Node Level Configuration at Default Wireless LAN Configurations

Node level configuration:

Using the simple drag and drop approach provided by the OPNET modeler all the nodes required for the simulation are selected from the object palette and placed in the work station. All the types of nodes dragged are needed to make some changes and this process is generally called as configuration of nodes and this section concentrates on the explanation of the configuration process. Firstly the 10 mobile nodes taken from the object palate are also need to make some changes and in order to make the changes right click should be given on the node and can then select the edit option.

All the nodes must be allocated with a routing protocol in order to establish the routing process needed for the network, several routing protocols are supported by MANETs and some among them are OLSR, AODV, DSR and TORA, these are also supported by the simulation selected in this simulation. OLSR routing protocol is selected for the simulation this particular scenario and therefore all the 10 nodes taken here must be allocated with the OLSR routing protocol.

This routing protocol is also allocated to the wireless LAN server to support the simulation. The other nodes such as the application, profile and mobile nodes also require some changes and are configured by editing the attributes and parameters. The next chapter that is the simulation procedure chapter gives a clear idea of how these configurations are made.

Improving the security level in wireless LAN network is the significant aim of this project and so the configuration of the scenario is done based on this requirement. The settings needed for the configuration of next scenario is done in next level.All the settings done to the nodes will support the simulation process as the default attributes of wireless LAN are made automatically using the OLSR routing protocol. The sections below explain the other configuration like application, profile and mobile nodes.

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