Seminar Report on Real-Time Operating System

Introduction to  Real-Time Operating System Seminar Topic:

All the domestic systems that we use in the society are real-time systems and these follow timeliness. Real-time Operating system is to be designed for these real-time systems. These systems get the external inputs and process these into output with time constraints. If the timeliness is not maintained then the system is said to be failure. And there are three types of time constraints i) Hard ii) Soft iii) Firm.

Real-time Programme is p and it gets inputs in every t interval of time and event requires c computational time. Dead line for completing the computation is D. Predictability is a main concept in real-time system.

Design issues in Real-time system: All the behaviour of the system must be predictable. To achieve this all the components must be time bounded.  All the inputs are received by the systems and processed for outputs within a specified time else the system results in failure. Real-time behaviour is mandatory while designing a critical safety system.

Scheduling: These methods are introduced for maintaining the timeliness of the system. Depending on the system behaviour different scheduling paradigms are used.  Most scheduling problems are Numerical Process- complete.  Many algorithms are used to support the scheduling paradigms.

Real time Operating System is the integral part of the real-time system. These are different for the time-sharing systems. The main part of it is to process and schedule and to meet the requirement within the delay time.

Three types of operating system are i) small proprietary kernels ii) real-time extensions to commercial timesharing operating   systems iii) research kernels

Reflective architecture method is used to build a complex and flexible real-time system.  A  system  build on  reflective  architecture  is  reflects  upon  its  own  current  state  and  that  of  the  environment  to process the input correctly without time delay.

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