Studying the effective use of SAP-SRM Tool in Automobile Companies in Hyderabad


The purpose of the study is to know the effective use of the SAP-Supplier Relationship Management module which draws on the wider knowledge and procurement skills that are being used in Automobile Companies. The study will also help in consolidating the vital procurement activities of the SAP Supplier Relationship Management module by procurement managers, functional experts, and key users within the  Procurement and demand management departments of the Client which will help.

The Study is undertaken to find out the effective use and application of the SAP-SRM Tool in Automobile Companies. The study will also throw light on understanding e-procurement problems and measures taken to implement SAP-SRM Tool effectively.

 Objectives of the study:

  • To study the use of  SAP-SRM Tool in Automobile Companies.
  • To assess the SAP-SRM Tool software tools used by  Automobile Companies in Hyderabad.
  • To find the problems in E-procurement activities in Automobile Companies.
  • To know the effectiveness of   SAP-SRM Tool in solving E-procurement problems in Hyderabad.


The study focuses on studying the effective use of the SAP-SRM Tool in Automobile Companies in  Hyderabad. The study will help in studying the problems associated with developing, Managing, and applying of SAP-SRM Tool.


 1) Research Design: 

  • Sampling frame: 
  • Sample size: 
  • Sampling Method: 
  • Sample Units: The staff working in the Procurement department of five selected Automobile Companies such as Nissan, TATA Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Toyota & Hyundai will form part of the Sampling units.


  1. Primary data: Under Descriptive research design primary data was collected using a well-structured questionnaire that contains questions satisfying the objective of the Study. For this study Questionnaire was prepared.
  2. Secondary data: Under Exploratory Research, Secondary Data was collected from Journals, Textbooks, Websites, and Newspapers Articles will form part of the secondary data.


Data collected from 100 respondents were analyzed through Tables, charts, and graphs and by using a suitable scale. 

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