Mobile Definitions in Default Wireless LAN Configurations

Mobile definitions:

In this particular simulation, mobile nodes are selected from the object palette and therefore all these nodes must be added with mobility as a necessary requirement. The mobility model selected in the scenario must be supported by all the 10 mobile nodes selected for simulation and a mobile configuration node is selected for defining the mobility model.

By opening the object palette the mobile configuration node is dragged from it and placed on the work station to establish the mobility model and a random waypoint model which is default is implemented as the mobility model and the selection of this model is done at the “mobile configuration node level”. In addition to the selection of mobility model there few other factors that are required for the simulation and they are mobility speed which is set 100 meters per second and the pause time which is set to 0 seconds.

That means that the movement of the mobile nodes across the network is maintained at a speed of 100 meters per second and the time the nodes get paused will be 0. All the 10 mobile nodes should be added with this mobility which is defined and this can be achieved by using the topology menu. The next chapter explains the detailed process of this mobility configuration.

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