This comes in the size of 11mm similar to the size of uncooked grain of rice.
According to the survey of the developers by collecting the feedback from the biochip users the device seems to be a little incremented in the stage of development of the progress state. The main problem of the device biochip is that the theft that occurs here after every time in this industries. To so stop this thefts the developers have developed a various other devices like the fingerprints, the hand scanner, the voice ID which has a unique ID registration of each and every person using the device. Eye scans is also the most useful device of the biochip which protects it from thefts this scans the retina of the person’s eye before getting started to the execution process.
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