This Nano IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine Mech Seminar For Students deals with the history, construction of a nano IC engine, their merits & their future prospects
Nanotechnology is the much discussed technology these days – a realm in which machines operate at scales of billionth a metre. It is actually a multitude of rapidly emerging technologies based upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the next level of precision and miniaturization.
In the field of nano technologies researchers are enthusiastic about its potential applications in fields such as energy, medicine, electronics, computing and materials. Of late, one of the emerging aspects dealing Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the Internal Combustion Engine on a nano scale, which is in this project chosen as the area of interest. Heat engines have evolved from external combustion engines to internal combustion engines and the hot off the block is the nano internal combustion engine .
The various applications can be spotted from race cars to space crafts. It can also be applied to various fields like agricultural pump sets, industrial applications, Hospitals, constructions civil engineering equipments etc.,
The project also Introduces two unique nanotechnology products:
- NanoLube Engine Oil Tratment, and
- NanoRon Gas & Diesel Fuel Enhancer.
Nano IC Engine which is discussed in this project, enables fuel transforms at the nano-level to achieve a more complete combustion, resulting in increased fuel economy, more driving power, and fewer pollutive emissions.
Download Nano IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine Mechanical Engineering Seminar For Students.