Placement Management System C# with XAML Project


This application is designed to develop a Placement Management system to assist the placement officer’s to maintain the student data and sort them according to the percentage criteria required for the company and student can review his/her data overcoming the drawbacks of the existing system.


The purpose of this application is to develop an Application which facilitates the officer’s to maintain the student data and sort them according to the percentage and even delete the records and student can review his/her data overcoming the drawbacks of the existing system.


In the current scenario People Store the data of the students using some applications and sort them manually so filtering the people is a difficult task as there will be lots of students in the organization.


The major problem in the current system is that filtering the data is a manual approach and needs lots of time and a man can make mistakes while sorting.


The application aims to overcome the drawbacks of the existing systems in the market and implement a few additional features.

The proposed systems consist of 2 different modules namely Admin and Student; each module has a different set of tasks to be done.


The purpose of this application is to develop an Application which facilitates officials of the placements in the educational institutions to manage their student records. Using this Application Placement officer can add data of the students and even filter the students according to the criteria required for the organization and student can see his/her complete profile.


The product includes a few functionalities that help the admins to get the sorted list of students easily and effectively.

These functionalities include:

  • Administrator Panel to add/review/sort/delete student records.
  • Student Panel to review his/her data


This application contains three modules.

  • Admin Module
  • Student Module.



Admin Panel facilitates the officer’s to register a student, review the complete data, sort the data according to the percentages, and delete the data

Each Functionality is obtained by clicking the particular links


The Student Module facilitates the student to review their own data by entering their roll number.

These are the Modules covered in this Application.

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Placement Management system Class Diagram

Architecture Diagram:

1) Test Case for Software Installation.

Test Case ID:       1
Test Case Name Software Installation Test
Purpose: To check whether the required Software is installed on the systems
Input: Run the Windows 8 SDK in Visual Studio.
Expected Result: Should Display the Integrated Development Environment
Actual Result: Displays the IDE  for installing the Software
Failure If the Software is not installed and configured accordingly then the system will not work
Remark Success

 2) Test Case for Running Application.

Test Case ID:       2
Test Case Name Application Run Test.
Purpose: To check whether the application runs on the local machine
Input: Run the application
Expected Result: Application should run on the local machine.
Actual Result: Application is running
Failure Could not run the Application (Force Closes).
Remark Success

3) Test Case for Selecting ADMIN.

Admin Case ID:       3
Test Case Name Choosing ADMIN Module.
Purpose: To check whether the application chooses the selected module and loads pages accordingly.
Input: Click on ADMIN link.
Expected Result: The pages from ADMIN Module are loaded.
Actual Result: The pages from ADMIN Module are loaded.
Failure Module will not be loaded.
Remark Success

4) Test Case for Selecting STUDENT Module.

Test Case ID:       4
Test Case Name Starting a Student Module
Purpose: To check whether the application loads the pages from the selected Module.
Input: Click on STUDENT link.
Expected Result: The pages from STUDENT Module are loaded.
Actual Result: The pages from STUDENT Module are loaded.
Failure The pages from STUDENT Module will not be loaded.
Remark Success

5) Test Case for Checking Database.

Test Case ID:       5
Test Case Name Testing the Database.
Purpose: To check whether the application stores data according to security constraints.
Input: Select ADMIN Module.
Expected Result: Successful List of Registered STUDENTS.
Actual Result: List of Registered STUDENTS.
Failure Display POP-UP alerting NO DATA FOUND
Remark Success

6) Test Case for Viewing Data in student module.

Test Case ID:       6
Test Case Name Viewing Student Data
Purpose: To check whether the application loads the student data according to Roll Number Entered by Student.
Input: Roll Number
Expected Result: Student Own Data is Loaded
Actual Result: Student Own Data is Loaded
Failure Student Own Data is not Loaded.
Remark Success

Output Screens:

  1. Application Entry
  2. Main Window Opened
  3. Admin Selected
  4. Popup for Complete Details
  5. Popup of Invalid Credentials
  6. Admin Module Entry
  7. Add a Student Clicked
  8. Popup of Successful Registration
  9. Review Database clicked
  10. Select People Clicked
  11. Sorted People According to Percentage
  12. Delete Students Details Clicked
  13. Popup of Delete Result
  14. Admin Logout
  15. Student Clicked
  16. Popup of Student Not Found
  17. Student Page Entry
  18. Student PageTo see Your Data Clicked
  19. Logout Clicked


The end result will be an application that will help the TPO’S to manage the student data very efficiently. The officials can sort the data in time whenever there is an urgent requirement. Using this Application Placement officer can add data of the students and even filter the students according to the criteria required for the organization and student can see his/her complete profile.


As the Requirements Changes day to day, we also need to give extensions to the application in the form of versions.

