Kinematics Based on Four Bar Linkage BE Mechanical Seminar Topic & Project Report

The aim of this Kinematics Based on Four Bar Linkage BE Mechanical Seminar Topic & Project Report is to make a four bar linkage and display the movement by a hand crank. Based on rubric with five other legs, there is no need to turn, efficient and display analysis and calculations of the outermost point of linkage.

The four-bar linkage is a movable and simplest linkage. It includes four rigid bodies known as bars or links. These are connected by pivots to produce a closed loop. Four-bars are the common mechanisms in mechanical engineering and kinematics. The pivot joint includes one rotational degree of freedom and mechanism is planar.

The planar four-bar linkages include many different motions based on calculations. Many mechanisms include movable members and these motions form trajectories points on the mechanism. The link is rigid in every mechanism which acts like a frame.

Inversions mechanisms are configurations with manipulation of the rigid link known as frame. The data from one link is utilized to know about other inversions. Inversion technique is used for mechanisms synthesis and analysis.

There are two kinds of joints based on contact type. They are lower pair joint and higher pair joint. Lower pair joint is contact of area among two mating surfaces whereas higher pair joint is link among mating surfaces like line contact.


The Kinematics Based on Four Bar Linkage BE Mechanical Seminar Topic & Project Report concludes that the constant body is known as ground link which is required to get every position. There are two links linked to the ground are known as grounded links and the left link is known as coupler link. The second grounded link is the follower link.

Download Kinematics Based on Four Bar Linkage BE Mechanical Seminar Topic & Project Report

Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells

This Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells Mechanical Engineering project & Seminar Topic is based on the Cylindrical and Conoidal shells. There are few kinds of cylindrical and conoidal shell. They are Circular Directrix, Parabolic Directrix, Inverted catenary Directrix, and Cycloidal Directrix.

 Shells space roofs are made for plane roofs because these roods cover major floor spaces and utilizes construction materials. The curved space roofs need materials of about 25 to 40% rather than plane elements. The shell roofs are major one because cross section is stressed with direct forces and bending effects. Based on this, shells thickness is very less ranging between 75mm to 150mm.

 The shell structures are very costly. Economically, thin shell roofs are competitive with many same units. The form works cost builds shell roofs costly rather than cement and steel. The costs of form work are made based on precasting mobile forms. The benefits of shell roofs are aesthetically superior, material used is very less, form work is deleted in the starting, and high column free areas are covered.

 Cylindrical shells are the shell structures due to span up to 45m with less material need. They are important structures since it is made by arch forms to remove thicknesses and stresses in the transverse way. The conoid surface is created with movement of straight parallel to a rigid plane.


 The project concludes on the shell roofs which are used for sport auditorium, exhibition halls, hangers, industrial buildings and many span structures. The roofs are very costly and utilized for domes by Romans. The advances like the shell structures make use of prefabricated shell elements.

Download This Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells Mechanical Engineering Final Year project.

Independent Suspension System Dept of Mechanical Engineering Final Year Project

This Independent Suspension System Dept of Mechanical Engineering Final Year Project presents the independent suspension which deals about the automobile suspension system providing the wheels to move in the vertical position. The movement depends on live axle and beam axle that affect both the wheels. The left and right suspension spring are tied by anti-roll bar. Many vehicles possess independent front suspension (IFS) and independent rear suspension (IRS). IRS includes rear wheels sprung.

 The important thing for lower unsprung weight is for driven wheels. The motion between the wheels and the differential is by using swinging drive shafts linked by universal (U) joints and analogous to the constant-velocity (CV) joints.

 Vehicle dynamics is defined as the forces provided on a movable car. There are two views considered by automobile engineers for moving car are RIDE and HANDLING. Ride is the ability of a car to move on a rough road and handling is ability of a car to drive safely brake, accelerate, and corner.

 There are four kinds of suspension. They are conventional suspension system, independent suspension system, air suspension system, and hydro-elastic suspension system.

 The system has no reaction on steering. It needs major distance to stop rolling action. The front axle provides better road holding tendency of tyres. There is less vibration. It offers smooth ride and rear wheels are stable.


Typically, the project on independent suspension systems provides the good ride characteristics and quality because of lower unsprung weight. IRS makes the wheel to jump on a hard land. The system needs expenses and engineering effort for live axle arrangement. IRS offers great manufacturing rates.

Download Independent Suspension System Dept of Mechanical Engineering Final Year Project

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Operated Remote Control Car Btech Mechanical Project

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Operated Remote Control Car Btech Mechanical Project makes use of the hydrogen fuel cell like other form of energy to control the remote controlled car and shows how the hydrogen is formed and its fuel cell functions. This project is about the hydrogen fuel cell which is utilized in the functioning of remote control car. There are two setups used by the remote car.

