Summary of Researcher Strengths and Weaknesses


The strengths achieved by the researcher in this research are ease of collecting data and availability of people in chosen places. Moreover the researcher was able to collect the data through primary data collection method by distributing questionnaire to respondents. The respondents responded well by taking time and reached more than the author expectations. They responded without saying no because they are interested to know about their behaviour of consuming products and services in tourism and also with great interest and affect their life on a daily basis. Researcher further avoids flaws in questionnaire by managing again and again and by keeping more effort on designing the questionnaire. 


Data gathering through secondary research is not that much easier because there is lack of data in books and journals on consumer behaviour in tourism. It is really challenging for the researcher to gather data for the same specific purpose of the study. Finally and more importantly, the validity and reliability of the source of information, especially the secondary data, can undermine the success of this study.

As said by Kumar that the validity and reliability of data varies from source to source. He said that data gathering through a particular book is better than data gathering from most personal diaries. In this study sampling is also one major limitation that researcher has taken only few questionnaires which is usually prone to bias and the size selected, if the researcher chosen bigger, would have brought more significant results. Because of time and financial constraints, the researcher could not have done better.


This section explains the research methods that are taken by the researcher in order to complete the research under taken. This section gives deep insight of what methods and techniques that are used by the researcher. The intention of the methodology explanation in this section was to make a outline, which would guide the experimental element of the study to be carried out. The levels in the study development, which composed the foundation of the conversation in this section, were explained.

The literature evaluation assisted to boost the considerate of definite study notions, which would be implemented. The investigator would take advantage of primary as well as secondary information. It was decided that information gathering would be by the exercise of feedback forms, which would be posted to the participants. The populace, which would be investigated, would be in consumer behaviour that are obtainable by some targeted groups such as tour travellers and arrives from both national and international. Several dimension scales would be used in the feedback form to gather the information.

The research would take advantage of explanatory figures as well as rate of recurrence of allocation would, as a result, be the major method applied to examine the information, which would be gathered through the feedback forms. The rate of recurrence of allocation would present in complete (easy calculation) or virtual requisites (fractions) how frequently the diverse values of the attributes are integrated in the study model. The rate of recurrence of allocation, consequently, shows how well-liked definite standards of the attributes are. Easier dimensions, namely the mean, median as well as correlation coefficient, would too be applied, to assist in the last terminations to be done. No proposition would be examined as well as in profundity arithmetical evaluation is, consequently, not looked-for.

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