BTech-MTech-2014-2015 Projects
JAVA -2014-2015
- Key – Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
- Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds Cloud Computing
- A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication Cloud Computing
- Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud Cloud Computing
- Accuracy Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data Data Mining
- Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Data Mining
- Security Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers under Attack Data Mining
- Cooperative Caching for Efficient Data Access in Disruption Tolerant Networks Mobile Computing
- Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing Android
- Friend book: A Semantic-based Friend Recommendation System for Social Networks Mobile Computing
- Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
- Secure Continuous Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
- Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
- Cost-Effective Resource Allocation of Overlay Routing Relay Nodes Wireless Sensor Networks
- Securing Broker Less Publish Subscribe Systems Using Identity-Based Encryption Network Security
- Automatic Test Packet Generation Networking
- A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivar iate Correlation Analysis Network Security
- Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
- Trajectory Improves Data Delivery in Urban Vehicular Networks MANET, Ad Hoc Networks
- Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing
- Captcha as Graphical Passwords-A New Security Primitive Based on Hard AI Problems Image Processing
- Privacy-Enhanced Web Service Composition Services Computing
- Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Filtering out the Attacker’s Impact Information Forensics and Security
- Approximate Shortest Distance Computing: A Query-Dependent Local Landmark Scheme Knowledge and Data Engineering
- CLOUDQUAL A Quality Model for Cloud Services Industrial Informatics
- Multi-Core Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture and Applications Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Cross-Layer Approach for Minimizing Routing Disruption in IP Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Multicast Capacity in MANET with Infrastructure Support Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Efficient Data Collection for Large-Scale Mobile Monitoring Applications Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Hop-by-Hop Message Authentication and Source Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
- Joint Topology-Transparent Scheduling and QoS Routing in Ad Hoc Networks Vehicular Technology
- Quality of Service Provision in Cloud-based Storage System for Multimedia Delivery Cloud Computing
- Distributed Mobile Sink Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks A Survey Parallel and Distributed Systems
- The Design and Evaluation of An Information Sharing System for Human Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Web Service Recommendation via Exploiting Location and QoS Information Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Congestion Aware Routing in Nonlinear Elastic Optical Networks
- Leveraging Social Networks for P2P Content based File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs Mobile Computing
- Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds Cloud Computing
- Energy Efficient Reliable Routing Considering Residual Energy in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks MANET, Ad Hoc Networks
- Building Confidential And Efficient Query Services In The Cloud With RASP Data Cloud Computing
- An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Systems Data Mining
- ITA Innocuous Topology Awareness Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Cloning, Resource Exchange, and Relation Adaptation: An Integrative Self-Organization Mechanism in a Distributed Agent Network. Parallel and Distributed Systems
- A Stochastic Model to Investigate Data Center Performance Data Cloud Computing
- Distributed , Concurrent , and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases Cloud Computing
- Efficient Prediction of Difficult Keyword Queries over Databases Data Mining
- Expressive , Efficient , and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi – Authority Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
- Keyword Query Routing Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords Data Mining
- Privacy-Preserving and Content-Protecting Location Based Queries Knowledge and Data Engineering
- PROFILR : Toward Preserving Privacy and Functionality in Geosocial Networks Network Security
- Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a- Service Clouds Cloud Computing
- The Client Assignment Problem for Continuous Distributed Computing Systems
- Towards Online Shortest Path Computation Knowledge and Data Engineering
- A Social Compute Cloud Allocating and Sharing Infrastructure Resources via Social Networks Services Computing
- A Scalable Two-Phase Top-Down Specialization Approach for Data Anonymization Using Map Reduce on Cloud Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Best Peer++: A Peer-to-Peer Based Large-Scale Data Processing Platform Data Mining
- Data Mining with Big Data Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Facilitating Document Annotation Using Content and Querying Value Knowledge and Data Engineering
- An Incentive Framework for Cellular Traffic Offloading Mobile Computing
- The Design and Evaluation of An Information Sharing System for Human Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Transmission-Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Compressive Sensing. Parallel and Distributed Systems