A few changes that can be expected in the future are:

  • A student can request for updating his/her data to the officials
  • Automatic deletion of record after the student is passed out from college
  • Admin can approve a request from a student panel
  • Admin can set Password Dynamically

Download Placement Management System C# with XAML Project Report Documentation.

Complaints Resolver Application .Net Project


Customer Complaints resolver is a web application which we can find the solutions to the problems we have raised and registered in the application. In this Final Year Project, we have 3 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Servicemen
  3. User

In Daily life we get a lot of problems for the devices we are using so each and every time we cannot make the way for the shop, then in this application user can find the solutions to the queries.


Admin Will login into the application with the default username and password. After logging admin can view the registered user details. Admin can add servicemen by giving service id and all the necessary details, he can also view the status of the user complaints, admin can view the complaints given by users and then admin will assign the users complaints to a serviceman. Admin can view the feedback provided by users.


A serviceman can log in with the admin given username and password and he can view the complaints assigned to him by admin then he will respond or send solution according to the query.


The user will register by providing all necessary details and then he will log in with the username and password after logging user can send the complaint by giving user-id and complaint description user can also give the feedback of how the response provided by the serviceman.

UML Diagrams:

Data Flow Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Existing System:

In Existing System user needs to contact the persons for each and every problem he got, this is annoying and wastes a lot of time. We may not get the best solution in some cases.

Proposed System:

The proposed system, the user just needs to register into the application and then using the username and password and then just describe the problem and then submit the rest is dine by admin and serviceman. The user will have the least amount of work and if he is not satisfied with the solution he can give feedback to admin.

Database Design:

Download Complaints Resolver Automation System .Net Project Code, Project Report, Output Screens, UML Diagrams, etc

Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project


In this Employees to Employer Conference project, we will provide an enhanced way of communication between team members and employees working for an organization.

There are 2 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Employee


Admin will login into the application by giving the default username and password and admin can create the branches by giving its id and he can also add departments for respective branches and add employees for respective branches and departments that are added by admin. Admin can view the added branches, Departments and employees of all branches. Admin can delete the employees.


Employee will login into the application by the admin given user-id and password and selecting the department, after logging in an employee can view his profile and also add the documents required for any type projects which are made in the organization. While uploading documents he can give the description for what kind of this document is. He can also enter into the conference and discuss with the other team members in the respective branch and department about the project details. Employee can also view the list of documents uploaded by him.

Existing System:

In the existing system communication between employees is lacking which leads to a non-healthy environment and may decrease the growth of the organisation so the above mentioned will be sorted out with this application. 

Database Tables:

Database tables for Employee, branch, Data and Department

Data Flow Diagrams:

Proposed System:

In Proposed System admin will create the employee and branches and departments and employees who are in the same department and same branch can login into the application by the admin given username and passwordand they upload the documents required for projects and enter into conference and discuss about the on-going project.

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

State Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Download Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project Source Code, Project Report final Documentation and PPT Presentations.

Road Transport Authority RTA Information System .Net Project


Road Transport Authority is a C#.Net based web application which enhances the use of RTA Services with ease. In this .Net Project there are 3 Modules

  1. RTO
  2. Employee
  3. Apply For LLR (User)


In This Application RTO Will add the employees with details the employee can login by the given username and password. The employee can add the LLR details received from the user. An employee can also renew the LLR of the users. The employee can also generate the payment against issued challan.

Employee performs the following Functions

  • Issue of Challans
  • View Renewed LLR Details
  • View Renewed PL Details
  • View Registered Vehicle Details
  • View New LLR Registrations
  • Can Also view the registration details Monthly Wise


RTO Can add the employee details and can view the registration of vehicle details and issue of LLR and PL Details and renewals of LLR and PL. 


The user can simply for LLR by giving all necessary details and then clicking on submitting we are taken to the challan payment page after successful completion of payment we should write the Test for Learning License. After Exam completion, the result will be shown.

UML Diagrams:

Object Diagram:

Activity Diagram Renewal of Learner License And Permanent Licence:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Existing & Proposed System:

Nowadays we see that using the internet has grown a lot so we need to implement everything online to provide fast and efficient services to the public or users. Users in the earlier days must visit the RTO office to complete the registration of a newly Brought vehicle or to apply an LLR or Pl, which takes a lot of time. Using this application, the RTO and Employee can register the vehicles Using their applications. In this application, we also provided and LLR Test to written online, but in practical to write an LLR we must go to RTO Office and register and wait for a long time. The Whole process is made Simple By this application.

Now in this application generating or extracting the user details are just matter of time because everything which is registered or added is made to store in a centralized database so extracting the details and generating the monthly reports was easy. Previous days we used to maintain or write the records manually, so to search the details or providing the monthly reports was a big task. 