 The project utilizes energy source beside gas power or conventional battery to control the car. The hydrogen cell is used including hydrogen and air to form electrical power. The side products of fuel cell are heat and water and the sources of fuel are air and hydrogen to handle gasoline and battery acid.

 The fuel cell is used by consumer since hydrogen fuel cell is lighter, friendly, and quieter. The hydrogen cells are more than gas engines. The battery of the cars produces power of twelve watts.

 The first step includes measuring the current and voltage required by the remote car. The starting power begins the electric motor with the help of two amps of current and six volts of potential. The second step is to transfer hydrogen from a high to low pressure tanks. The third step activates the hydrogen tanks and tank consists of metal hydride. The disadvantage of the design is the cost


 The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Operated Remote Control Car Btech Mechanical Project concludes that the problems implemented into the fuel cell system and remote control car to manufacture the fluid system between the tank and pressure regulator for safe and proper functioning of the system.

Download Hydrogen Fuel Cell Operated Remote Control Car Btech Mechanical Project

Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project

The Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project is about the hydraulic pump that gets the oil from a tank and gives to the hydraulic circuit by increasing oil pressure to the particular level. The pumps are moved at constant speed with the help of AC induction motor that rotates at 1500 rpm. The motor and pump are used as a one unit.

 There are two types of pump and compressor where one is used for fluids and another one for gases. Fluid is moved into the pump and thrown out of periphery with the centrifugal force. The fluid flow keeps the pressure at the end of pump. The devices are called hydrodynamic pumps applied to transmit the fluid from one place to another at low pressures.

The pump transfers the rigid volume of fluid at the outlet port from inlet to outlet. The piston pump is without inherent pressure decided by leakage of pump. If the pressure is present into a dead end then the pressure increases with pump stroke continuously.

Pump data sheets need speed of 1200, 1500 or 1800 rpm based on the speed of induction motor. The capacity of pump depends on the drive speed and it is decreased and its efficiency decreases with the increase in fluid leakage. This is called slippage.


Hydraulic pumps are hydrostatic that need concept to manage the system pressure to prevent pump failure or catastrophic pipe. The pump is designated with the delivery of flow rate and the pump could hold with high pressure. These are known as pump capacity and pressure rating.

Download Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project

Magnetic Braking System Mechanical Technical Presentation

This MAGNETIC BRAKING SYSTEM Mechanical Technical Presentation introduces the magnetic braking with the help of simple theory, law of Faraday and Lorentz force. The magnet is lifted and dragged forcibly on the dipole of magnet on a nonmagnetic plane depending on equations of Maxwell.

In the last few years, the magnetic braking has become very popular. The magnetic braking functions based on law of Lenz and induced currents. On comparing the metal plate with pendulum, its speed reduces on going through among magnetic poles.

If plate is in the file of magnet then electric field gets induced in the metal and hence producing currents. The current is opposite to the flux by the plate based on Lenz’s Law. The currents heat the plate by decreasing the kinetic energy. This aspect is used to apart nonmagnetic metals from solid waste and to remove vibrations in spacecrafts.

The magnetic drag force is very tough to obtain on the motion of metal object and equation of Maxwell. The rectangular sheet is checked on the linear motion by the magnet and hence rectangular sheet of magnetic braking is also checked based on linear motion of the magnet.

The sheet speed is small and magnetic field is produced by the induced current and it is negligible with the application of magnetic field. The magnetic drag force increases with mutual coupling among magnetic field and induced current.


This MAGNETIC BRAKING SYSTEM Mechanical Technical Presentation has introduced about the magnetic lift force and magnetic drag force with the motion of magnets. Based on these forces, the magnetic levitated vehicles are manufactured with high-speed transportation.

Download Magnetic Braking System Mechanical Technical Seminar Presentation

Gas Kit for Two Wheeler Mechanical Mini Project

The GAS KIT FOR TWO WHEELER Mechanical Mini Project has focused on the use of fuel in two stroke Gasoline engine. The goal of the project is to utilize non-conventional fuel and conventional fuel that has become expensive and insufficient today.  This has resulted in less air pollution than conventional fuels which is better based on considerations of economic.

We have used LPG fuel system, two stroke vehicle, gasoline, and LPG in this project.  LPG includes the adjustable regulator from storage tank with the transfer of valve present in the LPG cylinder.

 LPG is abbreviated as Liquefied Petroleum Gas which is also known as bottled gas (or) Refinery gas.  This is formed like a byproduct on bashing heavy crude oils or natural gas.  The LPG is produced by bashing or dehydration of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), desulphurised, or organic sulphide (Mercaptans).

This is poured in cylinders with warning of leak of gas.  It is then compressed in the liquid form to increase the fuel gas and reserved with trade name such as INDANE-BURSHANE etc. The calorific value is nearly 27.800 Keal/m.