- A Qos-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol For Hybrid Wireless Networks Mobile Computing
- Network Coding Aware Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Networking
- Exploiting Service Similarity for Privacy in Location-Based Search Queries. Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Efficient and Privacy Aware Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensing Network Security
- Optimal Distributed Malware Defense in Mobile Networks with Heterogeneous Devices Mobile Computing
- Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases Data Mining
- Trusted DB-A trusted hardware based database with privacy and confidentiality Data Mining
- A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection Data Mining
- Top-k Query Result Completeness Verification in Tiered Sensor Networks Communications
- SOS: A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Traffic Pattern-Based Content Leakage Detection for Trusted Content Delivery Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Enabling Trustworthy Service Evaluation in Service-Oriented Mobile Social Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Performance and cost evaluation of an adaptive encryption architecture for cloud databases Cloud Computing
- An Error-Minimizing Framework for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Preserving Location Privacy in Geo-Social Applications Mobile Computing
- Keylogging-resistant Visual Authentication Protocols Mobile Computing
- Cloud-Assisted Mobile-Access of Health Data With Privacy and Auditability Mobile Computing
- On the Security of Trustee-Based Social Authentications Parallel & Distributed Systems
- PACK Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction System Cloud Computing
- Towards Differential Query Services in Cost-Efficient Clouds Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Dealing With Concept Drifts in Process Mining Neural Networks and Learning
- Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and Defense
- Behavioral Malware Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks
- Privacy-Preserving And Truthful Detection Of Packet Dropping Attacks
- Tradeoff Between Reliability And Security In Multiple Access Relay Networks
- Optimal Distributed Malware Defense in Mobile Networks with Heterogeneous Devices
- An Error Minimizing Framework for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Efficient Instant-Fuzzy Search with Proximity Ranking Data Engineering
- Privacy-Preserving Optimal Meeting Location Determination on Mobile Devices Information Forensics and Security
- Personalized Geo-Specific Tag Recommendation for Photos on Social Websites Multimedia
.NET Projects 2014-2015
- Optimized multicast routing algorithm based on tree structure in MANETs Communications
- Security Analysis of Handover Key Management in 4G LTESAE Networks Mobile Computing
- Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Key Aggregate Cryptosystem For Scalable Data Sharing In Cloud Storage Parallel and Distributed Systems
- An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Systems Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Building Confidential And Efficient Query Services In The Cloud With RASP Data Knowledge and Data Engineering
- A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis Parallel and Distributed Systems
- An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks Mobile Computing
- Consistency as a Service Auditing Cloud Consistency Network and Service Management
- Content Caching and Scheduling in Wireless Networks With Elastic and Inelastic Traffic Networking
- Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Distributed, Concurrent, and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage Theory and Implementation Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage Services Computing
- LARS An Efficient and Scalable Location-Aware Recommender System Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Leveraging Social Networks for P2P Content-Based File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs Mobile Computing
- Panda Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud Services Computing
- Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Networking
- Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Captcha as Graphical Passwords—A New Security Primitive Based on Hard AI Problems Information Forensics and Security
- An Error-Minimizing Framework for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Efficient Data Query in Intermittently-Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Social Networks Parallel and Distributed Systems
- A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks Mobile Computing
- Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing
- Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Then-Compression System via Prediction Information Forensics and Security
- Consensus-Based Ranking of Multivalued Objects: A Generalized Borda Count Approach Data Mining
- Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data Data Mining With Network Security
- Power Cost Reduction in Distributed Data Centers: A Two-Time-Scale Approach for Delay Tolerant Workloads Networking
- Securing Broker-Less Publish/Subscribe Systems Using Identity-Based Encryption Networking
- A Novel Economic Sharing Model in a Federation of Selfish Cloud Providers Cloud Computing
- A UCONABC Resilient Authorization Evaluation for Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
- Mining Weakly Labeled Web Facial Images for Search-Based Face Annotation Knowledge and Data Engineering
