Student Repository System Java Project


žThe main objective of this Repository system application is to store all the details of the students permanently by using the one-time registration process.

žThe students can register their details at once and they get one unique id which is useful to fetch their details to any application automatically.

Present Working System

žIn the existing repository system, the students have to enter their details every time whenever they required for filling the application.

ž It is time-consuming and sometimes there is a chance of misplacement of data.

To Be Proposed

žIn the proposed repository system the students no need to enter their details every time.

žBy using their unique registration id the details are automatically fetched to the application only extra details required are to be entered.

žThe students can update their details in the existed profile whenever they required.

žIt is the user-friendly environment and less time-consuming.


The proposed repository system has two modules:


  • žAdministrator can store and manage all the details of registered students.
  • žProvides the functionalities that the student can fetch their details whenever required.
  • žAdmin maintains the entire application who is responsible for the activities that are performed in the system.


  • žThe student can log in into the system with their login details.
  • žThey can add, delete and modify the existed details in the system.
  • žThe student gets the notification any activity is performed in the system.

Repository system is a Java-based project, Its like one time registration application in this students can register all their details one time and they will get one id using that if they can apply any application form like job purpose, certificates purpose like that they can utilize that id, if they enter that id automatically the details related to that fields fetched and extra details to be filled by the student.

and one thing is the photo and signature are also to be saved in a file and those also to be fetched automatically whenever required.

This project developed by using Java, NetBeans7.4, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Employee Management System Project Synopsis

Project Description: Employee Management System is a program to automate or computerize all employee management operations.

Generally, every company has different departments (for example, Accounts/Admin/Human Resource/Technical/Vendors etc). For our project, consider the following departments. Due to the limited time, for our project, we will not be implementing the features of Vendors department.

Employee Management System is open to admins, HRs, Managers, and regular employees. Among all users, only the admins have all privileges to access all the information of EMS. So the admins will insert, update, remove the employees, departments, generate reports and whereas other users will have limited roles. Once the user’s login they can perform few tasks specific to their role.

Employee information can be modified by either Admin, Managers or by the employee himself/herself. Suppose if we want to keep track of a list of all changes made to an employee profile, we need to maintain logs.

Reports for employee management system are categorized into different types based on roles.

Note: To make concepts simple, assume that we are storing all the information in binary files.

Project’s Detailed Description:

1) Objective/ Vision:

This project is aimed at developing Employee Management System that allows to automate or computerize all employee management operations

2) Users of the System:

  • Admins
  • Regular Employees
  • HRs
  • Accountants
  • Managers

3) Functional requirements

  • Create initial setup which includes: Generating company information (includes creating departments, company history, CEOs information etc..) Generating employee information (adding/deleting/updating employee information, feedback’s, salaries) Generating unique employee ID for each employee
  • User management
  • Role-based user menus
  • Generating Reports

4) Non-functional requirements

  • Simple UI
  • Generic Coding

5) User interface priorities: console
6) Reports to be generated:

  • Reports for Admins
  • Reports for Regular Employees
  • Reports for HRs
  • Reports for Accountants
  • Reports for Managers

7) Technologies to be used:

C, and binary Files for storing data

8) Tools to be Used:

Dev C++

9) Final Deliverable must include:

  • Create initial setup mentioned as above
  • User management
  • Role-based user menus
  • Reports

Online Library Management System (Summer Project using J2EE) Source Code

This is a website project created by the University students especially for the students of college campus.
Here a student can Search, Apply, Reserve or Cancel the Reservation for the Library books.
The Student must sign in with their College Library username and password to access these services.

High-Level Design

1. Login:

It accepts the username and password and checks them. There are two types of users: Administrator and Student.
There are three attempts if the supplied input is wrong.

2. Main Module:

This is the main screen window which contains different menus for a particular user.
The main module contains several sub-modules like adding/deleting users or books to the database, issuing/returning books.

3. Student module:

3.1 Search: Search a book.
3.2 Apply: If the book is available to apply for the book.
3.3 Reserve: If the book is not available to reserve it.
3.4 Cancel: Cancel the request for the book.

4. Student Record :

Contains the details about book issue, return and fines etc
4.1 Issue: Issuing the book
4.2 Return: Returning the book.
4.3 Status: Status about the borrowers and pending requests etc.
4.3 Report: Generating the report.

5. Data Entry :

This includes sub-modules for adding/deleting the users and books to the database.
5.1 Books :Add/Update/delete the books
5.2 Users : Add/Update/Delete users

6. User Accounts :

It includes sub-modules for adding or changing the username and passwords for the users, enabling and disabling etc

Unit Test Plan For Online library management system

Sl No Test  Case Name Test Module Expected Result
   1 Login_fnValidate_Valid() Calls fnValidate() after entering valid User Name and Password. Displays the Welcome Screen
   2 Login_fnValidate_Invalid() Calls fnValidate() after entering invalid User Name and Password. Displays error message as “Invalid username or password!!”
   3 Student_fnAdd_Valid() Calls fnAdd() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Employee details are successfully added to the database”
   4 Student_fnAdd_Invalid() Calls fnAdd() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot Add… Please fill all the mandatory details!!” or “Sorry Cannot Add… Invalid details!!”
   5 Student_fnApply_Valid() Call fnApply() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book details are available in the database”
   6 Student _fnApply_Invalid() Calls fnApply() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot Book details are not available!!”
7 Student_fnSearach_Valid() Call fnSearch() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book details are available in the database”
8 Student_fnSearach_Invalid() Call fnSearch() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “book details are not available in the database”
9 Student_fnReserve_Valid() Call fnReserve() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book has been reserved successfuly”.
10 Student_fnCancel_Valid() Call fnCancel() Displays a message “book that has been reserved is cancelld”.
11 BookInfo_fnAdd_Valid() Calls fnAdd() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a  message “Bok Information details are successfully added to the database”
   12 BookInfo_fnAdd_Invalid() Calls fnAdd() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot add Book details!!”
13 BookInfo_fnIssue_Valid() Call fnIssue() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message,book is issued successffully


