The Account Tracking System validates the user details and checks for the access permissions. The access to the various modules of the System is provided based on the privileges of the users.
The following is the scope of this project. The following modules will be developed as part of the final product to be delivered to the organization. The detailed scope for the below mentioned modules will be provided in software requirements specification document.
Basically this project consists of four modules.
1. Project Tracking.
2. Resource Tracking.
3. Personal Tracking.
4. Task Tracking.
Introduction To Account Tracking System:
The Project Information consists of all the information about the particular project that includes Project name, duration, cost, start date, end date etc.,.The operations are performed in the similar way as the User information operation does. Here projected is the primary key.
Project-Resource will have ability to enter tasks related to the project. Tasks include task name, duration, start date and end date .Privileges on the tasks create, update and delete for the current week.
New Project
Task Creation will be consisting of the task name, resource-id, create date, end date, project id and task description. For a particular Resource-id and its associated Project-id a task name ,task id ,creation date, end date and its description will be entered in the Resource Task Creation form to create a new task. Which will be entered in the task table. In this Task Creation we are not considering the Status field, because the Resource (him/herself) is creating a new task after completion of the Task assigned by the PM-TL.
View/Modify Project
In the Resource Task Updating the Project-Resource will be updating the tasks in the update task form by hyper linking the loginid. which will be directed to the Updating form that doesn’t contain the Task id Depending up on the taskid the updating will be done to the remaining fields which are in the form. After submitting the form, the updating will be reflected in the task table.
Resource Tracking
In the Resource Task Updating the Project-Resource will be updating the tasks in the update task form by hyper linking the loginid. Which will be directed to the Updating form that doesn’t contain the Task id depending up on the taskid the updating will be done to the remaining fields which are in the form. After submitting the form, the updating will be reflected in the task table.
In the Resource change password operation only the resource that entered can change the old password with a new password to provide more security for the information .The user is provided with a confirmation password field to confirm the new password field. If the password field is not confirmed by the user then the password will not be changed a warning will be displayed If the password field is confirmed the user can login with the new password.
Resource Task Creation will be consisting of the task name, resource-id, create date, end date, project id and task description. For a particular Resource-id and its associated Project-id a task name ,task id ,creation date, end date and its description will be entered in the Resource Task Creation form to create a new task. Which will be entered in the task table. In this Task Creation we are not considering the Status field, because the Resource (him/herself) is creating a new task after completion of the Task assigned by the PM-TL.
Time Tracking
The Task Information consists of the tasks assigned to the user and it consists of all the information about the user and the project. The Assigning task consists the project information and resource information .After selecting the particular project it displays the associated resources of that project then we select one of the resource and assign the task to that resource after giving the task description .
Personal Tracking
This subsystem enables the project resource to enter the task of the project. The entire project task includes the task name, task duration, task start date, task end date.