The below are the list of Mat Lab and VLSI projects
- FPGA based design and implementation of 7-tap folded pipelined fir filter Mat Lab Project
- Design and implementation of a soft drink wending machine on fpga. (vhdl)
- Design and Implementation of fir filter using verilog hdl on fpga, & analysis using matlab
- Design and implementation of a uart VLSI final year project
- Design and implementation of eeprom live project
- Design and implementation of sloted machine ECE final year project
- Design and implementation of pll Mat Lab & VLSI M tech Project
- Design and implementation of dct to compress the image
- Design and Implementation of a data compress using huffman algorithm using hdl.
- Design and implementation of frequency shift keying
- Design and implementation of digital to analog converter.
- Design and implementation of anti-collision algorithm (slotted alloha algorithm)
- Design and implementation of a usb transmitter using hdl
- Design and implementation of a usb receiver using hdl
- Design of an advance encryption algorithm using hdl
- Design of an advance decryption algorithm using hdl
- Design and implementation of a rc4 technique Project
- Design and analysis of cdma modem using matlab.
- Design and implementation and rejection of interference in bluetooth voice transmission.
sir, i am mtech final year student. i want some good projects based on vlsi. so, kindly give me some information about the same.
it costs… much can u afford?????
cost doesn’t matter. please give us and we will pay u any cost.
Sir, I need project on “Automatic Single-Image 3d Reconstruction of Indoor Manhattan World Scenes”
I urgently Need a project in VLSI mostly related to low power chip designing of VLSI Chip
I need an abstract which should have enough information to find out what we will be doing and what tools we will be using. Roughly one page will do
I will pay for this …please reply asap …
Thank you
Sir, I need a project in MATlab using simulink.
Its very urgent..
VLSI, RFIC Design, Custom AnalogIC Design,Digital ASIC,FPGA Solutions to any project…
Just call to 9545522249.
or mail to [email protected]
sir, i need a project in VLSI
hi sir i want total details of below project title
FPGA based design and implementation of 7-tap folded pipelined fir filter Mat Lab Project
sir can u give the sorce code of gesture control robot by use matlab with any hardware supported package …… thanks in advance….