Consensus protocol Concept for ad-hoc network technical paper explains about developing a new protocol in ad-hoc network for increasing message transferring scalability and reducing messaging cost and time cost for mobile users. In this paper it covers detail introduction to new methodology and how existing system works and improvements in proposed system, hardware and software requirements.
Consensus protocol architecture is a two layer hierarchy integrated on network. In this system mobile hosts are divided in to clusters or cells and each host holds cluster header. Whenever mobile user sends message cluster header is contrasted and cluster head is unmerged when packet is received. In order to maintain two layers hierarchy eventual clusterer is developed in c language.
In existing system rotating coordinator method with asynchronous data transmition is used which is not efficient. There are chances of message loss while sending large sized data in the network. In proposed system eventual clusterer is implemented in mobile hosts which will control messaging cost.
download Consensus Protocol Concept for AD-HOC Networks Abstract.