- DA-Sync: A Doppler-Assisted Time-Synchronization Scheme for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks Mobile Computing
- Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing
- A Food Recognition System for Diabetic Patients Based on an Optimized Bag-of Features Model
- Achieving Effective Cloud Search Services
- An Overlay-Based Data Mining Architecture Tolerant to Physical Network Disruptions
- Mining Weakly Labeled Web Facial Images for Search-Based Face Annotation
- Online Payment System using Steganography and Visual Cryptography
- Optimal Coordination of Mobile Sensors for Target Tracking Under Additive and Multiplicative Noises
- Personalized Recommendation Combining User Interest and Social Circle
- Retransmission Delays With Bounded Packets: Power-Law Body and Exponential Tail
- Sharing Visual Secrets in Single Image Random Dot Stereograms
- Streaming Solutions for Fine-Grained Network Traffic Measurements and Analysis
- Uniform Embedding for Efficient JPEG Steganography
- Facilitating Document Annotation Using Content and Querying Value
- Set Predicates in SQL: Enabling Set-Level Comparisons for Dynamically Formed Groups
- Product Aspect Ranking and Its Applications
- Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter
- Infrequent Weighted Itemset Mining Using Frequent Pattern Growth
- An Efficient Certificate less Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Public Clouds
Data Mining – .NET
- A Group Incremental Approach to Feature Selection Applying Rough Set Technique
- Rough Sets, Kernel Set, and Spatiotemporal Outlier Detection
- Fast nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords
- Efficient Prediction of Difficult Keyword Queries over Databases
- Web Service Recommendation via Exploiting Location and QoS Information
- A Tag Encoding Scheme against Pollution Attack to Linear Network Coding
- A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme toward Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks
- Behavioral Malware Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks
- LocaWard: A Security and Privacy Aware Location-Based Rewarding System
- Power Cost Reduction in Distributed Data Centers: A Two-Time-Scale Approach for Delay Tolerant Workloads
- Modeling of Distributed File Systems for Practical Performance Analysis
- Secure Deduplication with Efficient and Reliable Convergent Key Management
- Transformation-Based Monetary Cost Optimizations for Workflows in the Cloud
- Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Neural Network Learning Made Practical with Cloud Computing
- Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage (Cloud Java)
Cloud Computing – .NET
- Expressive, Efficient, and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage
- Shared Authority Based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing
Mobile Computing – JAVA
- Cooperative Spectrum Sharing: A Contract-Based Approach
Dependable and Secure Computing (Network Security) – JAVA
- Secure Two-Party Differentially Private Data Release for Vertically Partitioned Data
- Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses (Dependable and secure computing
- k-Zero Day Safety: A Network Security Metric for Measuring the Risk of Unknown Vulnerabilities
Image Processing – JAVA
- Vector-Valued Image Processing by Parallel Level Sets
- Accelerated Learning-Based Interactive Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Constraints
- Large Discriminative Structured Set Prediction Modeling With Max-Margin Markov Network for Lossless Image Coding
- Image Reconstruction from Double Random Projection
- Saliency-Aware Video Compression
- Translation Invariant Directional Framelet Transform Combined With Gabor Filters for Image Denoising.
Extra Project Titles |
Year |
Cloud Computing |
NCCloud: A Network Coding Based Storage System in a Cloud-of-Clouds | 2014 |
Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage: Theory and Implementation | 2014 |
Innovative Schemes for Resource Allocation in the Cloud for Media Streaming Applications | 2014 |
Shared Authority Based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing | 2014 |
Optimal Power Allocation and Load Distribution for Multiple Heterogeneous Multi core Server Processors across Clouds and Data Centers | 2014 |
An Efficient and Trustworthy Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing | 2014 |
On the Knowledge Soundness of a Cooperative Provable Data Possession Scheme in Multi cloud Storage | 2014 |
Identity Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage | 2014 |
A Social Compute Cloud: Allocating and Sharing Infrastructure Resources via Social Networks | 2014 |
Secure kNN Query Processing in Un trusted Cloud Environments | 2014 |
A Mechanism Design Approach to Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing | 2014 |
A Secure Client Side De duplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environments | 2014 |
Securing the cloud storage audit service: defending against frame and collude attacks of third party auditor | 2014 |
Network Security |
Secure Deduplication with Efficient and Reliable Convergent Key Management | 2014 |
Building a Scalable System for Stealthy P2P-Botnet Detection | 2014 |
Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses | 2014 |
E-MACs: Toward More Secure and More Efficient Constructions of Secure Channels. | 2014 |
Ad hoc Networks & VANET & MANET |
Optimal Multicast Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs in MANETs | 2014 |
STARS: A Statistical Traffic Pattern Discovery System for MANETs | 2014 |
VSPN: VANET-Based Secure and Privacy-Preserving Navigation | 2014 |
Efficient Data Query in Intermittently-Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Social Networks | 2014 |
