Secure Web Application on Travel Rating and Exploring Java Project


Travel Rating is a web application developed in java. This Travel Rating and Exploring application enable users to view the information of various places. Admin will add all the information about the various places. The user can search the place details with a category like international and national. Users can view all the details of the places and they can give the description and rating to the place. All the details of places which include the description and ratings can be viewed by guest users.

Existing System:

In the existing Travel Rating system, no proper information is provided. All the information of the location is stored in records which is very difficult to search or make any modification .if the data is once lost can be retrieved. Users need to spend much time in getting the information about places and its details. A lot of time and physical effort is required to get the details of the place.

Proposed System:

The proposed Travel Rating system provides details information about places and enables users to give ration and description. Users can get information about places just in one click by selecting the category which saves a lot of time and physical effort. All the data will be stored in the database without any data loss and can be easily viewed and modified.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagrams:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:



Admin needs to enter valid credentials to get a login. Admin can view all the details of registered users and need to activate every user. Admin can add all the details of the places.


The user needs to get registered with the application and need to be authorized by admin. The user can get login by entering unique username and password. The user can view all the details of the places by selecting the category. The user can give description and rating to the selected place.

Guest User:

Guest users can search the details of the places by selecting the category. The guest user can view all the details of the place including description and rating has given by registered users.

Softwares used to develop this wedding Event application below:

Netbeans 8.0.1, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Project Output Screens Description:

  • Home Page

  • Admin Login Page

  • Admin Home Page

  • User Details Page

  • Add Places Page

  • User Registration Page

  • User Login Page

  • Select Category page

  • Travel Rating Page

  • My Places Page

  • Guest user page

  • Place Details Page

Advanced Slider Captcha Project

Completely Automated Public Turing test (CAPTCHA) is a way of differentiating humans and computers. As the technology is growing exponentially in this fast-moving world, it is highly important to complicate the process of differentiating.

The current approach of using distortions to an image will only complicate the understanding skills of a human more than a machine. So, in this paper, we propose a new approach of slicing an image in such a way that only by overlapping one will be able to understand what is inside a captcha. This will make sure that robots cannot understand or cannot use a brute force to crack the captcha and achieve access to the system.

This attempt will prove that the slicing of an image is more effective than distortions as more and more image processing techniques are available.


CAPTCHA is an acronym for the totally robotized open Turing test to advice machines also people separated. CAPTCHA is an approach how we can confirm that web provision client is a human being.

Today it is commonly used by types based on the recognition of alphanumeric characters, On existing framework, these tests need aid getting to be an ever-increasing amount muddled for people, but, on the different hand, they would get to be Actually simpler for bots with some effort added by the hackers.

In this paper, I will make an idea with a chance to be In view of An totally distinctive guideline in Endeavour through Puzzle based captcha Algorithm, to be secure I have actualized this Puzzle based CAPTCHAs, which gives more security. That paper depicts on point of interest these Puzzle based CAPTCHAs innovative principle, system for distinguishing humans from robots.


CAPTCHA is one of the best technologies in the fight against spam, with some vulnerabilities. These days the systems are being cracked regularly, with Google, Microsoft, and Hotmail among the victims as listed in the news ( Now Advanced Slider CAPTCHA system which claims to be both possibly unbreakable and easier for humans to solve than the old text and audio based system. In this paper simply stated as Advanced Slider CAPTCHA nice to humans, bad for Hackers”. This paper is an attempt towards a systematic analysis of usability issues that should be considered and addressed in the design of robust and usable of Image CAPTCHAs.

So far, there are the following three main types of CAPTCHAs:

1) Text Based schemes They typically rely on sophisticated grasping of text from given images.

2) Audio-Based Schemes-They typically needs the user to solve a speech recognition test which will be played during the authentication.

3) Image-Based Schemes They typically ask the user to identify an image which has been specified by the web. All the above-mentioned captchas have some vulnerabilities.