Data Dictonary

  • Table Name: Challana details
Column Name Type Size
cno nvarchar 50
name varchar 50
amount nvarchar 50
ianame varchar 50
Ides varchar 50
Vfrom Varchar 50
Vto Varchar 50
  • Table Registration details
Column Name Type Size
regno nvarchar 50
regdate varchar 50
nameofapp varchar 50
sdwof varchar 50
age varchar 50
Add1 varchar 50
Add2 varchar 50
city varchar 50
state varchar 50
phno varchar 50
nameadd varchar 50
typeofveh varchar 50
date1 varchar 50
chassisno varchar 50
engineno varchar 50
Seatcap varchar 50
Fuel varchar 50
  • Table Name: LLR details
Column Name Type Size
Img_pk Int 4
Img_title varchar 50
Img_stream Image 16
Img_type Varchar 50
llrno Varchar 50
ldate Varchar 50
name Varchar 50
swd Varchar 50
dob Varchar 50
bg Varchar 50
a1 Varchar 50
a2 Varchar 50
City Varchar 50
State Varchar 50
Phone Varchar 50
Mark Varchar 50
Vfrom Varchar 50
Vto Varchar 50
Type Varchar 50
  • Table Name: Admin
Column Name Type Size
Id nvarchar 50
Password nvarchar 50
  • Table Name: LLR Exam
Column Name Type Size
Examno Varchar 50
Ans1 Varchar 50
Ans2 Varchar 50
Ans3 Varchar 50
Ans4 Varchar 50
Ans5 Varchar 50
Ans6 Varchar 50
Ans7 Varchar 50
Ans8 Varchar 50
Ans9 Varchar 50
Ans10 Varchar 50
name Varchar 50
Edate Varchar 50
chalno Varchar 50
  • Table Name:Addemp
Column Name Type Size
Id nvarchar 50
Password nvarchar 50
Name varchar 50
Address varchar 50
phno varchar 50
  • Table Name: Renewal of LLR and PL
Column Name Type Size
llr nvarchar 50
dateofiss varchar 50
dateofren varchar 50
typelicence varchar 50
name varchar 50
sdw varchar 50
dob varchar 50
bloodg varchar 50
Add1 varchar 50
Add2 varchar 50
city varchar 50
state varchar 50
phno varchar 50
Ident1 varchar 50
Ident2 varchar 50
vfrom varchar 50
vto varchar 50
chano varchar 50
amount varchar 50
  • Table Name:Result
Column Name Type Size
aname nvarchar 50
examno nvarchar 50
cno varchar 50
edate varchar 50
marks varchar 50
result Varchar 50


In all the above advantages we must use this application for fast completion of Process and secure payments using challan details.

Download Road Transport Authority RTA Information System .Net Project Source Code, Project Report

Airline Catering Services .Net Project


India has a major market where there is a strong demand for top quality in flight catering services. A complicated system like airline catering needs to consider various issues. It is the independent international system which provides a collaboration work made easy by chef and administrator.

Project Scope

Airline Catering Services software provides a better user interface in the catering system. Here we maintain all the details of the chef and we maintain the all the goods available in the store. This makes the chef work more reliable. Apart from this Airline Catering Services application we also maintain transport details we have different vehicles to carry different food materials.

Communication interfaces:

System Design:

Study of Existing system

“India is a major market where there is a strong demand for top quality in-flight catering services”. A complicated system like airline catering needs to consider various issues. Till now this type of system is not yet integrated to provide automated catering services.

Technical architecture:

Proposed system

Airline catering services is the independent international airline caterer services which provides a collaboration work made easy by chef and administrator. Transport and Retrieval System have been devised manually, making the entire material handling/stacking process completely mechanized.

Using this Airline Catering Services application administrator can get the details such as number of passengers traveling in the aircraft, the items to be packed for the airlines, what type of food Items (veg or non-veg), beverages that are to be supplied. He can send the required information for administrator.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram for User:

Sequence Diagram for Admin:

Sequence Diagram for Chef:

Database design:


Functional requirements

The following modules are present in this Airline Catering Services application:

  • Administration System: In this module admin can send all the details required to other members. Details like number of passengers travelling in the aircraft, the items to be packed for the airlines, what type of food items (veg or non-veg), beverages that are to be supplied will be configured.
  • Chef: The chef should have the details like number of dishes to be prepared. He will plan what are the items and beverages to be purchased from the vendor. He has to take care of each and every goods that is required for the chef, and he has to maintain each and every flight timings and what the food to be served for that particular airline he has to maintain all that details
  • Care taker: He is responsible to transfer the goods from the transporter to airlines. He plays a major role, he has to maintain all the records of what all the goods he delivered and at what time he received the good. He has check whether the food is good or spoiled during the traveling.

