Mechanical Properties of Foods Btech Seminar

This Mechanical Properties of Foods Btech Seminar deals with the concept ofdeformation of food and explains how force causes these deformations on food items and commodities, with several examples and calculations.

The Seminar first explains that force causes acceleration to a commodity and occurs due to  phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything else that causes a mass to accelerate. It describes Deformation as a change in shape due to an applied forcewhich when  considered can measure the “firmness” of a commodity.  The stress and strain experienced by a body is represented in the form of graphs such as Bioyield point (BYP)  Microstructure vs. Macrostructure and it also calculates the linearity in steel,rubber and corn.The different forms of deformations are also discussed such as Length deformation, Compression, Tensile / stretch, Shear and Bulk compression.

The shear forces acting on bodies are determined using modulus of elasticity, elastic ity elements,shear modulus, buls modulus,poisson’s ratio and viscosity etc.The shear forces deforming different bodies are also explained.And these calculations and study help in determining how force causes deformations in food items.


Thus the project on mechanical properties in food explains the causes and methods of deformation of food items under force and the experiments conducted in this project helps the food corporation in studying the logitivity of food items based on such criterias.

Download Mechanical Properties of Foods B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

CAD & CAM Mechanical Seminar

This CAD & CAM Mechanical Seminar designs a Computer-Aided Design(CAD) and Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) to make mass production of any product or component economicaly possible.

To meet the requirements of mass production, there is rapidly growing need for improved communication and feed back between the manufacturing and design process, integrating them into a single system capable of being optimized as a whole. The use of computer in manufacturing process is the answer to meet this requirement and objectives.

The project uses CAD/CAM technology which plays an important role in functioning of robots. In CAD/CAM system the robot work data is prepared from CAD data from the first designing process. This system is a kind of off-line teaching system. Since an actual robot is not used to input data for path creation, the coordinate system data must be corrected and simulations necessary before loading a created data.However,Robots are inevitable for application in the field where the work is extremely difficult or impossible for human being to perform.

  • Introduction of computer has resulted in a better and consistent quality product at  reduced costs.
  • CAD has enabled creation of assemblies and parts in the computer, their analysis, optimization, stimulating the functionality, aesthetic requirements etc.
  • Time for changing design and updating document is reduced considerably
  • Designer is relived from routine work and is allowed more time for creative tasks.
  • Dependence on design subcontractors is reduced.
  • NC programs can be developed precisely and conveniently due to onscreen simulation of tool paths.
  • CAD/CAM has resulted improved productivity in design engineering and manufacturing, and productivity gain results in reduction of cost and cycle time, improvement in quality.

 CAD & CAM Mechanical Seminar CONCLUSION:

This project has  designed the CAD/CAM system that offers several advantages and results in improved work quality, more pertinent and useable information and improved control.

It also carries over into manufacturing given to common database for design as well as manufacturing, planning and control

Download CAD & CAM Mechanical Seminar.

Bending Load Capacity Enhancement Using Asymmetric Tooth Profile

The Bending Load Capacity Enhancement Using Asymmetric Tooth Profile aims at developing a new method to enhance the bending load capacity of gear tooth using Asymmetric Toothprofiles and thus improving the fatigue strength of the tooth by heat treatment or surface quality improvement.

Any power transmission devices operate in one direction, only one side of the tooth surfaces (the front oftooth) is in mesh. So the tooth is not necessary to be a symmetric form. Different standard pressure angles are used in the front and back profiles of an asymmetric tooth.

In this project, tooth root stress and bending stiffness of the asymmetrical tooth for several combinations of standard pressure angles were calculated by the use of finite element method. As gears are functional units used for transmission of power in transmission systems,fine module gears are used for low noise, vibration and for compact size of transmission system as the smaller gears will lead to insufficiency in bending load carrying capacity which is a serious problem in plastic and sintered gears.


This project analyses  bending stress with the aid of FEM for asymmetric and symmetric tooth and has concluded that Asymmetric teeth have better performance than symmetric teeth for bending stress minimization.It has also found that as pressure angle on drive side increases, the bending stress decreases and bending load carrying capacity increases.The calculations were performed for not only the maximum stress but also the stress amplitude from fillet to tooth root considering the gearing procedure

Download Bending Load Capacity Enhancement Using Asymmetric Tooth Profile B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

Automatic Speed Control System in 4 Wheelers for Avoiding Rash Driving

This Automatic Speed Control System in 4 Wheelers for Avoiding Rash Driving Seminar Paper designs a system by usning sensors and electronic components,to avoid rash driving and to prevent loosing of valuable property .

