Stock Management System Java Project

Stock Management System Java Project main aim is to maintain a stock for an organization in a web-based system

The module of this system deals with a login page, here the Stock In charge can logs into the system by entering the password provided for them.

The Stock In Charge will have the following authorities

1) Enter the Stock

2)View the stock

3) Dispatch the Stock

4)Shifting the stock

 In existing system stock management works on manual process which is a time taking process and data organizing is not efficient. 

So in order to provide more efficient application using Java and HTML, we implement a web application which will increase the efficiency of the system and data is stored in the database so accessing data is more secure.

download Stock Management System Java Project Code.

11 Replies to “Stock Management System Java Project”

  1. i want a java code to create a online application on stock mangement system could you please help me in doing my mini project

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