This is a Chat Feature Specification Document for a College. Here Students can have a chat with the Teaching & Nonteaching Staff (management staff, admin staff, and accounting staff). Here the main motto is to share the resources like media, files, documents, photos, circulars, notifications, etc inside the college.
System Users:
- Students
- Faculty
- Admin staff
- Academic staff
- Configuration staff
System Developer:
Documentation Engineers, Development Engineers, Test Automation Engineers
Roles of System users:
Feedback, communication, resource sharing, roles, channels
Roles of System Developer:
- Provide security and privacy
- Maintenance of front-end and back end
- System development
- System maintenance
Concepts Regarding CHAT (Mini Project):
Database (To store details of students both day scholars and hostelers, faculty, admin staff, and academic staff)
DBMS (To define constraints and relationships among the student’s faculty interaction, academic staff, and admin staff)
Android development (to make the CHAT app)
Front-end (Programming languages involving OOPs concepts, and also to develop API through, java and python)
Drivers and software installations for connecting front-end and back-end
Security and encryption algorithms for end-to-end encryption of text messages and to maintain CIA concepts of the application
Testing Algorithms & Issues (To avoid errors and Exceptions)
Ideas on CHAT
For Students:
Login: Through the registration number send OTP to the college mail id
Resource sharing: media, files, documents, photos, circulars, notifications
contact details: phone number etc.,
profile photo and details: should be the same as e-cap
For Faculty:
Login: Through the registration number send OTP to the college mail id
Resource sharing: media, files, documents, photos, circulars, notifications
Contact details: phone number etc.,
Profile photo: should be the same as e-cap
For Admin:
Nonteaching faculty (managing staff, admin staff, accounting staff) have access to this Section they have complete access to modify the database and change the components of the System