In this paper, I aim to understand what kind of issues should be addressed to make CAPTCHAs usable in the contexts where this technology has been widely deployed. Solving issues of poor accessibility caused by CAPTCHAs, e.g. by exploring Advanced Slider CAPTCHA which could be implemented in a different way.


proposed by me generates a challenge by displaying a special distorted image from my image database which is split into parts within the specified matrix frame using pixel division techniques. For this special image, each part of the Image will be divided into a square-shaped one. Some image treatment will be done in order to prevent image detection without using the slider so that it will be unidentifiable without using the slider.

The image will be a meaning full one when the user uses starts sliding the slider below the displayed image when the user moves the slider to a predefined point the image will be identifiable and he will be able to solve the captcha. More details are described in next section.

Advantages of Slider Captcha Slider CAPTCHA:

has several fascinating characteristics. It is one of a kind to use image division as a CAPTCHA. The user doesn’t have to enter the fuzzy texts, the user doesn’t have to solve maths puzzles or recognize a sound, and it doesn’t require any knowledge.

The user has to use the slider to see the image, which most of the people know nowadays because of the smartphones. Experiments and security analysis proved that human users can complete the CAPTCHA verification quickly and accurately, but computers rarely can, this will be one of a kind of captcha which will be even interesting to the users.

  1. Image handling solving slider CAPTCHA automatically by a robot will be an issue. However, it seems difficult for computers/robots but easy for humans. According to my research, most previous works only focused on the text recognition where the solve rate is 76 percent and the hack rate is 1/3 when compared to the image captcha it is very high.
  2. Image selection the image used to generate slider CAPTCHA are randomly selected, carefully chosen from the available set of images from the database. It is very important that the images will not affect the usability of the code. In this project the code is confinedtouseaparticularsetofimagesbasedontheirdimensions. The code can be further modified/developed to handle various kinds of images based on the user rate of the system. The pictures which will be used will be downloaded from websites, such as In the beginning, a mere 5 to 10 images will be chosen to generate the CAPTCHA. The images will be divided into several categories and the ones which are familiar to most of the people will be used in the system. Based on the response time and recognition from the user certain images will be considered as a candidate to be discarded.
  • Image size and grid granularity selection As discussed prior the system will handle the images which are present in the system and with a particular dimension and pixel type. The vital problem I will encounter when designing this mechanism is the size of the image and the grid granularity selection. I tried to use a larger image than the smaller one the UI is going to consume a large amount of space which will be fuzzy. In contrast, the smaller image takes up less screen space, and it takes less time to be processed by the code.

Will use algorithm to achieve the concept and functionality

Captcha using Grid Colors Project


In the current world, the Internet is being widely for every activity we can think of and it ranges from online communication to e-commerce, education, health, sports and a variety of other things. Progress in any field has its own problems and in the world of web applications and websites, one of the primary concerns is bots accessing this application thereby severely hampering performance as well as crashing the availability of a system. In order to tackle this widespread problem, CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Human Apart) was introduced in the early 2000s to protect internet applications against bots. In the present world, most of the commercial websites are equipped with the CAPTCHA functionality to overcome any imminent attacks. However, a common complaint has been related to the ease of solving CAPTCHAs by users of the web applications. Several methods of CAPTCHA functionality have been introduced and each of them has their own positives and drawbacks. The goal of a CAPTCHA solution should help users in resolving it fairly while being strong to counter-attack automated responses. With this project, the goal is to introduce a new CAPTCHA method with grid colors where the user will be prompted to draw a specific colored line based on the instructions provided in the interface.


With the arrival of the World Wide Web technology, everything we can think of has been made available on the internet through websites and web applications and it is only growing with each minute at a rapid speed. This technology has been embraced by people all over the world which allows for easy communication and accessibility to a variety of information.

However, with increasing popularity automated solutions known as bots have been developed to attack these web applications. To counter these attacks the CAPTCHA solution was introduced with the focus being on both securities as well as ease of use for end users. CAPTCHA is generally a web page that poses the user with a challenge that could be resolved based on instructions provided.

The goal here is to block automated machines from performing activities such as registrations, automated feedback, spam and other resource blocking activities. A variety of CAPTCHA solutions based on text, image, and audio interfaces have been made available to users. Some of these solutions are easy targets for the bots depending on how they have been implemented.