AASR: An Authenticated Anonymous Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs in Adversarial Environment | 2014 |
PSR: A Lightweight Proactive Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | 2014 |
Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach | 2014 |
Message Authentication Using Proxy Vehicles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks | 2014 |
Optimized Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Tree Structure in MANETs | 2014 |
Mobile Computing |
Video Dissemination over Hybrid Cellular and Ad Hoc Networks | 2014 |
Wireless Sensor Networks |
A Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
QoS Aware Geographic Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
Link Quality Aware Code Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
ALBAR Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
Snapshot and Continuous Data Collection in Probabilistic Wireless Sensor Networks. | 2014 |
Data Density Correlation Degree Clustering Method for Data Aggregation in WSN | 2014 |
An Energy-Balanced Routing Method Based on Forward-Aware Factor for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
Constructing Load-Balanced Data Aggregation Trees in Probabilistic Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
Android Projects |
Friend book: A Semantic-based Friend Recommendation System for Social Networks | 2014 |
Innovative Schemes for Resource Allocation in the Cloud for Media Streaming Applications | 2014 |
Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing | 2014 |
Smart DC Mobility Prediction-based Adaptive Duty Cycling for Everyday Location Monitoring | 2014 |
LocaWard A Security and Privacy Aware Location-Based Rewarding System | 2014 |
Enabling Trustworthy Service Evaluation in Service-Oriented Mobile Social Networks | 2014 |
Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly | 2014 |
Cooperative Positioning and Tracking in Disruption Tolerant Networks | 2014 |
MOSES: Supporting and Enforcing Security Profiles on Smart phones | 2014 |
Certificateless Remote Anonymous Authentication Schemes for Wireless Body Area Networks | 2014 |
SOS A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks | 2014 |
A Real-Time Adaptive Algorithm for Video Streaming over Multiple Wireless Access Networks | 2014 |
Improving Fairness, Efficiency, and Stability in HTTP-Based Adaptive Video Streaming With Festive | 2014 |
Android College Campus | 2014 |
Data Mining |
Efficient Ranking on Entity Graphs with Personalized Relationships | 2014 |
Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key-Exchange Over Internet. | 2014 |
Efficient Instant-Fuzzy Search with Proximity Ranking | 2014 |
Temporal Workload-Aware Replicated Partitioning for Social Networks | 2014 |
Distributed Web Systems Performance Forecasting Using Turning Bands Method | 2014 |
Distributed Processing of Probabilistic Top-k Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014 |
Networking and Wireless Communication |
A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme toward Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks | 2014 |
Cooperation Versus Multiplexing: Multicast Scheduling Algorithms for OFDMA Relay Networks | 2014 |
HALO: Hop-by-Hop Adaptive Link-State Optimal Routing | 2014 |
A Two stage Deanonymization Attack Against Anonymized Social Networks | 2014 |
Cross-Layer Design of Congestion Control and Power Control in Fast-Fading Wireless Networks | 2014 |
Image Processing and Multimedia |
Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures | 2014 |
Learning and Recognition of On-Premise Signs from Weakly Labeled Street View Images | 2014 |
Multi sensor Fusion-Based Concurrent Environment Mapping and Moving Object Detection for Intelligent Service Robotics (Dot Net) | 2014 |
Sharing Visual Secrets in Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (Dot Net) | 2014 |
Feature Match: A General ANNF Estimation Technique and its Applications (Dot Net) | 2014 |
J2ME Mobile Based Projects |
Adaptation of a virtual campus for mobile learning devices | 2014 |
Bluetooth Mobile Based College Campus | 2014 |
ECops via Handheld Mobile Devices | 2014 |
Privacy-Conscious Location-Based Queries in Mobile Environments | 2014 |
Ranking Model Adaptation for Domain-Specific Search | 2014 |
SPOC A Secure and Privacy-preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework For Mobile-Healthcare Emergency | 2014 |
The Word in a nut shell : CONCISE RANGE QUERIES | 2014 |
Parallel and Distributed System |
LocaWard: A Security and Privacy Aware Location-Based Rewarding System | 2014 |
On False Data-Injection Attacks against Power System State Estimation: Modeling and Countermeasures | 2014 |
Certificateless Remote Anonymous Authentication Schemes for Wireless Body Area Networks | 2014 |
Secure Deduplication with Efficient and Reliable Convergent Key Management | 2014 |
Contact us for more details about project Abstract, Rough Documentations Review PPT Presentations, Source Code, database and Executable video file.
hi Can i get Mtech Seminar topics for Computer science
hi sir can u help me please send the java source code of traffic accident information management system by my email addresse ok
this is my email adderesse
please help me ?
Please I need with my project work, I need a java program for avaition speech recognition
hi please provide core java based projets
need the mathamatical model for my project . My Base paper is ] Kisung Lee, Ling Liu, Yuzhe Tang, Qi Zhang, Yang Zhou,”Efficient and Customizable Data Partitioning Framework for Distributed Big RDF Data Processing in the Cloud”, 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cloud Computing.
