Java based Framework Software – Struts Tutorial


  • The basic java, jee concepts are called as core technologies. They are like servlet jdbc,jsp and etc.
  • Framework is a special software i.e. capable of developing certain architecture based applications having the ability to generate logics certain layer dynamically based on the logics given in other layers.
  • Framework is special software that provides abstraction layer on core technologies and simplifies the process of application development.
  • Abstraction layer makes programmer not worry about underlying poor technologies while developing the applications.
  • Struts is a web framework software providing abstraction layer on servlet-jsp core technologies to develop MVC2 architecture based web applications having the ability to generate integration logic of controller layer dynamically based on the logics given in view layer & model layer.
  • If MVC2 architecture based web application is developed by directly working with core technologies & without using frame work s/w then programmer needs to take care of all the logics of all the layers. In the same application is developed by using web framework s/w like struts then the programmer just needs to take care of view, model layer logics bc3 the framework s/w dynamically generates the controller layer logics. This improves productivity in web application development.  

Java based Framework Software (OAF oracle activation framework):-

1) Web framework software

  1. Struts (a)
  2. JSF (b)
  3. Web work (c)
  4. Spring MVC (d)

2) ORM Framework Software

  1. Hibernate (a)
  2. JDO
  3. Top link (c)
  4. Ibatis (b)

3)  Java-JEE Framework Software

  1. Spring framework software
  2. Spring-interface21 Company
  3. Struts-apache software foundation
  4. Hibernate-red hat
  • Web framework provides abstraction layer on core technologies called servlet, jsp and allows the programmer to develop MVC2 architecture based web application.
  • ORM framework software provide abstraction layer on jdbc & allows developing database software independent persistence logic.
  • Java-JEE framework software provides abstraction layer on multiple java, JEE Core technologies like jdbc  , servlate , jsp , RMI and etc. and allows to develop all kinds of java , JEE application in framework style.
  1. Struts is from apache foundation
  2. JSF is from sun Microsystems
  3. Web work is from open symphony
  4. Spring MVC from interface21
  5. Hibernate from software (red hat)
  6. JDO from apache foundation
  7. Ibatis is from apache foundation
  8. Toplink is from Oracle Corporation
  9. Spring is from interface21.
  • Before the arrival of struts most of the companies used to their company specific framework software’s to develop the web applications.
  • “” is a framework i.e. given based on ASP (core technologies) to develop web applications.

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