Qlik Training Module
1) Qlikview Server
- Qlikview Server components
- a)Technical brief about Qlikview Architecture
- Webserver
- Qlikview Desktop
- Services installed on Qlikview Server
- Qlikview Directory Service Connector
- Qlikview Distribution Service
- Qlikview Management Service
- Qlikview Server
- Qlikview Webserver
- Qlikview Management Console
- Mount a folder for deploying Qlikview files (User Document)
- Connection to Active directory, LPAD
- Document Reload
- Licenses in Qlikview
- Providing licenses to User
- To add or remove user from document security tab
- Availability of document to users
- a)Access Point
- b)Mobile / Tablet
- Timeout settings for Qlikview document
- Email alerts to send to users if reload fails
- Check Qlikview Active Users
- Authentication for Qlikview Users
- Reload Tasks view
- Qlikview Logs
- Qlikview Server log
- Webserver log
- Directory connector log
- QMC log
- Qlikview Webserver
- Access point
- Single Sign On
- Ports to run Qlikview services
2) Data Modelling
- Dimensions
- Facts
- Schemas
- Best Practices
- Link table vs concatenate
- Normalization
3) Qlikview Introduction
- Qlikview features
- Value creation
- Story telling
- How to think while designing apps?
- Concepts of BI
- Tools (Tableau vs Qlik), power BI
4) QlikviewImplementing Architecture
1) Database Connectivity
- SQL Queries
- SQL Tables
- DSN Creation
2) Qlikview Memory Management
3) QVD Layer
- Database connection in Qlikview
- Fetching Data from Qlikview
- Generations of QVD
- Fetch data from other data sources in Qlik
4) Transformation Layer
- Identifying Facts and dimensions
- Creation of Data Model
- Scripting techniques
- Optimization in scripting
- Applying Business logic
- Creating Calendar
- Types of Load
5) Visualization
- Identifying KPIS for the business
- Layouts and colours
- Bookmark
- Extensions
6) Deployment Process
5) Set Analysis and Functions
1) Point in Time Reporting
- Current Year
- Previous Year
2) Chart Function
- Range
- Aggr
- Class
- Pick
- Above
- Below
3) Scripting Functions
- Control Statement
- a)If else
- b)For loop
- c)Switch Case
- Other Functions
- a)Apply Map
- b)Match
- c)Look up
- d)Wild match
- e)Interval match
- f)FirstsortedValue
- g)FieldValue
- h)Exists
- i)Isnull
- j)Date functions
- k)Time functions
- l)Aggregated functions
- m)Peek
- n)Previous
- o)Rec no
- p)Row no
- Techniques
- a)Joins
- b)Group By
- c)Order By
- d)Keep
- e)Concatenation
- f)Variables
- g)Let
- h)Set
- Pnl Template Explanation
6) Qlik Project Management Process
1) Business Understanding – Ground work to be done before project
- Domain/Sector Understanding
- Understanding the specific processes which generate the required data (for e.g. Billing Process in a hospital)
- Understanding the technology (ERP sector) which capture data from a business stand point
- Clearly understanding the KPIs and the business terminology
2) Requirement Gathering
- Reports
- KPIs
- Presentations
- Daily/Monthly/YTD views
- Dashboards
- User Role Specific
- Document Template
3) Technical Architecture
- Server configuration
- Ports
- Authentication
4) Development Governance
- Status Reports – Weekly (formats attached)
- Tracking the project plan
- Timesheet
5) Testing
- Unit Testing – at the time of development
- Test Cases formats
6) UAT
7) User Presentation/Demos
8) KT and Adoption Techniques and Support related
- Detailing of each charts – Dashboard
7) Qlik Visualization
1) Qlik Visualization Concepts
- Variables
- Example Chart with all properties used including benchmarking
- Qlik Properties
- Sample Application
- Extensions (deployment etc.) in Qliksense
- Document properties & Sheet properties
- Sample Application for Both Qlikview/Qliksense
2) Things to check
- Spell check
- Font Consistency
- Colour
- Layout Consistency
- Chart Text
8) Optimization and Best Practices
- Scripting End
- Visualization End
- Server Performance Side
- Performance Turning
- Qlikview Analyser
- QlikView Governance Dashboard
9) Qlik Support and Bug Finding
Qlik community:
- What is Qlik community?
- How it is useful?
- How to register?
- What is Branch Qlik.com?
- How to use it and for what?
Support Track
Debugging Issues
Download Qlik Training Module
Data warehouse Concepts:
- Basics of Data Warehousing.
- What is ETL. (DaraMerging, DataAggrygation, Datascrubbing, Data cleansing)
- Data warehouse Architecture
- Data mart
Dimensional Modeling Concepts:
- Introduction to Dimensional Modeling.
- Conceptual Data Modeling, Logical Data Modeling, Physical Data Modeling
- Dimensional table
- Fact table
- Star Schema
- Snowflake Schema
- Star schema Vs. Snowflake Schema
- Fact Vs. Dimension table
- Fact Vs. Aggregate Table
- Types of Facts
- Types of Fact tables
- Types of Dimensions
- Level of Granularity
- Slowly Changing Dimensions( SCD )
- Normalization De Normalization
QlikView Introduction:
- What is QlikView?
- Why QlikView is most effective than other BI Tools.
- QlikView Architecture.
- QlikView Components.
- Qlikview Desktop Developer.
- How data flows in QlikView.
- Creating Etractor
- Concatenate.
- NoConcatenate
- Auto Concatenate
- Joins Vs Keep
- About Synthetic keys.
- About Circular references
- About Set & Let
- Mapping Load
- Look up
- Link Table
- Binary Load
- Exist & Not Exist
- Set Analysis
- Incremental load
- Partial load
- Inline Load
- Security
- Section access
- Interval match
- Master Calendar
- About qualify and unqualified
- Basic Aggregation Functions.
- String Function.
- Counter Functions.
- Advanced Aggregation.
- Table Viewer.
- Modeling Techniques and Best Practices.
- Creating Star Schema
- Creating SnowFlake Schema.
QVD File:
- How to create a QVD File.
- Reading data from QVD Files.
- Storing QVD By Variable.
Incremental Load:
- Insert.
- Insert and Updates.
- Incremental Load through a QVD File.
- Preceding Load.
- Drill Down group.
- Cyclic Group WithExpressions.
QlikView -Set Analysis and Alternate State:
Transformations in QlikView:
- User Preferences.
- Document Properties.
- Sheet Properties.
- Sheet Objects:
- List Box.
- Statistic Box.
- Multi Box.
- Table Box.
- Charts.
- Input Box.
- Current Selections Box.
- Buttons.
- Text Object.
- Bookmark Object.
Other Features we provide:
- Real Time Scenarios
- Resume Preparation
- Provide Sample Resumes
- Interview FAQ’S
- Conduction Mock Interviews
- Class notes which is useful for who is trying for job.
I want QV training, please contact me
i want qlikview real time trining vennaadinarayana201@gmail.com
Looking for online qlikview training
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How many days it took to do a real time project on QlikView and how much it cost?