Technical Seminar Presentation on Unix Network Programming using C for CSE Students

Introduction to Technical Seminar Presentation on Unix Network Programming using C:

UNIX is the operating system which was developed by a group of AT and T employees at Bell Labs in 1969.  UNIX was developed earlier before the operating systems of Windows and Dos. And its existence is still late enough for giving us the internet.

UNIX is multitasking and multi-user operating system i.e. it is used for handling multiple tasks at a time. The operating system UNIX was first developed in the year 1973 in the assembly language,  it was then recorded in C entirely. Today UNIX is widely used in commercial applications, in all universities and also in most of the organizations. 

The communication between the processes can be defined as inter processes communication. Where the communication can be occur within a single system between two processes and the communication can be between two processes in different system. The different methods used for IPC to occur are Pipes, FIFO, Message Queues, Semaphores and Shared memory. If we consider a file system then only one process can access the resource at a time. File, it contains the sequence number in ASCII. In general the sequence number is given by reading the sequence number file and it makes use of the number and finally increments the number and writes back. 

If we consider the inter process communication through Pipe it also allows only one-way flow of data where the communication is between two processes. But the shared memory is considered as fastest means of communication, where the server is responsible for reading the data from the input file and the server is capable of writing the data in message, then the client is responsible for reading the data from IPC channel and at last the data is copied from the clients buffer. 

Thus UNIX is multitasking and multi-user operating system which is widely used in commercial applications, in all universities and also in most of the organizations.

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