Human beings like enjoying their life, and that’s why they invented and created the vehicles.But towards enjoying their enjoyment, theysuffer with accidents and lose valuable lives and properties.

For avoiding rash driving of the drivers,this project has designed a a simple mechanical safety system for 4-wheelers. In this system there is one power source (battery) as input, one controlling element (toroidal coil with controlling rod arrangement), and small modifications in the already existing conventional design of S.I &C.I engines and connections with brake, which simply acts as a switch.

By using this simple system,the speed of the vehicle in highly populated regions can be controlled without interference of the human.


The system designed in this project can reduce rash driving and accidents up to somewhat and thus can save many lives and many valuable properties.Rash driving within cities, within the regions of school zones, villages that are near to the high ways and beside the high ways can be prevented using this system.This system is cost effective, as it does not use sensors and electronic components, but instead uses simple mechanical system.

Download Automatic Speed Control System in 4 Wheelers for Avoiding Rash Driving B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

Alternate Fuel Biodeisel Mechanical Final Year Seminar Topic

This Alternate Fuel Biodeisel Mechanical Final Year Seminar Topic on Alternate Fuel , highlights the importance of choosing ‘jatropha’ which reduces pollution drastically in terms of sulphates and carbon mono-oxide.

There have been depletion and fluctuation in prices due to uncertain supplies for fossil fuel in recent times,which has made make us to search renewable, safe and non-polluting sources of energy.One of the solutions to the current oil crisis and toward off any future energy and economic crunch is to explore the feasibility of substitution of diesel with an alternative fuel which can be produced in our country on a massive scale to commercial utilization.

This project discusses on The ester of vegetable oils, “Jatropha” which can be a valuable supplement or even a full substitute for diesel fuel since they perform with acceptable thermal efficiencies. It also says that Jatropha cultivation should be taken up on large scale on top priority basis as it will be perennial source of income for formers even during drought periods.


  • Has the potential for high engine performance.
  • Their higher flash point makes them to safer to stored.
  • The bio-diesel molecules are simple hydrocarbon chains, contains no sulphur or aromatic substances associated with fossil fuels.
  • They contain higher amount of O2 (upto 10%). That ensures more complete combustion of HC..
  • Production of 1t / ha / year of high protein seed cake that can be used as animal and fish feeds and organic matter that can be used as organic fertilizers.
  • Various other products from the plant (leaf, bark and seed extracts) have various other industrial and pharmaceutical uses.
  • Restoration of degraded land over a period of time.
  • Rural employment generation.


The alternative fuels discussed in this project reduces the environment impacts of transportation, reduces the dependence on crude oil imports and offers  business possibilities to agricultural enterprises and better performance leading to eco-rehabilitation of degraded lands through plantation of Jatropha curcas for ecological, economical, security and sustainable development. Further work in this field is expected to provide a 100% biodiesel with better performance as well better emission standards.

Download Alternate Fuel Biodeisel Mechanical Final Year Seminar Topic.

System Design & Development in Calculation of Response Time For Air Brake System

This System Design & Development in Calculation of Response Time For Air Brake System Final Year Mechanical Seminar paper discusses Air Muscles, essentially a robotic actuator which is replacing the conventional pneumatic cylinders at a rapid pace, it’s construction, principle of operation, operational characteristics and applications.


The project uses an Acuator which has high operational flexibility,safe and cost operational, the Air Muscles. These are integrated with human operations without any large scale safety requirements. Further more they offer extremely high power to weight ratio of about 400:1.

It has the possibility of direct connection to a robotic joint, i. e. without having to use any gears, because of their high output forces at all speeds.


  • Air Muscles areLighter in weight
  • Lower in Cost
  • Have Smooth and natural movement
  • Flexible and Powerful
  • Damped, compliant,Efficient and Fast.


  • The force which can be applied is only tensile in nature.
  • The efficiency of Air Muscles is not as good as electric motors.
  • Friction between the netting and the tube leads to a substantial hysteresis in the force-length characteristics.
  • Rubber deformation, like any material deformation, needs energy, which lowers the force output of this type of muscle up to 60%.


