FEA of Al-SiC Composite in Engine Valve Guides Mech Project Report

This FEA of Al-SiC Composite in Engine Valve Guides Mech Project Report is focused on the concept to maximize engine dependability with the help of Al-SiCp composites for the guides of engine valve which can be used as other material. Aluminum matrix composites consist of many applications like industries of aircraft, automotive, and aerospace which is sure to be developed in the future. There are few element analysis made on the Al-SiCp engine with the help of Ansys software. The temperature, principal stress and strain were acquired on the whole engine surface.

With respect to today’s high competition and development, the manufacturers of automobile should competitively obtain the increased powerful needs and performance, less pollution diffusion, less fuel usage, and reduced vibration and noise.

The industry has identified the material requirement to satisfy demands of the new comers. Metal matrix composites provides the best properties in many components of automotive like engine valves, piston, cylinder liner, brake discs, clutch discs, brake drums, connecting rods etc.

 Al-SiCp engine is manufactured by the processes of powder and casting metallurgy. Many features of the engine like strength, hardness, and wear resistance of radial crushing were measured and compared. Many conditions like pressure, temperature, and displacement were used on the engine surface.


The major concept focused in the engine valve guide is 2.97 (tensile) and 5.01 MPa (compressive) less than Al-SiCp composites strength. The engine guides includes strength of radial crushing, maximum Rockwell hardness, and wear resistance than iron engine applied in engines. Hence it is concluded that Al-SiCp composites possess high potential for the engine guides like the other material.

Download FEA of Al-SiC Composite in Engine Valve Guides Mech Project Report

Robotic ARM Control Through Internet Lan for Patient Operation


India is still classified as a developing country and as such has a set of hurdles to be overcome in the medical field. This is because basic medical amenities haven’t been provided to towns and cities.

The project Robotic arm control through internet/LAN for patient operation designs a robotic arm with the aid of a micro controller and performs all these operations.

Patients face problems in terms of facilities meted out to them as well as availability of trained doctors. By using a robotic arm, all these problems can be eliminated and doctors from anywhere can perform the operation. Robots are flexible in nature and can perform a wide array of operations that can’t be realized solely by a doctor.


In this project Robotic arm control through internet/LAN for patient operation, an application will transmit the controlling data to a specific computer by sending corresponding IP address.

The Ethernet adapter configured with the specific IP address will receive the commands and send the information to micro controller via serial port.  This micro controller will control the robotic arm and sends appropriate signals to geared motor.

There is a micro controller in the robotic arm performing motor control operations. To view the patient’s status an RF camera is used and this is used to transmit it to the PC for the doctor to supervise. This project is mainly used to cut patient’s skin by high speed blades.


     The use of computer-aided robots offers exact motion and path so as to reduce the side-effects of surgical meditation. Use of robots offer higher insight into the anatomy of patients to perform smaller incisions. In case of emergencies, by using a robotic arm a person’s life could be saved.

Download Robotic ARM Control Through Internet LAN for Patient Operation.

Robotic Arm Mechanical Robotics Projects


The project “Robotic Arm Mechanical Robotics Projects” is used in place of a human hand to perform a set of functions. This robotic arm is programmable in nature and can be manipulated. The robotic arm is also referred to as anthropomorphic as it is very similar to that of a human hand.

In the existing systems, humans do most of the tasks involved in the manufacturing processes. However by using a robotic arm, welding, drilling and thermal spraying etc can be achieved.

In this project, a self-sufficient Robotic arm is fabricated by using components like micro controller and motors. This increases the speed of operations in the industry and reduces the complexity of operations. It also brings about an increase in profit and productivity making it very easy to shift hazardous materials.

ROBOTIC ARM Description:

In this project Robotic Arm, the necessary components of the structure like ICs, blocks and power supply are all assembled together on the PCB. The mechanical part of the robotic arm is designed using PVC pipes. This project’s proposed idea is to create real kits that can be used for demo purpose.