Can I get this report..
Approximate Shortest Distance Computing: A Query-Dependent Local Landmark Scheme
hi i need this project. please send me fast
I need full documentation for “privacy preserving and content protecting location based queries”
i want cse projects with documentaion and source code
did u have project in tittle
network traffic prediction by using time series model
i need code for “supporting privacy protection in personalized web search” in java or .Net language.please help
i want vehicle tracking system project in… can u please help me.
i neede code for this title Clouds Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud
pls send your mail to this i am going to provide code
can u plz send the code for Hop-by-Hop Message Authentication and Source Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks and
Key – Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage
i need code for removal of rain streaks in an image in matlab.
i need source code and documentation for shared authority based privacy preserving authentication protocol in cloud computing in java
Hi please help my project
I want a graduation project (System for the Office of Real Estate integrated reached the php)….
I am required to work program Real Estate
Real estate project
This project is talking about Real Estate Office system, a manual system will be established idea of it enter data and information on the buyer
Or tenant in a real estate system includes:.
* Types of real estate (land, buildings, markets, shopping malls, apartments, warehouses, villas, hotels, factories, offices, shows, clubs, etc .. (
** Data each property separately (Code, type, name, status, location, Annaoyen, space, sale / lease price, etc.)
*** Data and specifications of contracts
**** As well as rent bonds
Study the feasibility of the idea of the application are The answer to these questions.
Is the idea meaningful logical and Majdi
Do you agree with the work of the author of the program strategy
Mamkdar risk, which include the idea means Is it possible to cause problems, and what are the risks?
What is the cost of the project by the idea of the proposed automation system?
Discrimination problem. System. And been put up some activities to be achieved through the system such as:.
The system contains:.
The introduction of customer data (seller – buyer.
– The introduction of real estate data and specifications.
– Contracts with the customer data recording.
– Register-term cash collection and data.
– Follow-up premiums receivable.
– Recording charts computer automated
Goals :.
1) Ease of communication between buyer and seller
2) Awadhafah delete or modify system data
3) Make sure the process by the system
4) Save the operation in the database
How cost؟
How much time؟
can you pls send me that all projects code……………… i want to study that all projects……………..
1 Efficient and Privacy Aware Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensing Network Security
2 Secure Continuous Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
3 Bluetooth Mobile Based College Campus
4 Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
5 Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing
can you pls send me that all projects code i want to study . I’m student
pls send me that all projects code………………
Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures
Learning and Recognition of On-Premise Signs from Weakly Labeled Street View Images
pls send me that all projects code
Need a full documentation of my project uniform embedding for efficient jpeg steganography
please send documentation and implementation on project Improving security and efficiency in attribute based data sharing
plz send a project source code online railway tickets reservation system in PHP and SQL
i can help you for your project in PHP
Please I need a good documentation, and source code for the project titled ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM
i have develop project E voting system… you can contact me on my id
I need a java code on project named ” Product Aspect Ranking and Its Application “, please do help me with the same as early as possible. This is my mail id
i need a .net code on project name consistency as a service:Auditing cloud consistency in cloud platform
..please i need a source code of it along with documentation
this is my email id
i need a documentation for project designed on virtualization in gns3 or a project on routing for ideas to check which might b a good major project
pls suggest at
1 Efficient and Privacy Aware Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensing Network Security
2 Secure Continuous Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
3 Bluetooth Mobile Based College Campus
4 Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
5 Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing
can you pls send me that all projects code……………… i want to study that all projects……………..
I need papers for above project. Plese send me the documentation.
can you please mail me the source code for “effective bug triage using software data reduction techniques”
plz send the java code for” Shared Authority Based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing” as soon as possible….
this is my mail id)
plz send the java code for” Shared Authority Based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing” as soon as possible…. is my mail id)
Java project on cloud service selection security aspect
hello sir please send source code for automatic test packet generation
how can i download projects with database and sourcecode.
plz…. give me a project in java with abstract anc detailed information
i want efficient prediction of difficult keyword queries over databases project
datamining java project
secure data retrieval for decentralized disruption-tolerant military networks
please send me source code for Cost Effective Resource Allocation Of Overlay Routing Relay Nodes
can any one help me for Privacy Preserving Ranked Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners in Cloud Computing
I want “Exploiting Service Similarity for Privacy in Location-Based Search Queries.” M.Tech Project.. Kindly respond me fast..