Administration and Inventory Process System Project DFD Diagrams

Introduction to Administration and Inventory Process System Project:

In every business organization the details of production and the supply are maintained by using an application. In this paper we will see how the application maintains the administration and the inventory system details. By giving the request for the sales or the production details it checks from the administrator database and processes the request. In this the application runs the ERP sales between the supplier, administrator and the consumer. In this paper we will be looking into production purchase and billing system, supplier registration and validation system, customer edit details and supplier edit details.

Brief on the data flow models:

An administrative system is present which maintains the details of the raw materials supplied from the supplier and also maintains the details of the goods supplied to the customers. Here the inventory system maintains the details of the checks issued to the supplier and the payments received from the customer and also maintains a production account for maintaining the details of the finished goods.

The production system also checks the availability of the goods for generation of the bills and it maintains a finance database for maintain the billing processes. A billing system is present where the user can look into his account by entering his user id and password and can check the bills by sending a request to the administrator.


It is very difficult for the persons to look after huge databases and generate responses for the requests. So this kind of administrative systems are very useful for maintaining the databases and they give fast responses for they given requests.

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