The main part of this project’s design is an AT89C51 micro controller which coordinates and controls the product’s actions. This micro controller is a high performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer and has a flash memory of 4 kilobytes. It consumes low power and is erasable read only memory (PEROM). This specific micro controller in various types of embedded applications and is cost viable option.  An entire robot can be also made by utilizing the concept proposed her.


 This project has made use of various kinds of I/O devices and thus more programs can be stored to develop the functionality process. Robots are also stronger and can perform heavy weight operations. It can work continuously and thus possesses a lot of work potential.

Download ROBOTIC ARM Mechanical Robotics Projects.

Remote Operated Fork Lift Btech BE Mechanical Final Report


The forklift in simple terms can be described as a device that can lift hundreds of kilograms. They are usually made of steel and depending on their capacity can support up to a few tons. They are mostly powered by gasoline, propane or electricity. Forklifts are used in ware houses mostly. By using forklifts, a person can move large amount of weight at once.

The project at hand “Remote Operated Fork Lift Btech BE Mechanical Final Report”, the forklift is designed with the latest technology and a prototype model is designed here. This project is connected by remote technology with the operator in a position to walk along the forklift improving his visibility and the container is placed accurately. This kind of forklift greatly improves the safety of the operator.


This project Remote operated forklift aims to create mechanical movements in a forklift as per command signals produced and passed through RF module designed remote. The controller chip generates the data code and transmitted as a modulated signal. The receiver on receiving the signal demodulates it and the output is given to a microcontroller unit assembled over the forklift. The controller controls the motors via the H-bridge as programmed.

The forklift designed in this project can move in all directions including reverse direction. In this project, a communication is set up between two points in space. The waves that are transmitted and received are radio waves.

Btech BE Mechanical Final Report Conclusion:

By implementing this project, the vehicle can move in any direction enabling rotational movement too. Also human errors can be eliminated. Since it is a machine it can carry heavy loads. This means more amount of cargo can be transported at a very small amount of time. This factor is hugely responsible in increasing the productivity. The project here can be implemented in warehouses and reduce the pressure on manpower resources.

Download Remote Operated Fork Lift Btech BE Mechanical Final Year Project Report

Remote Controlled Electrically Operated Hydraulic Jack

Introduction to HYDRAULIC JACK:

Innovative changes have taken place in Fluid power technology and this is because electronic components are used to control hydraulic components. With the aid of technology, preference is now being given to luxury, comfort and safety. This Mechanical Engineering Final Year project “Remote Controlled Electrically Operated Hydraulic Jack” works on the principle of converting rotational motion of wiper motor into the resulting portion of hydraulic jack machine.

The wiper motor is in a cylindrical cage structure and it delivers maximum power by consuming easily available battery power. Power is available all the time hence it can be withdrawn instantly and safely. Alternate power is used. This mechanism is very useful for use by physically challenged people. This project is used in a wide array of engineering applications.


The project model Remote controlled electrically operated hydraulic jack is placed at the pre-specified points and then connected to the battery. The entire project is remote controlled. Once the buttons of the remote is used, the current flow through the wiper motor wall cause movement in output linkage. This linkage converts motor movement into wiper movement causing the hydraulic jack to move up and down.

The plunger, on which the force is acting, makes the circular pipe to transfer the hydraulic liquid from smaller to larger cylinder and a check valve prevents backflow. This larger cylinder lifts the load and is indicated on the piston of the hydraulic jack as a rise in its mean level. Once it reaches the lift position, it can be stopped and a specific task can be carried out. The pumping unit is equipped with a pressure valve and is automatically operated by central lock actuator.


This project has successfully designed a model which is light-weight and compact in nature and is designed keeping in mind the needs of elder civilian and physically challenged people. The wiper motor used here can be replaced by a stepper motor to reduce cost and weight considerations.

Download Remote Controlled Electrically Operated Hydraulic Jack Project Report and Documentation.

