Introduction to Recycling Technology Innovation:
When we feel a certain thing of no use we throw it has a waste. The natural wastes can be dumped in the soil and they get decomposed after some years and they do not pollute the soil or the environment. Here We have implemented Recycling Technology Innovation for reducing electronic wastage’s in present business world.
Now a day the usage of electronic devices has increased a lot and do not have a long life so they are thrown off as a waste and they do not get decomposes in the soil and due to the silicon and other chemicals present in these devices they pollute the environment to a larger extent. The only way to reduce this is to recycle them. In this paper we will the recycle methods on electronic wastes.
Measurements to reduce and Recycling e wastes:
The companies should manufacture the devices with a recyclable material and the usage of silicon should be reduced and an alternative should be found for that. Recycling industries should be encouraged so that the waste material can be reduced and the pollution can be under control.
The usage of ferromagnetic materials and phosphorous and chemical material should be completely controlled because they form poisonous gases when they are burnt and spoils the soil when buried in soil.
Recyclable plastic should be used in the electronic devices so that the wastage can decrease a lot and the companies a reuse the same material which greatly cut downs their manufacturing costs.
Waste Management & Recycling Products Screen Shot:
Future Recycling Technology App Development:
The electronic wastage should be reduced otherwise it becomes a serious threat for the nature and they cannot be decomposed. The government should take necessary actions and the people should be made aware regarding the effects caused by electronic wastes.
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