Database tables


Column name Data type Length Allow null
Id int 4 0
name varchar 50 0
email varchar 50 1


telephone varchar 50 1


address varchar 150 1


pin varchar 50 1


city varchar 50 1
status char 10 0

TABLE NAME:  Chef_Orderproducts

Column name Data type Length Allow null
chefProductsId int 4 0
ProductsOrdered varchar 2000 1
OrderId int 4 1
ChefEmpId int 4 1

TABLE NAME:  roles

Column name Data type Length Allow null
role_Id Int 4 0
role varchar 50 0

TABLE NAME:  Flightdetails

Column name Data type Length Allow null
FlightId int 4 0
FlightName varchar 50 1
FlightTimings varchar 50 1
Deliverytime varchar 50 1
Reporteename varchar 50 1
Reporteephno varchar 50 1

:  Food_Type

Column name Data type Length Allow null
foodTypeId int 4 0
foodType varchar 50 1
description varchar 150 1
status bit 1 1

TABLE NAME:  ItemImages

Column name Data type Length Allow null
imageId int 4 0
imageName varchar 50 1
imagePath varchar 50 1
IsActive bit 1 1


Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemId int 4 0
itemName varchar 50 0
itemDescription varchar 150 1
itemCost float 8 1
ItemTypeId int 4 0
imageId int 4 1
foodTypeId int 4 1
categoryId int 4 1
ItemTempId varchar 50 1
IsActive bit 1 0

TABLE NAME:  Item temperature

Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemTempId int 4 0
Temperature varchar 50 1

TABLE NAME:  Itemtype

Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemTypeId int 4 0
ItemType varchar 50 1
description varchar 150 1
status bit 1 1

 Software :

  • Language : Microsoft C#
  • Microsoft ASNet
  • Runtime : Microsoft Framework
  • Environment : Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
  • Web server: Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Database : Microsoft SQL Server
  • Operating system : Microsoft Windows

6.2 Test cases:

Test case number #01
Module Airline
Description Registration
Input Provide the details in the registration page for the airlines
Expected Output Request for username and password to be entered
Actual output Request for username and password to be entered
Test case number #02
Module Airline
Description registration
Input Provide the login details
Expected Output Displays a message that registration is successful
Actual output Displays a message that registration is successful
Test case number #03
Module Airline
Description login
Input Provide the login details and select the user option in dropdown
Expected Output Displays catering services home page
Actual output Displays catering services home page
Test case number #04
Module Airline
Description Home page
Input Click on about us link
Expected Output Displays the catering management information
Actual output Displays the catering management information
Test case number #05
Module Airline
Description Home page
Input Click on contact us
Expected Output Displays the address of catering services
Actual output Displays the address of catering services
Test case number #06
Module Airline
Description Place an order page
Input Select the food timings and food type
Expected Output Displays the item name, image, description and quantity information
Actual output Displays the item name, image, description and quantity information
Test case number #07
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders link
Expected Output Displays the flight details, order details and delivery time
Actual output Displays the flight details, order details and delivery time
Test case number #08
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders and view
Expected Output Displays the order details previously entered and  the items ordered
Actual output Displays the order details previously entered and  the items ordered
Test case number #09
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders and accept
Expected Output Request to select the chef to whom order has to be assigned
Actual output Request to select the chef to whom order has to be assigned
Test case number #10
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Select the chef from the drop down list
Expected Output Displays the particular chef information
Actual output Displays the particular chef information
Test case number #11
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on submit
Expected Output Displays a message that the order has assigned successfully
Actual output Displays a message that the order has assigned successfully
Test case number #12
Module Chef
Description View order
Input Click on order link
Expected Output Displays the order item details and order status
Actual output Displays the order item details and order status
Test case number #13
Module Admin
Description view status
Input Click on order status
Expected Output Displays status as product ordered by chef
Actual output Displays status as product ordered by chef
Test case number #14
Module Chef
Description if the order is ready
Input Click on chef inprocess order link
Expected Output Click on completed preparing food link
Actual output Click on completed preparing food link

Output Screens shots

  1. Login
  2. “User” home page
  3. Select Food as per our choice
  4. Place Order
  5. Admin Login
  6. “ADMIN” check for orders with respective of flight details , food types. He sends order information to “CHEF”
  7. CHEF logins and check his orders and prepares food .


This  proposed  project  “Airline Catering services” is  analyzed ,designed , developed and  tested in the specified  period  of time  using the Advanced Microsoft  .Net technology   to automate the general operations held in a catering system

Online Bus Ticket Booking Project Synopsis


This Online Bus Ticket Booking project will provide an Online bus ticket booking platform and thereby leverage the tedious manual ticket booking activity for a customer. We can come up with features like saving favorite routes and providing discounts for the same. We can provide a feature that will allow the customer to get a ticket booked without much hassle.

