Misuse Detection and Monitoring Management of the Database System Oracle Project Report

Introduction to Misuse Detection and Monitoring Management of the Database System Oracle Project:

The lot of information makes us to manage it perfectly so that during retrieval of the information it can be easy to handle and make a report. 

The Proposed system is known as the Test Co ordination system to simplify the process of managing information of students in MCA department at PESIT. 

The system eases the process of the record maintaining by the test coordination system and making self run of different tasks that has been managed by the coordinators.

The software has to maintain the complete information of the students and their academic records. This also consists of the managing marks and the attendance of the students. 


The Proposed project emphasize on the mishandling of the system monitoring and detection of the Oracle Database System. Commonly the databases are being updating in the computers. The system is able to identify and protect the unauthorized access to the computer.

The administrator and user both gets the information of unauthorized accessing of the computer. The firewall installed in the computer asks for the identity of the user and then compares with all registered database record and allow using computer. 

The Test Coordination System is tested method and use in the MCA department of PESIT to coordinate the complete internal tests conducted. 

The Existing System has the manual management of the record which has many demerits.

  1. The data has to be update for each report and temporarily stored.
  2. The tasks like the seating systems and report creation for absent students has to make every time.
  3. To make a report of every student about their marks is hard work.
  4. The report generation becomes more cumbersome when the IA marks including the average marks and lab internals is to be updated. 

The Proposed System has solution for the repeated works of marks allotment to make a report and the seating arrangement.

The module of the system Student performance Analysis with the pictorial presentation of charts provides the immediate performance report.

Download  Misuse Detection and Monitoring Management of the Database System Oracle Project Report.

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