Supermarket Management and Billing System Java Project

The project is on Supermarket Management and Billing systems. The supermarket is a huge shop where we all can find a lot and lots of products may whether grocery or fashion or utensils etc. in the various categories in different departments. Also, there is a huge number of staff in different positions. It has to keep all the records of its staff so that the employee management would be effective. So, to make such problems easier to handle we have developed this system that not only keeps authentic data may that be of transactions into and out of the supermarket or that be the information of its employee.

The manager module in the software helps to keep information of employees and the cashier and the data entry operator module helps to keep records of transactions inside and out of the supermarket.  The barcode scanning system in the software help to run the transaction process fast and effectively.


The Supermarket Management and Billing System, a desktop application, is developed to provide all the facilities and services required in various shops like shopping centers, mini-mart, fancy shops, etc. The main objective of the system is to provide efficient transactions with minimal error.  Bar code scanning technology helps cashiers with faster and more efficient billing. Cashier, manager, and data entry operator are provided with their own authorization account so that only the authorized person can perform their respective jobs. Users in the system: –

  • Cashier: a – person who handles the transaction
  • Data entry operator- enter the products imported into the store as well as update the details.
  • Manager- supervise all the activities going on in the shop

Statement of Problems

  • Manual data entry takes much more time than the barcode method.
  • The manual calculation can generate errors while buying or selling goods.
  • More time consumption for any transaction and findings of the products.

Objective and Scopes

  • To provide an efficient and effective billing methodology.
  • To keep a record of every business transaction
  • Maintain the stock management and the billing system
  • Reduce the time consumption for every process in the buying and selling of goods.

Database ER Diagram:

Database ER Diagram


The project is to do with the concept of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with Java and relational database with MYSQL and for the excess printer for the billing process we use Visual Basic Script (VBScript).  Taking into account the statements of the problem, we developed a system that not only helps in maintaining precise transactions but also keeps track of every business that has been done. There is the provision of a login module for individual employees as per their job title after which they will be provided with their respective job functions. With the help of the software, they can achieve a better working experience along with consistent precision.

There are various organized tables which makes the software very effective. The shop assistant module is the symbol of modern business techniques. It is a customer-friendly module. The manager has an organized manner of employee management such as addition or removal of cashier or data entry operator or shop walker. S/he has access to the profile of every employee in his hand at any time of necessity. Logs module helps him/her to analyze the customer’s choice. Furthermore, the automation in the billing system helps the cashier in their transaction in a very precise manner. The use of barcodes makes it easier for making bills and the automatic calculation prevents them from simple mistakes.


Supermarket Management and Billing System are developed for the professional handling of the supermarket’s sales and buying as well as the management of the whole supermarket. It is very easy and useful application software that increases the productivity of the business.

Our project on Supermarket Management and Billing systems has been implemented successfully. We take this opportunity to express our sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those people who helped us in completing this project.

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