The challenge lies in developing a CAPTCHA that meets ease of use requirements while not compromising on application safety. The proposed solution will be a web page with a grid interface provided to the users along with instructions on how to solve the CAPTCHA. The grid interface will contain multiple colors scrambled across the grid and user is instructed to draw a line through the mentioned colors or path in the textual hint.

The colors and the grid will be designed to look intuitive enough for the users and drawing the line is something that will make the users feel comfortable and it will be difficult for the bots to crack. An example question for the user would be-”Draw a line connecting all green squares”.
II. RELATED WORK & existing solutions:

Variety of CAPTCHA solutions based on text, image, video, and audio have been made available to the users. Text-based CAPTCHA is being used widely and the CAPTCHA challenges are sometimes very hard to solve even by the human. All existing CAPTCHA challenges require a significant conscious effort by the person answering them — e.g. reading and typing a nonsense word.

Many existing CAPTCHAs irritate or threaten users since they are obvious tests of skill. Most existing CAPTCHAs are vulnerable to out” attacks in which challenges are passed to a networked community of human readers. There are some problems with the existing text-based CAPTCHAs, If it is simple text-based CAPTCHA then it can be easily solved by OCR (Optical character recognition) software and segmentation; If it is complex text-based CAPTCHA humans also may not be able to solve the challenge.There are six text-based challenges.

While the first two sets can be solved with some effort the third set is highly difficult for a human to solve. An ideal CAPTCHA solution should always be easy for the users to solve while not compromising on the security aspect. The proposed solution would be a 4*4 grid which is filled with different colored images in random sections. The user has to follow the provided instructions to solve this CAPTCHA.

This CAPTCHA has several advantages.

• It will be easy for humans to understand the challenge and solve the CAPTCHA since it is color based images that are being used in the grid.

• The user can solve this type of CAPTCHA in few seconds without any frustration or stress.

• Bots cannot solve this type of CAPTCHA because the grids are actually images of grid colors and not a direct fill.

III. The 4*4 grid will be generated with 16 identical square boxes.

  1. The grid will be filled using five grid colors (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Black). The colors are images and not color codes.
  2. Red, Green, Yellow are selected out of the five to fill a total of 12 boxes in a random manner and each color occupying four boxes.
  3. Black and Blue are used to fill the remaining four square boxes. Combinations can be one Black, three Blue or two Black, two Blue and one Blue, three Black.
  4. CAPTCHA Challenge- Form a horizontal red line in row two using the red colored image.
  5. The user drags and drops the specified colored image as per instruction.
  6. Positions of the colored images are interchanged based on drag and drop moves.
  7. A line formation based on instruction will be deemed as successful CAPTCHA answer else it will be considered a failure.
  8. Failure will result in generation of a new CAPTCHA challenge.

Algorithm for the idea: 

  1. Step1: generate an image with random words
  2. Step2: in the generated image find the middle pixel (height of the image/2)
  3. Step3: separate images into two. One image will run through 00 to mid, width another will run through mid+1,0 to height, width
  4. Step4: place the separated images separately and allow the user to drag an image
  5. Step5: allow the user to type the captcha the response after hovering
  6. Step6: validate the user input

AICTE Campaign System .Net Project


AICTE Campaign system is a project developed to select and provide accommodation to the selected students in an organization. The selected vendor shall be required to independently arrive at the methodology, based on globally acceptable standards and best practices, suitable for the council. This system provides state-of-the-art technology, enabling digitalization and automate into a paperless office.

Existing System:

The existing system is completely manual one where users need to go to the organization and search for the details. A lot of time is wasted in searching the details. No proper complete information is provided.

Proposed System:

The proposed system is an automated collection of information along the hierarchy or from outside the system. This system allows reviewing, commenting and approving by various personnel in the hierarchy. This system provides easy access. All the details are sent to the user’s mails which is easy to identify.



Admin gets login with valid username and password. Admin will manage all the user’s details. Admin will provide the details of the state and the city for accomplishments. Admin will add and view the campaigns details. Admin will reset or change the password.


Our project AICTE campaign provides users to check the details of their results and details of their accomplishment without any difficulty.