  • Humanoid robots
  • Artificial limbs
  • The Dexterous hands and
  • furthur development as Pleated Pneumatic Air Muscles [PPAMs]


The described Air muscles in this project, though not capable of offering an extremely wide range of operations, but in the case of artificial legs, humanoid robots etc offers a wide range of possibilities. With further developments in neural networks and sensor equipments, it might be possible replace an entire limb for an amputee and function normally like a natural limb would do. This project also discusses the future advancement that is likely to be made, i.e substitution of Air with nitrogen or other gases for maximum efficiency and better damping.

Download System Design & Development in Calculation of Response Time For Air Brake System.

Adaptive Control System with Knowledge Server in Intelligent CNC System

This Adaptive Control System with Knowledge Server in Intelligent CNC System Seminar Paper studies and describes the requirements of an intelligent CNC evaluating the advancement of technology in this field using different adaptive control systems. A low cost concept for artificial intelligence named Knowledge Server for Controllers (KSC) is also introduced which allows more devices to solve their intelligent processing needs using the same server that is capable to process intelligent data.

Adaptive control techniques are necessary to apply for intelligent CNC machine. And, with it’s high intelligence,it has been able to make advancements in it’s field because:

(1) The development of the hardware elements (more sensitive sensors, more precise actuators, quicker and stronger computers etc.) even in higher requirements.

(2) The development of the software and the methodology mainly in the preparation phases of the manufacturing (in design, planning, scheduling, resource management etc.) and in the user interface issues (more comfortable and informative ‘windows-like’ screens and Menus)

The project deals with even the advance in the technology of the CNCs, the Knowledge processing and other adaptive control methods have not appeared within the Intelligent Open CNC System Special heuristic rules, problem-solving strategies, learning capabilities and knowledge communication features are still missing from the recent controllers available on the market. It is also true for many new, open or PC-based CNC s, where DSP add-on-boards provide the necessary computation power and speed.


In this project an interface between Micro Controller Of Adaptive Control System and the data base of artificial intelligence

Download Adaptive Control System with Knowledge Server in Intelligent CNC System B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

A Web Based Manufacturing Service System for Rapid Product Development

This Web Based Manufacturing Service System for Rapid Product Development Seminar Paper uses various new technologies such as reverse engineering (RE), rapid prototyping (RP), and rapid tooling (RT) to develop a networked manufacturing service system which offers better support for the rapid product development in small and medium sized enterprises by taking full advantage of the quickly evolving computer network and information technologies

The Final Year Mechanical Seminar develops  a service system consists of nine functional modules: the technique research, typical cases, information consultation, ASP (application service provider) tool set, client management, Electronic commerce, manufacturing service ,collaborative tools and system navigation. The development process from initial conceptual design to commercial product is an iterative process  which includes: product design; analysis of performance, safety and reliability; product prototyping for experimental evaluation; and design modification. The system designed in this project range from coordinate measuring machine (CMM), laser scanners to ultrasonic digitizers. The project needs a synchronously collaborative work environment, and constructing a suitable running platform, Java-enabled solution, together with web techniques, is employed for building such a networked service system.


This project develops a Web based manufacturing system for rapid product development , a system that has a high potential to speed up the new product development.

Download A Web Based Manufacturing Service System for Rapid Product Development B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

3D Machine Vision Systems as Shop Floor Metrology Tool

This 3D Machine Vision Systems as Shop Floor Metrology Tool Seminar Paper deals with Machine vision, an applications in which the PC automatically makes a decision based on visual input from a camera. 3D Machine vision is which actively growing today  is reviewed in this Paper.
Good manufacturing of goods has begun to embrace the concepts of digitization as a means to To improve productivity and quality in the modern days, good manufacturing of goods has begun to embrace the concepts of digitization.But, fast machining operations, speed of gauging is still an issue for higher volume parts,Hence, the 3D Machine Vision is taken into application.

Three Dimensional Machine Vision is has its wi de scope application in

  • Industrial inspection (Inspecting machine parts, Adaptive inspection systems)
  • Vision for Autonomous Vehicles (Detecting obstructions, Exploring new surroundings, AV surveillance)
  • Transport (Traffic monitoring, Aerial navigation, Transport Safety)
  • Surveillance(Intruder monitoring, Number plate identification, Tracking people)
  • Vision and Remote Sensing (Land Management, Crop classification, Surveying by satellite)
  • Medical (Planning radiation therapy, Chromosome analysis, Merging medical images)


The project designs a 3D Machine vision systems, feasible for shop floor gauging applications and has been the speed up in computing power,which is currently a much bigger driver than any manufacturing support system.

Download 3D Machine Vision Systems as Shop Floor Metrology Tool B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.