Existing System:

Initially, customers used to book tickets manually by queuing in lines at bus stations or go to travel agents who in turn used to book tickets for them. This was actually a tedious process and was leading to wastage of time.  It also had issues like having incorrect names or other information used to book tickets.

Proposed System:

We can eliminate the drawbacks by developing an application which will allow customers to register themselves and book tickets, cancel tickets or postpone or prepone travel dates with feasibility. This actually is a welcome step for customers as they can access the application from anywhere and will also avoid wastage of time that was caused due to the drawbacks in the previous way of booking tickets manually.

User Types: Admin, Customer, Employee


Route management
Bus management
Bus Staff Management
Manage bookings
View bookings


It will be used by admin to create or manage Bus information and create bus staff information. Link the bus staff to different buses that are managed.

It will also have the option to view all bookings that were done for all buses on a day or month or quarterly basis. View all cancellations and rescheduled bookings. Will be able to confirm reschedule bookings. Will be able to handle transactions related to cancellations.

It will have the option to confirm rescheduled bookings and confirm the same to the customer.

The dashboard of admin will basically have a view which will show no of buses running, no of bookings on a specific day, no of cancellations on a day, no of hits to the site.

It will have the option to review and approve employee logins.

It will have the option to add routes for which buses will be linked.


The staff of website can register themselves and send an approval request to admin. Admin will assign a role and approve the login. Once logged in they can view the no of bookings on a specific day, no of cancellations on a day and rescheduled booking requests. They will be able to update and confirm rescheduled bookings, also take care of canceled bookings and its transactions.

Route management:

This module will be accessible to admin and employee both. Information related to all roots will be added in this module. Information like From Where to Where, the distance between two locations, stoppages in a route etc. Depending Upon the distance saved bus travel time will be calculated.

Bus management:

Will have options to add all information related to buses that are plying and then link it to different routes. Bus features like AC/ Non A/c, Two by Two or Sleeper or Pushback etc will all be added in this module.

Bus Staff management:

It will be accessible to employees and admin both. It will allow saving info related to a bus like a bus driver, cleaner, and attendant. Details, like name, phone no, email id, home address, alternate address, an alternate contact number will all be saved for each and every staff.

Customer: This will allow a customer to search for buses on any route with date search criteria. Bus listings will be shown as per search criteria and will also show information related to features of the bus that are playing the specified route. Book option will be provided to confirm booking. No of passengers has to be provided and then booking can be confirmed.  A customer will also have Manage bookings module which will show the history of all bookings that were done till date. The customer can reschedule a booking or cancel a booking from Manage bookings module as two options will be provided for the same.  Dashboard for a customer will show most recent bookings and depart time and date initially in a grid format.

Future Enhancements:

We can provide SMS based alerts and email notifications for bookings.

WThe wallet can be developed to handle discounts on the points basis. It can also be used to provide referral code concept for referring friends.

Chat feature can be included in the application to chat with customer care.

We can come with a feature that will allow the customer to save favourite routes and provide discounts for same.

Introduce coupon management for providing coupons which customers can use to avail discounts.

System Requirement Specification: 

Hardware Requirements:
Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Software Requirements:

Technology: HTML,CSS, Jquery, PHP

Back End: SQLServer or Mysql

Operating System: Windows7 and more

Frame Work: Larvel or Phalcon 

Or it can also be done in .Net


Database:           SQLSERVER 2008 or  more

IDE & Tools:           VStudio.Net 2010 or more

Web Server:           IIS 6.0

Web Technologies:           Asp. Net, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Online Accommodation Information System Project Synopsis


This Online Accommodation Information System project will basically be an easy to use web application that will allow customers or users to search for accommodation in all localities. It is basically for providing a platform wherein information related to rented accommodation will be provided as per different search criteria. It will have sophisticated search logic which will cater to all sorts of customers.

User Types: Admin, Customer, Dealers


Admin: This module will have options to create all base information.

It will have the option to add Property Category types like flat, farmhouses, Individual houses etc. It will then have the option to add subcategories like 3 bhk flat, 2 bhk flat, individual farmhouses, 2 storied or 3 storied individual houses etc. It will have the option to save info related to dealers who will save data related to their properties. It actually will manage approvals of properties that are being added to the system by dealers after verification. It will have the option to update the status of properties to indicate that they have been occupied or vacated or discussion in progress etc.

Customer module: It will allow customers to register and then search for accommodation as per search criteria. The customer has to add all information like price range, locality looking for, type of property and other related information while searching for properties. The dashboard will be provided to show the related search results and option will be provided to contact the dealers of properties.

It will also have the option to send request meeting with a suitable time frame to see the property and they can also get a notification in dashboard once the meeting is confirmed. Once a dealer confirms request sent by the customer the contact information will be shown so that he or she can contact dealers over the phone.