Online Real Estate System .Net Project


Online real estate system is a project which provides a friendly format for buying and selling properties. Users can search and browse for property in this application. This application also allows users to book the property online. This application mainly concentrates on maintaining and managing the details of the property. This application deals with buying and selling the houses, lands, commercial properties all over the world.

Existing System:

The existing real estate system is converted to the computerized system. This system is a manual where storing information is very difficult. This is not a web-based system and cannot be accessed easily. A lot of communication gap between customer and seller. If customer/seller wants to update the details of his property, he should contact the agent or visit office. If customer/seller gives any updated details regarding his property then agent have to change all the details on every record-keeping register.

Proposed System:

The proposed real estate system allows a user to store property, customer, seller, and staff details. It allows users to update, search property details and use them whenever necessary. It will also be able to provide financial, sold properties, all staff, all contacts reports.



The customer can get registered with the system by entering all the details. He can enter into the website by giving a valid username and password. The customer can view all the details on the website. The customer can view the details of the updated properties. The customer can post properties and post emails regarding the properties.


The vendor can get into the website with a valid username and password. The vendor can view all the posted properties of the customer. The vendor can view all the posts of the customers. The vendor can add the details of the new properties.


Our system provides the facilities of buying and selling of homes and properties in a user-friendly format. The seller can upload his/her property from anywhere. Our real estate system allows users to browse the property according to this requirement.

Capture Students Absence in School Project Synopsis

It is an academic project that will capture absentees of the students in a school and send them homework. It is a simple project. Here are some basic requirements

Here the Developer would capture students absence in school. This will be a list that has Name, grade, and section of the school. there will be a form that a student homework buddy will capture the home of all the classes that was done for the day, submit the homework form to admin, the admin sends out the homework student missed to via email.

The system has captured student’s absence in school through the absentee phone line. This will be a list that has Name, grade, and section of the school. there will be a form that a student homework buddy will capture the home of all the classes that was done for the day, submit the homework.

Since this is a specific issue we have with the school we are dealing with talking to the staff I realized the biggest concern they have is homework buddy capturing all the work in all subject correctly and submitting to the front office.

If there is a way for student or teacher to enter the details and can be verified later for correctness it can benefit all the students, teachers and parents.

Software Project Organizer .Net Project

This Software Project Organizer .Net Project is developed to maintain organization’s total info like a number of branches, total working employees with their performance, worksheets, talent transformation, Company ongoing projects with full details, coding standards to develop an application, etc..

This project organizer in a software company application has the following main modules:

1. Branch Information Module:

This module handles the information of all the unique branches existing under the organization. The information is maintained in branch master table.
It also maintains the employees working under a particular branch, which can be known a report generated on employee master table grouping on branch id.

2. Employee information module:

It manages the following submodules

  1. Employee’s performance module.
  2. Employees took assignment module
  3. Employee’s skill set information module.

This module maintains the total information related to the employees working in the organization. Their designations and the departments in which they are recruited. It also gives the information regarding the employee’s performance within the organization related to their job targets. It manages a clear history of an employee skill sets and defines the role played by the employee in a project and the area of his interaction in the project i.e., at the level of project or module component of elements.
It also maintains department master table.

3. Project information management module:

It maintains the total information related to the unique projects that have been signed for a contract of development. The module reveals the information regarding which project belongs to which client and the associated employee who is in charge of the overall project.
The major concentration is surrounded by the facts table, which clearly specifies how many modules a project manages with respect to no. Of components in each module and the no. Of elements in association with each component.
The module also specifies the duration of each entity with respect to the role played by each employee and the entity level in charge.

4. Package information module:

This module manages the entire information regarding the different types of packages that are purposefully used by the organization in their project development process and specifies the required packages list to complete a signed project. It also relates itself to know the different packages an employee can handle, which can serve as an information to recognize which employee can be resourceful to which type of project.

5. Project documentation Module:

This module maintains the overall information related to all the documents that are produced in course of project development process by different employees with respect to different areas of the project.
The module also serves to build on online help like system for the sake of user convenience and serves as a reference material to the developers as well as users.

