ELCS lab (English language communication skills lab)

ELCS lab (English language communication skills lab)

The language lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and familiarized me with the use of English in everyday situation and context and as per the syllabus I have learnt how to give presentation and what are the different types of communication skills which I have to learn and we have played tag of war in the communications lad which will made us thing to use our full energy to do that and that time we need strength to win and we have played a circular game in which we have to use our brain and talent to play and I have know to prepare power point presentation in Microsoft power point which will be useful in my future also and I lost my stage fear and thanks to for giving us a good lab sections as per the syllabus of JNTU.

I had much satisfied of JNTU syllabus and in English lab. I have learned many different things and types of communication skills, listening of sounds, phonetics, etc. From these lab sessions in college, I gained much more information on how to communicate with others, How to avoid stage fear, and the usage of proper words and their pronunciation.

Download ELCS lab (English language communication skills lab).

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