I school Management System Project in Asp.Net is defined as an integrated, intelligent and internet based solution for current education system that satisfies all requirements of current education system. The whole system is based on internet and students are provided fully support. In this system the students, Parents and faculties will have their unique user name and password. By this user name and password they can access their profile, and this all roles are assigned different roles. Based on assigned roles they have to work.
There are four roles in I school Management system Project
- Student
- Parent
- Faculty
- Admin
Students are provided all material and new syllabus or timetable or etc by faculty of appropriate subject.
Students have to follow every instruction which is given by their faculty.
Parents will also provide their child’s performance graph and also attendance graph.
Faculties will provide rights to put new notice or new material.
The main rights are provided to admin he can do every thing and can watch everybody’s profile.
All character will also provided a sms and email alert system that’s why they can get the idea about the new event or what is next to do.
Weakness of Present System
Parents have not provided the rights to pay fees online. They have not account so they can not send the feedback to faculties and management.
In This system some works are manually like feedback of the students, faculties, parents and also they can’t create online exam, attendance.
Faculties have no rights of uploading material & take online attendance.
Students can’t give online exam and cannot perform visual presentation and also not provides to download the material,
Admin can’t provide the rights to enter online fees and online attendance click.
Admin can’t handle sorting & searching student profiles.
Step-1- login to website.
Step-2- Check internal messages.
Step-3- Send internal messages to different categories of users.
Step-4- Check and take faculty’s attendance.
Step-5- Check Student’s attendance.
Step-6- Register new user.
Step-7- Manage library, upload books to library.
Step-8- Send email and sms alerts to different categories of user.
Step-9- Make timetable for student and faculty.
Step-10- Make timetable for exam.
Step-11- Insert, update and delete syllabus.
Step-12- Manage notice board.
Step-13- Manage online examination.
Step-14- Make fees status list.
Step-15- Upload material.
Step-16- List out faculties, parents and students.
Step-17- Check and send feedback.
Step-18- Do setting like change benner, insert new class into table, change subject or etc.
Step-19- Check and update profile.
Step-20- Check leaves applications.
Step-1- login to website.
Step-2- Check internal messages.
Step-3- Send internal messages to different categories of users.
Step-4- Check and take student’s attendance.
Step-5- Check his/her attendance.
Step-6- Check notice board.
Step-7- Manage library, upload books to library.
Step-8- Send email and sms alerts to different categories of user.
Step-9- Check his/her timetable.
Step-10- Make timetable for exam.
Step-11- Insert, update and delete syllabus.
Step-12- Manage online examination.
Step-13- Upload material.
Step-14- List out students.
Step-15- Check and send feedback.
Step-16- Check and update profile.
Step-17- Check and write leave application.
Step-1- login to website.
Step-2- Check internal messages.
Step-3- Send internal messages to different categories of users.
Step-4- Check student’s detail like attendance, syllabus, result, assignment.
Step-5- Check teacher’s details.
Step-6- Send email and sms alerts to different categories of user.
Step-7- Send leave application.
Step-8- Check fees detail.
Step-9- Check and send feedback.
Step-10- Check and update profile.
Step-1- login to website.
Step-2- Check internal messages.
Step-3- Send internal messages to different categories of users.
Step-4- Check his/her attendance.
Step-7- Download library books, assignment and material.
Step-8- Send email and sms alerts to different categories of user.
Step-9- Check his/her timetable.
Step-10- Check timetable for exam.
Step-11- Check syllabus.
Step-12- Check notice board.
Step-13- Give online examination.
Step-17- Check and send feedback.
Step-18- Change password.
Step-19- Check and update profile.
Step-20- Send leave applications.
Step-20- Check result and send mail to faculties.
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