6. Employee’s performance management module:

This module maintains the specific time levels taken by the employer in completing his tasks in turn serving the project analysis team to get the history of employees response towards an assigned task. The information from this module can be used as a cross-referential check to know the rating levels of the employee as designated within the company.

7. Report designing module:

This module practically manages the descriptive reports that are necessary within the organization as per the requirements of the information format at different levels of designations or departments.

Software and Hardware Specifications:


Processor : Intel Pentium 4 Processor with 700MHZ or more
Ram : 256 MB or more
Cache : 512 KB
Hard disk : 20 GB hard disk recommended.


Operating system : Windows 2000 SERVER
Front End Software : ASP.NET
Code behind : VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET)
Validations : Jscript
Back End Software : SQL Server 2000

Web E-Market for buy/sell luxury goods

• luxury goods such as a watch, jewelry, bag, How to make sure it is not a fake product.
• Buyer, Seller, Review, feedback, check, payment.

Overview of project:

Needs an E-Market website where sellers can keep their products.

The scope of this E-Market project is only luxury goods.(bags and watches) or any 2 products.

Firstly buyers and sellers should fill a registration form to get access to our website.

After registration, they can log in from next time. (both buyers and sellers)
You can once go through this website.This is only for sellers in our case.
We should be able to identify a product is fake or not.

We want a similar E-Market website like Amazon but only related to luxury goods.

We are acting as a middleware.

We should be able to identify fake products, fake sellers, fake buyers.

Once a seller wants to keep this product on our website he needs to fill a registration form, it should have certain credentials by which we need to identify he is fake or not.After filling of the registration we the seller should only keep a product which is a luxury and not small products.

The products which are kept by the seller should also be not fake.

Seller has the freedom to edit the content posted by him on our website.

Buyer should be given assurance that the product is unique and not fake. Payment can be done through PayPal.

Refer about shipping from SRS.

In this website, we need categories for men and women and under that, we need only bags and watches and nothing else…when the order is placed it should redirect to the payment.

Under the registration with the seller, we need an agreement form which makes sure that the product which they place is not fake.

and needs a database to store all the details of the seller and the product.

Customer Support Service Operations Synopsis

Project Title:  Customer Support Service Operations

Category: Application Development, Enterprise.

The goal of the project entitled “Customer Support Service Operations” is to report and track the problems that have occurred in the system. This application is used in many areas and report back the error to the administrator. The administrator will check the error and sends a report to the vendor regards the generated errors.

The user in different locations sent their complaints to the administrator giving the complaint, type, date/time of occurrence of the problem and their location. These details are stored in the inbox of the administrator. The administrator checks the complaint. The service charge is free until the guarantee period expires.

Users can complain at any time to the administrator and he in turn reports to the vendor.

MNZ is a distribution company dealing in electronic testing and measurement equipment. Every time a customer calls into log in a problem with respect to one of the product purchased from MNZ, there is an opportunity to retain that customer forever providing fast, responsive and effective customer support. MNZ deals with different types of products such as process control, material testing and heat sensing.

The starting cycle for customer support is installed. When a product is installed it gets an installation ID. With this, the client would interact with MNZ. When a client calls the customer support division to register a complaint they quote their ID. Then this call is assigned any CSE who is available in the office, if not the call is assigned to nearest CSE with I the client location. CSE’s are expected to provide the customer support within a period of time.

If for a specific service call, spare parts are required then CSE will go to MNZ stores and fill in the spare request form. This form will quote the installation number with client/site and product details and specify the part number for the specific spares of the product. If the product is under warranty, then spares are supplied without charging anything extra.

Dynamic College Website


Now a day anything has to be advertising in internet only. Suppose the student has to join our college. He will try to see our web then it will attractive one, then only he will impress and join our college.

For that we are added all information about our college with attractive.

In this Dynamic College Website project we are develop a college website with collage contact details, course detail, staff strength, no of student placement in each department with company details, alumni details and Newsletter module for the website administrator to circulate news & events details.

And this Dynamic College Website has to developed in macromedia Dreamweaver with flash support.