Latest Seminar Topics for CSE Students 2012 on DAS NAS and SAN Technologies

Overview of DAS, NAS and SAN

Each and every project will have the confidential data which is to be stored in their computer by using different types of storage devices. There is a necessity of assuring the security for the data stored which is more important to the organizations and companies.

The DAS-direct attached storage will store the data on the servers which is considered to be one of the significant devices for the purpose of the storage of the enterprise data. There are different types of the restrictions like preservation, the provisioning as well as the scalability within the process of storing the information on the servers. 

The main reason for having these types of limitations is because the storage is always vulnerable to the different restrictions of the DAS solutions. Now a day’s because of the significance of securing the confidential data the security of stored data is happened to be one of the biggest challenge. Because of the different types of limitations and restrictions in the DAS the new storage systems which are cost effective are being established such as NAS- the network attached storage as well as the SAN- storage area network solutions. 

There are more extra benefits by using the NAS as well as SAN such as the leveraging network administrative resources that can be utilized in order to support and manage the different types of the distributed storage devices in an efficient manner. There is a rapid decrease within the equipment costs as well as the production because of the usage of the networked storage. It is strongly specified by IDC that in the coming years nearly 70% of the companies will use the network storage devices. The NAS and SAN solutions are more vulnerable towards the network layer attacks and for this reason they are facing many challenges. 

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