This paper elaborates the working of the home security alarm system developed by employing WSN and GSM technology. WSN technology has the capability to detect object information in dangerous conditions. By using GSM networks we can transfer information to large distances. A system software is developed in C51 which sends and receives data, and at the same time gives an alarm when a dangerous condition is encountered. Zigbee is used for wireless communication of the devices connected in a area. Zigbee technology is employed because it is highly transmission efficient and it can send signals without any attenuation during the time of gas leaking and fire attacks. MSP430F135 microcontroller used as it as it as low power consummating device.
System architecture:
The WSN has an data collecting unit which converts the sensor signals and sends to the processing unit, where the information gets processed and is placed on a wireless network for transmitting. A wireless control unit interconnects both GSM module and WSN center node module so that messages given by the WSN is sent to GSM module. The GSM module uses the GPRS networks for transmitting messages to the mobile phones. A target detection algorithm is employed for effective elimination of environment changes.
Applications and future scope;
This type of models are used in industries, companies , banks and homes for detecting the security threats. This can send the message within a few seconds after the detection of threat. The time taken for the threat detection is a bit slow so certain new algorithms are to be employed for fast detection of targets. Thus we can conclude that this model is useful to prevent the sudden occurring threats.
Download A Remote Home Security System Based On Wireless Sensor Network and GSM Technology Project Report.