Peer-to-peer Video Distribution Over The Internet Technical Seminar Presentation

Introduction to Peer-to-peer Video Distribution Over The Internet Technical Seminar Presentation:

The World Wide Web is a network which distributes the information, so that everyone is capable of accessing the data objects globally. The www is a network of information. It helps the people for accessing their information resources.

A technique named web caching is enabled to reduce the client response time and also helps from network traffic problem and also reduces the load on server. It helps in getting maximum number of hits, so that the performance increases.

In the architecture the peers are grouped together based on the controller and the controller is responsible for assigning the Peer ID for the peer who has joined as new in the group. The architecture involves the modules related to Peer Management i.e. it is used for managing peers. Video request Module i.e. it is used for managing the request send by the client.

The peer management involves the termination of the connection by the controller. Whenever there are no changes made to the cache then no message is sent by the peer. In case of a new peer first a join group message is sent to the controller with the help of TCP connection. And the controller will send the reply with the ACK and unique peer id.

The peer to peer communication helps to share the information directly between the terminals. The advantage with p2p communication when compared to that of client-server is, it is cost effective as it is implemented without a setup of data centre.

When we consider the protocol UDP, it is an efficient protocol for fulfilling the real-time requirements and also in reducing the band-width consumption of peer.

We can conclude that the implementation and design of the peer-peer is simple without any complexity and also a number of results have been proved that it is most efficient type of communication.

Download  Peer-to-peer Video Distribution Over The Internet Technical Seminar Presentation.

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