GSM Based Advanced Security Systems Abstract


 The aim of GSM BASED ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS project is to control the home appliances from remote locations from a central Server system.


The idea of having a full control over the places where we live and work has always been a fascinating subject to fantasize no matter at what age! As the technology improved in recent decades, human being gained more power on controlling various devices indoors. However, having this control remotely still remains an incomplete yet developing matter in industry. 

The Project entitled “GSM BASED ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS” highlights the above mentioned issue and offers ways to overcome this need by employing two of the most widely used features of today’s technology – SMS to be applied as a bridge in between human and fully automated buildings, GSM standard which ensures perfect compatibility between networks and mobile phones in any location. 

            In this project, the system allows the home owner to monitor and control the house appliances like fan, motor, AC, light which can be switched on or off via the mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS and also the home owner can receive the appliances status. 

When a message was received from the GSM then the micro controller will display that message on LCD at the end of the message a number is received based on that number the micro controller will does the coresponinding operation to that number like switching the devices ON and OFF. and the date and time of that message received is displayed on LCD display. 


  • MAX232
  • MOC3011
  • BT136


  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming

download GSM Based Advanced Security Systems Abstract .

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