Regenerative Braking System Project For Mechanical Students

Introduction to Regenerative Braking System:

       A brake is a tool that enables in deceleration of a moving object; they use friction to convert kinetic energy into heat. Conventional braking systems use this mechanism. Once the brake pads rub against the wheels of the car, excessive heat energy is produced. The heat generated is lost into the air nearly accounting for about 30% of the car’s generated power. The project here “Regenerative Braking System Project For Mechanical Students” introduces a different braking technology.

         In this system, regenerative braking mechanism reuses the energy created by the braking process and uses this energy to charge the battery for further use. Generally the energy lost in the conventional use is transferred to the generator of the rotating wheel and is given to the battery. This saves a lot of energy.


        The driving system of the vehicle is responsible for most of the braking process. As soon as the driver steps onto the brake pedal of the vehicle (either hybrid or electrical), the brakes put the vehicle’s motor in the reverse mode enabling it to run backwards causing the wheels to slow down. While in the reverse mode, the motor operates as an electric generator feeding this electricity into the vehicle’s batteries.

     Most of the hybrid and electric vehicles in the market employ this technique to extend the life span of the battery pack. It is highly beneficial to use regenerative mechanism as it reduces pollution and also increases the engine life.


        In this project Regenerative Braking system, the regenerative brake captures about half of the energy wasted and is utilized by the engine whereas in conventional brakes, 80% energy is wasted. Hence fuel consumption is reduced by 10 to 25 percent in regenerative braking. Not only this, speed of the vehicle is also greatly enhanced by this mechanism of braking.

Download Regenerative Braking System Engineering Final Year Project For Mechanical Students.

Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines


               At some given set of conditions, we might need to switch on the machine or switch it off at a particular point of time. This can be done manually if the number of machines is less, say one or two. But if they are more in number, the process acquires a complex dimension.

Thus this Final Year Mechanical project “Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines” designs an event management system which has real time sequence control over machines.

        Real time sequence will produce the real time. The on and off time of every device is set by the switches. A microcontroller is employed to switch on and off the machine according to the set time as specified earlier. Browsing through the menu displayed on the LCD, the timings can be set. To connect the device to the microcontroller, relays are employed for connection.      


                The components used in this project Real time sequence control system for machines are microcontroller, LCD, RTC, rely, switches and buzzer. This system is an event management system implying that when an event occurs, the particular operation is performed. There are 4 switches in the project and these are used to navigate through the menu.

           The timings of devices are stored in RTC memory and the real time displayed on the LCD. If the RTC time equals the ON time of a particular system, the microcontroller will turn the relay off. The device is witched off and buzzer used to make a beep sound for any operation performed. Thus microcontroller will control all devices.


         This project can be applied in various industries. Here a remote controller can be used in place of switches as a future enhancement. The microcontroller is based on ATMEL 89S52 and the software that is used for microcontroller programming is embedded C language.

Download Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines Project Report and Documentation.

Radial Piston Engine Mechanical Final Student Project

Radial piston engine:

                     The Radial Piston Engine Mechanical Final Student Mechanical Project is a type of an internal combustion engine. In this system, the cylinders point away from the central crankshaft like the spokes of a wheel. This kind of arrangement is employed in aircraft engines before the arrival of turbo shaft and turbojet engines and is kind if reciprocating engine.

              The cylinders that are connected to the crankshaft are arranged in the form of a master-and-articulating-rod assembly. In this one cylinder is directly attached to the crankshaft whilst the other cylinders have their connecting rods attached to rings surrounding the master rod.


       A piston in general terms is defined as a sliding plug that is closely fit into the cylinder’s bore. Its main function is to vary the volume occupied by the cylinder or in other words, exert a force on fluid inside the cylinder. The two-stroke and the four-stroke cycles are two ways that piston engine makes power. The two-stroke engine generates power in every crankshaft revolution while a four-stroke engine generates power in alternate revolutions. Two-stroke engines produce more pollution and are smaller than four-stroke engines.