The gas kit of a two wheeler includes fuel tank, fuel inlet tube, exhaust gas, engine, wheel, and stand. The LPG system is less costly than gasoline. It provides good manifold distribution. It has great knock resistance. Residue and oil contamination is small.


The GAS KIT FOR TWO WHEELER Mechanical Mini Project concludes IC engines of natural gas technology are very popular for hydro carbons (HC) and nitrous oxide (NO) with carbondioxide (CO). LPG includes Hydrocarbons with the presence of atmospheric pressure and is liquefied under pressure.

Download Gas Kit for Two Wheeler Mechanical Mini Project

Green Nanotechnology in Automobiles Mechanical Student Project

Green engineering is the commercialization, design, processes, and products which are economically feasible. It decreases pollution at the source and decreases the danger to environment and human health. It enfolds the method to save human health and environment with large impact and cost effectiveness and process development of product.

 The few principles of green engineering include engineer products and processes, system analysis, integrate environmental impact. It decreases the depletion of natural resources. It produces engineering solutions with innovative sustainability. It includes stakeholders to develop engineering solutions.

 Nanotechnology is the engineering system based on molecular scale. It includes the advanced methods. The technology defines capability to make products from the bottom up level with the help of techniques and tools to obtain advanced products.

 The nanotechnology is also defined like a general-purpose technology because of its mature form. It provides longer lasting, built, safer, cleaner, and smarter items available for home, medicine, communications, transportation, industry, and agriculture. The nanotech provides high efficiency like electricity and computers in all aspect of life. The general-purpose technology has many commercial and military purposes like surveillance tools and weapons.

 The green nanotechnology is the developed clean technologies. It decreases risks to the environment and human health with the nanotechnology products and stimulates products with new nano-products.


 The GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY  IN AUTOMOBILES Mechanical Student Project conclusion made is that the automotive industry is affected with nanotechnology implementation. The increased awareness of nanotechnology is sure to influence the industry business. With small nano-materials, the physical and chemical properties like conductivity, optical sensitivity, melting point, etc. are changed to increase conventional material properties.

Download GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY  IN AUTOMOBILES Mechanical Student Project

GPS and Weapon Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic

The GPS AND WEAPON Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic is about the Global Positioning System (GPS) which is a satellite depending on the navigation system to provide ability of traveling.  In the beginning, it was designed for the military purpose and civilian are allowed to use some parts of GPS.

GPS provides many features and it is created effectively for the purposes of aircraft navigation. The civilian users get accuracy of 100 m in three dimensions. The GPS signal is present 24 hours every day in the world wide and in every season. It prevents unintentional and intentional (jamming) interference.

The equipment should get and process the signals of GPS which is reliable and affordable without atomic clocks or antenna arrays. The system is passive for the user of GPS that needs a receiver without the need of transmission.

The GPS was launched after Russian Satellite Sputnik. The Scientists realized that satellite positioned can be pinpointed with the Doppler shift of radio signals in a single pass. Frank McClure suggested that location of satellite could be predicted and the Doppler shift could position the receiver on Earth and navigation is done by satellite. 

GPS concludes the user location by triangulation. Based on the satellite location and the distance, set of satellites could decide the accurate receiver position. The GPS fundamental means decide the distance and distance can be computed time based on exact time standards and different timings.


The GPS AND WEAPON Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic concludes that the GPS system demonstrates method of satellite ranging.  The satellite sends the time signal. The receiver is constant with exact clock synchronized to GPS time.

Download GPS and Weapon Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic

Mechanical Project on Future Electrical Steering System

The automobiles needs like enhanced control of vehicles, improved safety, ease, and compact packaging can be seen in electrical steering systems. With these needs, the new functionality is observed by many components of electric for the scope of actuator control and signal processing.

 The systems’ reliability includes products of standard automotive steering. The systems should be fault-tolerant to obtain components demands such as electronic control units, sensors, bus systems, power units, actuators etc.

 The modern safety structures need experience and expertise for production and designing of safety electrical systems. The redundant electrical systems should also include requirements of economic and market adjacent to availability and safety of the system.

 The electric systems possess mechanical as well as electronic motor. The hydraulic system is an alternative to an electrical system for increasing the steering. The torque sensor calculates the torque of steering wheel and an electronic control unit measures the required servo torque.

 The electric motor uses worm gear based on the required steering forces at the pinion to obtain increased forces at the rack. The components used in the electrical steering are electric motor, power electronics, steering wheel torque sensor, electronic control unit, and CAN data bus.


 The Mechanical Project on Future Electrical Steering System is about safety methods and technical solutions of many electrical steering systems. The customers utilize electrical steering systems which provide flexibility and increased functions of steering. The modern and developed electrical steering systems of next century include major safety appeal based on systems. The safety and dependability of the steering systems is obtained by safety system and the vehicle systems.

Download Mechanical Project on Future Electrical Steering System