Dealers: They will register with online accommodation system to host and advertise their properties. Once registered admin will check and approve their registration. Once approved they can add their property info and advertise it. They will have a dashboard which will show the info related to properties which were viewed by different customers. If a customer sends a request to view a property that can also be seen in the dashboard under a separate section. It will show the timeframes which customers are looking for and they can accept request which will then enable contact information for the customer.

Future enhancements:

We can introduce email notifications, SMS alerts to customers.
Chat functionality can be enabled after request acceptance for both customer and dealer.
Ratings and review functionality can be introduced which will allow the customer to rate or review dealer property which was shown or rented successfully.

Technical Aspects:

Database: SQL Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front-end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, MySql as backend with other frameworks.

E-Buy Spy .Net Project Code & Report

The Abstract of the Project:

This help in managing the orders and user requests properly for the website administrator, and it also provides an opportunity to the user of the site to act as customer in the process of purchasing the products in order list, the customers can visit and purchase products anytime and any place through online the customers can also compliant and send request/gives regarding services needed for the purchased products.

The objective of the project:

The project is intended to achieve the following objectives

  • The user information files can be stored in a centralized database which can be maintained by the system.
  • This can give the good security of user information because data is not on the client machine.
  • Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access.
  • This system provides the facility for the customers to pay their electricity bills online.
  • With this system, we can purchase through online.
  • Customers have the facility to send their claims and send feedback to the administrator from his home if he has an internet connection.

Future Enhancement:

  • In this project, we are providing a limited number of sites. In future, we would like to place some more Products on the site.
  • In the future, we also providing Search engine, for to  search the sites
  • Provide the consultancy centers
  • Mainly a special Price will be provided for frequently visited users.

Output Results:

  • Homepage

This is the home page of the system. This leads to various pages where the users can meet their requirements. It consists of a menu bar with different menus.Each of them has a set of similar operations grouped together.By clicking on any of them, User can carry out the operation.

  • About US page

This page can view any user without any registration they can Know about The site details without any registration

  • Contact Us page

This page can show the details of the site holder’s numbers and branches details can provide

  • FAQ page

This page is directly contacted by the administration without any registration. Any user can ask their doubts on this page and answer will get from the admin.

  • Registration page

The above screen is for creating an account for the user. This is the initial step for entry into the website.

  • Login page

This page is used to enter into website after giving user id and password

  • Welcome page

After Entering the site the first page of the Customer

  • Spy Products page

In this the Spy Products are available and the customer can purchase the products as shown on the above page. Customer can Purchase and reserve the Products at a time

  • Billing page

This page shows the bill information of Products which The Customer is ready the Purchase. In this Customer need to Enter the Credit card details.

  • Report page

In this page, the Report of Products which are Purchased by the Customer that information will generate after purchasing the Products

  • Personal Shopping list page

If the Customer already Purchase the products the Product details will Store and Display in this page and the Customer no need to Search again and again for the Products if the Product is already purchased

  • Reserve page

In this Page, the Customer view the Products, Which are not Purchased

  • Feed Back page

In this Page, the customer can give the feedback about the products.

  • Products list page

This Page belongs to the Admin. Admin can update and delete the product details and the all product details are display here

  • Products Uploading page

This Page is used to upload the Products

  • Customer page

This page is used to show the details of the customers

  • Pending page

This page show the details of Pending Product details

  • Feedback page

This page shows the feedback and FAQ of the customers, admin can give the reply for the FAQ from this Page.

  • Dispatch page

This page shows the Customers Purchase Product details.

  • Branches page

This page shows the Branch details

Mobile Shopping System .Net Project Code & Report


Mobile online shopping is a concept which basically will deal with the online sale of mobiles specifically. It will allow customers to browse through mobile brands only and then check the different type of mobile phones available in the market for a specific brand. It will provide an authentic list of mobile brands in the market and make sure reliability and deliverables are 100 percent guaranteed. We came to this thought as when we go to online sale portals, they deal with a lot of products and customers sometimes may feel it be too huge and confused with mobile categories that are available. Hence we came up with mobile online shopping.

It will be an easy to browse or use website which will showcase only mobile products. It will allow comparison of prices for a particular price range mobiles of different brands thereby allowing the customer to select one of them as per the features and reliability. This application will also deal with mobiles spare parts or accessories too for all brands.

Use Case Diagram

User Types:

Admin, Customers, Vendors

Admin will basically manage the product that is being added to the website. Admin will approve customers before they log in and search their mobiles as per their criteria they are looking for. Admin will also manage the profiles related to vendors who will register themselves in the mobile online shopping and show their mobiles for sale.

Customers will register themselves first and then only can search for mobiles in the applications. Once a registered customers logs in, he or she will have access to search for mobiles and add them to cart and buy it.

