List of Mat Lab and VLSI projects

The below are the list of Mat Lab and VLSI projects

  1. FPGA based design and implementation of 7-tap folded pipelined fir filter Mat Lab Project
  2. Design and implementation of a soft drink wending machine on fpga. (vhdl)
  3. Design and Implementation of fir filter using verilog hdl on fpga, & analysis using matlab
  4. Design and implementation of a uart VLSI final year project
  5. Design and implementation of eeprom live project
  6. Design and implementation of sloted machine ECE final year project
  7. Design and implementation of pll Mat Lab & VLSI M tech Project
  8. Design and implementation of dct to compress the image
  9. Design and Implementation of a data compress using huffman algorithm using hdl.
  10. Design and implementation of frequency shift keying
  11. Design and implementation of digital to analog converter.
  12. Design and implementation of anti-collision algorithm (slotted alloha algorithm)
  13. Design and implementation of a usb transmitter using hdl
  14. Design and implementation of a usb receiver using hdl
  15. Design of an advance encryption algorithm using hdl
  16. Design of an advance decryption algorithm using hdl
  17. Design and implementation of a rc4 technique Project
  18. Design and analysis of cdma modem using matlab.
  19. Design and implementation and rejection of interference in bluetooth voice transmission.

11 Replies to “List of Mat Lab and VLSI projects”

  1. sir, i am mtech final year student. i want some good projects based on vlsi. so, kindly give me some information about the same.

  2. Sir,

    I urgently Need a project in VLSI mostly related to low power chip designing of VLSI Chip

    I need an abstract which should have enough information to find out what we will be doing and what tools we will be using. Roughly one page will do

    I will pay for this …please reply asap …

    Thank you

  3. hi sir i want total details of below project title

    FPGA based design and implementation of 7-tap folded pipelined fir filter Mat Lab Project

  4. sir can u give the sorce code of gesture control robot by use matlab with any hardware supported package …… thanks in advance….

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