Java Project on Computer to Computer Learning System

Computer to Computer Learning System

Computer to Computer Learning is the modern way of education, in which the students can get the valuable information through CD’s and Digital Copies. Generally, an existing system the educational institutions provide online material which is one-way uploading and hence the database is limited to a single person and hence the information updating needs time, But in this project, the database was made online so the database was accessible to multiple users. Any Format of information can be uploaded like audio, video, text etc. In this application, there are 3 modules

  1. Admin

Admin can view the institutes and students registered and delete them if he feels unnecessary. Admin can also view the complaints given by students

All the users are controlled by admin. Administrator services are

  1. Approve the institute
  2. delete institute
  3. view students
  4. view complaints
  1. College:

The college needs to register and log in and upload the articles on different topics providing the information and maintains the faculty details and view the responses and requests provided by students.

College is an Organization which can handle the all the student details. The College services are

  1. Registration
  2. Upload Articles
  3. Faculty Management
  4. Update profile of College
  5. Send Responses
  6. send a response for appropriate requests
  7. view request and send feedback
  1. Student:

The student will log in with a valid username and password and he can send a request to college he can view the response from college and he can also give feedback to admin. He can also update his profile.

The Student services are

  1. Update profile
  2. send a request to the college
  3. view responses
  4. and send feedback

Existing System:

In the existing Computer to Computer Learning System, the main problem is the database is maintained at individual such as in excel sheets and hence the system is not available for all college students so we propose the multiple access database systems in this project.

Proposed System:

In Proposed Computer to Computer Learning System, we used Centralized or Multiple access databases and it is automatically updated with the multiple users on the system so this makes the system fast.

Output Screens:

  1. Login Page:
  2. Registration Page:
  3. Clooege Registration:
  4. Student Registration:
  5. Admin Login:
  6. Student List:
  7. College Login:
  8. Student Login:

Architecture Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Download Computer to Computer Learning System Java Project Source Code,  Project Report, PPT, UML Diagrams.

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