Vendors basically have to register first and once approved by admin will be able to add their products and details. It will also show all feature information in details. They will provide information related to delivery and also make sure to deliver the product with 100 percent guarantee.



Admin Panel: It will allow managing customer info and save the data related to all info for customers and vendors. It will allow the addition of mobiles, mobile accessories in details. Products will be saved to the database via admin panel. Products can be added to the system by vendors. Each vendor will be allowed to add a product after being registered. Whenever a vendor or customer registers it is saved to the database via admin panel. It provides a secure and reliable way of saving the data to the database. Admin panel as managed by admin will have the option to manage the delivery status of products ordered. Admin will update the status of an order as delivered or in progress from admin panel. Admin will also have the option to attach a delivery executive to be linked to an order.

Dashboard: It will display available mobile brands and a bit of info wherever needed. A user accessing the application or website can click on a product to search for the different category of mobile. It will provide info related to mobile accessories that are available on the website and vendor information to which are actually providing the mobile and its related accessories to be on sale on the website.

Cart: It will basically manage the orders placed by customers, the option will be provided to remove an already added item. Increase the quantity of the products if needed, it will allow the customer to manage address to be delivered, also an option to check the delivery status. Once products are added to a cart, the delivery boy will be assigned to it by admin in admin panel and manage the delivery status.

Vendor: A vendor will initially register and it will be approved by admin. Once registered, the vendor has to add info related to mobile products which will be added for sale on the website. They have to add mobile accessories also which they deal with.


They have to add following info for a mobile:

Phone brand,Phone name,rating,Price,picture,warranty,color,information,Specifications

General: Model Number,Model Name,Color,Browse Type,SIM Type,Hybrid Sim Slot,Touchscreen,OTG Compatible

Display Features: Display Size,Resolution,Resolution Type,GPU,Display Type,Display Colors

Os & Processor Features:Operating System, Processor Type,Processor Core,Primary Clock Speed
Memory & Storage Features:Internal Storage,RAM,Expandable Storage,Supported Memory Card,Type,Memory Card Slot Type,Call Log Memory

Camera Features:Primary Camera Available,Primary Camera,Primary Camera Features,Secondary Camera Available,Secondary Camera,Secondary Camera Features, Flash, HD Recording, Full HD Recording,Video Recording, Video Recording Resolution, Frame Rate

Call Features: Phone Book

Connectivity Features: Network Type, Supported Networks, Internet Connectivity,3G,3G Speed

Pre-installed Browser:Micro USB Port,Micro USB Version,Bluetooth Support,Bluetooth Version,Wi-Fi,Wi-Fi Version,Wi-Fi Hotspot,USB Connectivity,Audio Jack,Map Support,GPS Support

Other Details:Smartphone,Touchscreen Type,SIM Size,Removable Battery,SMS,SIM Access,Sensors,Other Features

Multimedia Features: Audio Formats

Battery & Power Features: Battery Capacity


Warranty: Warranty Summary
Mobile Accessories should also show all detailed info

Cases & covers:Case name,Ratings,Price,Material,Type,Model number,Brand color,Designed for
Power banks:Name,Ratings,Price,Description,Specifications General:Sales Package,Suitable Device,Charging Cable Included,Output Power,Other Features,Width,Height,Depth,Weight

Warranty: Warranty Summary, Warranty Service Type, Covered under Warranty, Not Covered under Warranty, Domestic Warranty, International Warranty

Memory Cards:Memory card name,type,Capacity,Rate speed,Specifications General:Sales Package,Series,ModelNumber,WriteSpeed,WxHxD,Weight,ProductDetails:Durability,Security,Other Features,Operating Voltage,Maximum Operating Temperature,Minimum Operating Temperature,Maximum Storage Temperature,Warranty:Covered in Warranty,Warranty Service Type,Not Covered in Warranty,Warranty Summary

Mobile batteries:battery Name,Ratings,Description,Specifications General:Brand,Model number,Compatible model,Capacity,Warranty:Warranty summary,service type,covered in warranty,Not covered in warranty

Mobile Pouches: Name, Suitable For, Ratings, description, Model number, Designed For, Brand color

Customer: A customer will add all his important details at the time of registration. After being a registered customer they will be allowed to search for the products that are up for sale. they can place orders. Customer will have the option to view their orders and order history. Customer will be able to add products to cart. The customer can manage addresses at the time of confirming orders.

A proposed system with features:

➢ This website will provide an option to search for mobiles of different brands and its models based on categories.
➢ This site will provide clear information about a mobile in all details.

