Hotel Management System Final Year Computer Science Engineering student Project was developed in VB.Net is the front-end & MS Access is the back end. This project has the below modules:
Hotel Booking Module:
Customers will be able to search through available hotels and costs of rooms. The restaurant search function shall offer users the ability to search for hotels by supplying desired location in the city of destination, desired room size and standard, and the price range.
Once restaurant’s that meet the user’s specifications are located, their location, room sizes and standards and pricing information will be displayed to the user for the user to select the actual restaurant and room he/she desires to lodge in.
This module offers easy access to a number of available restaurant’s and rooms and gives pricing information for each of them.
Flight Booking Module:
The function allows a user to book a flight and a hotel. A user will get a 30% discount of the total if he/she does so. This module offers easy access to a number of available hotels and rooms and available flights and gives pricing information for each of them.
Make Payment Module:
This module allows user to present payment information after choosing a flight or restaurant. It will bring the user to a page in which they can submit payment information. Once they have agreed, their payment will be processed & will be posted to the database.
The customer must pay at the end of the transaction to complete it. For this, they must enter their payment information and provide agreement to be charged. That is what this function provides.
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this is nice
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pls mail me thes program
plz send this project with execution file for my mini project development…
plz send me Hotel management System in vb and Maccess
can u mail me this program code? plz… 🙂
pls send me a project of hotel management for mba because i prepare my mba project
if i run this code i get an error as “user define type not define” can u help me to run this project..
Am doing a project on hotel management system using vb.Net, the documentation has being done, can yu help with the sourse code?
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very easy to hotel management system project
i want to information about vb project in hotel mgt system. pls give me a information ,7875848607 this is my cell no .
contact min facebook all project code are avaliable.
contact m in facebook all projects code avalable here..
i need mini project on hotel management system
plzz sir ,
send me module of hospitality management on hotels
hi frnds i need mini project on hotel mangement system front end vb6.0 and back end oracle pls send me that project my id is immediately…pls
I need a pdf on hotel management system
plseee send me ur program im second yr student of information system and i need it for my project
can you please send me a hotel management project for M.Phil because i preparing for my M.Phil project
can you please send me code of hotel management system using c#
plz send me vb project
hospitality management with coding
can u mail me this program code? plz…
sir i need dis project. can u mail the source code of hotel management its very urgent for me.
hello sir i need mini project on hotel mangement system front end or vb6.0 and back end SQL pls send me immediately… please sir
Hi sir I need a hotel management mini project in vb can u pls send project with coding nd explanation pls