Piston ring:

           Piston ring is an open end ring that fits into the groove of the outer diameter of piston of an engine of the internal combustion type. The piston rings have 3 main functions to perform. Firstly they seal the combustion chamber; secondly it supports the heat transfer from the piston of the engine to the cylinder wall. Thirdly it regulated the motor oil consumption.

        There is compression up to a few thousands of an inch in the gap of the piston ring when inside the cylinder. The majority of piston rings have 3 rings i.e. compression rings and oil control rings. Compression rings are employed for compression sealing while the oil control ring is uses to regulate the supply of oil to the liner responsible for lubrication.

Download Radial Piston Engine Mechanical Final Student Project Report and Documentation.

Quasi-Isothermal Expansion Engine for Cryogenic Automotive Propulsion

Introduction To The Final Year Mechanical Project:

              The potential of cryogenic energy storage for automotive propulsion serves as an alternative for the usage of electrochemical batteries. This project “Quasi isothermal expansion for cryogenic automotive propulsion” is used in zero emission vehicles. It’s also assumed that using inert cryogen like liquid nitrogen as an energy storage material would limit the environmental damage.


            In this project Quasi isothermal expansion for cryogenic automotive propulsion, the cryogenic fuel is stored in a vacuum jacketed container and has proper relief valves to accommodate safe boil off. A cryo-pump is employed to pressurize the fluid to a level above the injection pressure of expander. The shaft power from this expander is applied for vehicle propulsion.

      To maintain the expander walls at ambient temperature, a warmant fluid is circulated. This warmant must be pumped through the heat exchanger system for efficient conduction of ambient heat into engine. A quasi isothermal reciprocating expander is designed and the output is transmitted to the wheels by transmission.


       The potential for making use of the available energy of liquid nitrogen for the purpose of automotive propulsion is very high. The heat transfer calculation of this quasi isothermal engine has a heart core which is embedded within the expansion chamber and nearly 85% of performance of ideal isothermal power cycle is obtained. Since this cryogenic fluid is non-polluting, it avoids heavy metal pollution linked with lead-acid batteries.

             Furthermore, in this project the complete thermodynamic simulation of a reciprocating expander is studied. It has been developed to study the various engine designs and operational parameters of liquid Nitrogen consumption of this ambient powered automobile. Thus in steps, a reciprocating engine model along with piston cylinder heat transfer and piston ring friction mechanism is explained in detail.

Download Quasi-Isothermal Expansion Engine for Cryogenic Automotive Propulsion Mechanical Project Report.

Gas Turbine Blades Rotor Blade Using Nickel Based Super Alloy


       Water is the working medium in a thermal power plant. The requisites for high pressure steam are strong and bulky components. Thus in place of steel, expensive alloys made from nickel or cobalt are used. In the present Mechanical Project Gas Turbine Blades Rotor Blade Using Nickel Based Super Alloy an attempt has been made to understand the turbine blade mechanism through the finite element modeling aiming to determine stresses and approximate the blade fatigue life.

       When the power plant is in a continuous mode of operation, the turbine blades can be affected by high fatigue failures which are essentially because of resonance which occurs at blade critical speed dry startup and shut down condition. The material of the blade used here is Nickel based super alloy and by continuous operation of this blade, the power capacity of the plant increases.


       In this project, the rotor blade is analyzed to determine mechanical stresses and forces i.e. tangential, axial, are determined by constructing velocity triangles at the entry and exit points of the blade. The blades in the turbine which is moving are for conservation of the kinetic energy of the gas/steam into mechanical work. This is transmitted to the shaft on which blades are mounted.

        The blades are attached are drum/disc of turbine short blades and possesses minute centrifugal forces and are usually made with T-shaped tangs attached to the discs. If there is same width between the blade and tangs then proper blade passage is obtained.


       Thus by successful implementation of this project, the structural, life estimation and modal analysis is executed. At the root of the turbine blade, maximum stress and strain is observed. Hence it is conclude that by the analysis blade used is safe.

Download Gas Turbine Blades Rotor Blade Using Nickel Based Super Alloy Mechanical Project Report.