Software Requirements:

● Technology : HTML,CSS, Jquery, PHP
● Back End: SQLServer or Mysql
● Operating System : Windows7 and more
● Frame Work : Larvel or Phalcon

Hardware Requirements:

● Processor: Intel Pentium-V and above
● Hard disk: 80GB Min.
● RAM: 2GB Min. & Above
● Others: If any Applicable

Online Product Auction System .Net Project

Net Auction system

Auctions is an event or process where a product or goods can be sold or bought or can be bidded. For any product which is placed in the auction will be the first bid by customers looking to buy it and in the other way out it will be placed for sale by owner or admin. Basically, in our project we will come up with an online auction system wherein the products can be added to the system and they will be provided with needed details that are needed for being placed in the bidding process. Once a product or good is added to the system, the system will approve them via admin and then allowed for bidding. Bids will be accepted from different customers and whoever gets the highest bid will be buying the product.

Each product that has been allowed or placed for bidding will have an initial start bid price and no customer can bid a price less than that. A specified quantity of product will also be provided. The timeframe for which a product will be open for bidding will also be provided at the time of adding the product and after that customers cannot bid for it.

Auctions basically can also be like vocational process too wherein people say their prices and there will be a bidder calling the prices in an event organized specifically for certain products. But our system will allow a secured process where transactions will be done online and final sales price for a sold product can be known only when it is done with bidding.

User Types:

Admin Customers Vendors

Admin: Admin will approve a customer who can place bids. He can also approve a vendor who will register the product in the application which is placed for bidding. Admin can see all info related to bids that have been placed on any product and approve the highest bid and declare the customer who has won the bidding. Admin is the one who will have access to admin panel.

Customers: They will register themselves to place bids and purchase products. A registered customer can view his transactions and bids that he or she has placed. He or she can update his or her profile info too after getting registered.

Vendors: They will register and also add the products that are to be placed for bidding and then sold to a customer whoever bids the highest in bidding.  vendors registration has to be confirmed by admin and then only can log in to the application and then will have the option to add the products. Add products will be provided with info like minimum bid price, bid end date, bid start date, a picture of the product to be bidded. The vendor will also have the option to view the bids that have been received for his or her products, the option will be there to edit the profile.

Bid: This module is the main module for this application and it is basically the heart of this system, we may need a web service for this app. As per feasibility is concerned we will have n number of customers logged in for an online bidding process. Logged In customers are basically the registered customers who are basically approved by an admin to participate in the bidding. this module will have the option to show Picture of the embedded product, Start price of the product, Quantity, Bid start date, Bid end date, Enter Bid price and submit. These options will be available for each customer whoever is logged in for bidding for a particular product. we can come up with a concurrent bidding system where n number of customers can place biddings at a specified timeframe or allow only a certain number of customers to place bidding.

Admin panel: This module is an important module wherein products will be added to the system and also be managed. Products can be added to the system via vendors. Each vendor will be allowed to add a product after being registered and approved to showcase their products in the auction. Admin panel will have options to view the products saved by vendors. This module will allow management of added customers and vendors also. Whenever a vendor registers it is saved to the database via admin panel. Similarly, customer registration info will be saved to the application via admin panel. It actually provides an efficient way of saving the data and managing it.

Existing System

The transaction between the buyer and the seller was being carried out conventionally where everyone will gather and shout out their bidding prices and this actually is not secure and a tedious way of bidding for products.  This process will also be affected by influences of personalities from bigger societies.

One of the concepts that the online auctions were started with was the idea that people could police themselves, but those with the intent to take advantage of others have found the means to bypass this mild safeguard as well.  It was envisioned that with the opportunity to give ‘feedback’ on each other as buyers and sellers, honesty would remain intact.  However, some have found a way to inflate their ratings which makes them appear trustworthy to do business with.

Software Configuration

Database: SQLSERVER 2008 or  more
IDE & Tools :           VStudio.Net 2010 or more
Web Server: IIS 6.0
Web Technologies: Asp. Net, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Hardware specifications

The system used for development and deployment must have minimum configuration as mentioned below

  • Pentium IV or more
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 80 GB Hard Disk

Output Screens:

  • Home Page:
  • New User Signup Page:
  • Auction Page:
  • StrightAuction:
  • Stright Auction View Items:
  • Item Registration:
  • Buy Items:
  • Auction Page:
  • Dautch Auction:
  • Dautch View Items:
  • Item Registration:
  • Buy Items:
  • Auction Page:
  • SealedAuction:
  • View Items:
  • Item Registration:
  • Buy Items:
  • LogOutUser:
  • Admin login page:
  • AdminPage:
  • View Reports:
  • Admin Stright Auction:
  • Admin Dautch Auction:
  • Admin Sealed Auction:
  • Admin Page:
  • Delete Items:
  • Stright Auction Delete:
  • Dautch Auction Delete:
  • Sealed Auction Delete:
  • Admin Page:
  • Result Page:
  • Stright Auction Result:
  • Dautch Auction Result:
  • Sealed Auction Results:
  • Admin Logout Page: