Introduction to MCA Final Year Project Topic on Sales Management:
The sales management software is an application that is designed for the stores that are involved in selling of products and similar kind of shops. This software is used for the billing and maintenance of accounts. This project gives specifications about the requirements and also give guidelines for the project development that is mentioned above. Specifically it also states about the crafting of the above stated project. This document further intends to provide the developers of this software with practical guidelines.
This is a generic software and can be used by various outlets including wholesalers and retailers to make the billing and marinating of records automated. It also helps to maintain the cash flows and stocks. the records of sales and the details of accounts along with transaction of cash is handled by this software. For general stores who are dealing with daily products this software is the most ideal. It helps in the daily operations of the stores and marinating the days’s record as well.
Currently the maintenance of the stores are performed in a manual system with is a time consuming matter. It also leads to lots of errors in spite of several cross checks. Plus it becomes a tedious job while searching for a particular detail. All these problems give rise to the need of a new advanced and modernized system.
The new proposed system enables the owners of these stores to increase their work efficiency in various ways. It helps in maintaining the billing records and marinating the lengthy accounts also become easier. The track can be kept on the details of the accounts sales, purchases etc. This software is equipped with master entries to add/modify /delete entries of customers and to enter new product details. This system is very useful and it helps in the work of the sore keepers.