Atomicity analysis which is used for the multi threaded programs. This system verifies the static as well as dynamic information and analysis which is used track the atomicity of the system which is mainly done in the multi threaded software. This deals with the two algorithms which are used for the execution process related to the rules and the regulation of the atomicity which is completely distinguished between the cost and the effectiveness of the system. There are also some sub concepts of the system like the violation of the atomicity, dynamic analysis, and also the various multi threading of the execution process of the systems.
The some of the related updating the system or some of the improvements like the re-entrant locks in which the in process thread catches the lock and also leaves the lock when both the threads which is to be purified. Second is the thread local locks here the lock is used in the single lock and leaves the locks if both the thread tries to execute the process.
Third is the protected locks which has the concept called the I2 which has same lock system same as that of the previous two improvements. Next related field is the Instrumental which also has the following events like the Read and the writes of all the streams, to enter and exit the process, to enter and exit the methods and the last is to call the thread to join the process as well as start the allocated process.
The two algorithms on which the system works are the Reduction based and the bloc based algorithm which are present in the system just to verify the amount of atoms and the module that are present in the programs. This system gives the proper improve techniques and the accurate results when the programs are existed during the time of process.
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