Introduction to Sub Netting and VLSM Seminar Topic:
IP address: it is a 32 bit binary number represented in 4 decimal values each represent 8 bits range from 0 to 255. It holds the address of network id and host id. It is also called internet protocol address. It is divided into 5 class a, b, c, d and e.
Class A begins with 0xxx. It has value in range 1 to 126. Class B begins 10xx. It has range from 128 to 191. Class C begins with 110x. It has range from 192 to 239. Class D begins with 1110. It has range from 224 to 239. Class E begins from 1111. It has range from 240 to 254. In which CLASS A, B and C are most widely used. Class d is used for addresses and class e is used for future reference.
For every network address host section is set to all 0’s and during broadcasting it is set to 1.
Subnet is used to extend the natural mask of some bit s to create the address of sub network ID.
Subnet ID: IP contains two parts, network ID and host ID. They are represented in class A, B and C. For sub netting host ID is divided into two parts. Subnet ID and host ID.
Custom sub netting mask: to meet the network requirement a point is divided between network ID and host ID. It decides how many sub-net are to be used and trading off bit allocation. It is better because there is no need to request new IP address ad it more flexible.
VLSM: variable length subnet mask. It is used to allocate IP address to sub nets according to their requirements. It improves the flexibility of sub netting.
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