BookInfo_fnIssue _Invalid() Calls fnIssue() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot be able to issue the book. Book is already issued…
15 BookInfo_fnReturn_Valid() Call fnReturn() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message,book is returned


16 BookInfo_fnReturn _Invalid() Calls fnReturn() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Book is not received.
17 BookInfo_fnStatus_Valid() Call fnStatus() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message regarding the status of the books.
18 Admin_fnAddUser()



Calls fnAddUser() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Student details are successfully added to the database”
19 Admin_fnAddBook()



Calls fnAddBook() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Book details are successfully added to the database”
20 Admin_fnDeleteBook()



Calls fnDeleteBook() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Book details are successfully deleted from the database”
21 Admin_fnDeleteUser()



Calls fnDeleteUser() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Student details are successfully deleted from the database”

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Download the below attached Development of an online Library Management System Project Code & DB

College Information Management System (CIMS) Application

College Information Management system (CIMS) application that effectively manages the storage and retrieval of information on the internal network of a college. In other words, it is a web application for a college.

How a College Functions?

    There are many activities that take place in a college. They are below

  • Admissions: The traditional process of admission requires a student to collect the admission forms, fill them and submit them to the college.
  • Student Enrollment: The student applications are screened and those found suitable are called for an interview and finally selected. 
  • Planning and recording schedules: It is necessary that every college prepares its own academic timetables for:
    1. Classes for each course.
    2. Sports and games.
    3. Extra curricular activities such as competitions and cultural activities.
    4. Meetings and seminars held to review academic schedules teaching strategies and other requirements of the college. 
  • Staff recruitments: the college periodically recruits Teachers, Professors, and Non-teaching staff members. Records on their salaries leave the position, etc., need to be maintained by the college.

As listed above the CIMS application should allow performing all the activities and if possible additional activities in a more easy and efficient manner. This application should be highly scalable and customizable for different types of colleges depending on their requirements.

The application should have an interface for accessing and retrieving data about students and staff and the college itself.

  1. A database management system in which data can be stored safely, while also being easy to access.
  2. A website for the college where outsiders can obtain information about the college.
  3. A central server that controls all the information of the college and also hosts the website of the college.
  4. An internal communication system for exchanging information, scheduling meetings and conferences. 

The following list gives an overview of what CIMS may contain.

This is abstract information about a college process.

Admissions for staff and students

  • Academic details – attendance, exams, marks.
  • Complete fee details, course wise and student wise.
  • Exams – performance.
  • Library Management.
  • Staff: Teaching, Non-Teaching.
  • Leave: Students, Employee
  • Attendance Students, Employee
  • Courses – currently offering, new courses.


  • Timetable
  • Curriculum scheduling
  • Calendar 


  • Student academic report
  • Student TC details
  • Leave Reports
  • Pay Slip
  • Library Report
  • Department wise report
  • Full Academic report 

Planning intranet for a college Requirements   Data management between departments of a college.

Every college has staff and students and all the data related to students and staff that are maintained in college records in the form of files. Similarly, the college maintains the daily activities such as timetable, year wise curriculum, and examination schedules. Maintaining such huge data for years the college needs

  • Manpower
  • Space in the office to maintain shelves, cabinets, and racks
  • Good administration strategy
  • Perfect organization
  • Ease of use
  • Efficient data retrieval 

That is we need to have an environment that is organized with numbered file cabinets. In such a system every folder has its place.

But maintaining such an extensive file system is not possible manually and it is also not cost effective.

Now the question is what makes it easier to maintain such data?

The solution is computerizing the management system.

  • Online website.
  • Internal file management.
  • Keep track of student and staff files.
  • Library management system.
  • Scheduling conferences, news, and announcements.

In order to develop the intranet, we need to do analysis about the requirements of the college system. After the analysis, we need to design the structure flow and model of our Intranet Project. We then need to write programs in Java and integrate to test and deploy the Intranet for a college.

What are the analysis and design, what does it include? 


This deals with an investigation of a whole product part by part. It is the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts for study. The analysis of any particular project is the paramount requirement before any other operation


It is a preliminary or initial sketch indicating the basic plan required to execute the project.

Think of what we need to build.

Identify the data needed to be organized in the INTRANET.

  • Student data
  • Staff data
  • Books data

Student Data:

Students may be categorized into two types. An enrolled student and a new student to enrol. The fields that specify the students are as follows.

Admitted Students

  • Personal information
  • Name
  • Parent
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Academic information
  • Admission number
  • Course joined
  • Date of joining
  • Remarks

 Application form for new students

Personal information

  • Name
  • Parent
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender

Academic information

  • Applied date
  • Previous college information
  • Previous degree details
  • Course applied for
  • Percentage of marks
  • Application id
  • Application mode (online/offline)
  • Nationality

Official details

  • Accept/Reject
  • Remarks
  • Application mode 

Staff data:

The staff may be categorized into two types, teaching, and non-teaching staff.

Personal and general details

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Contact information (permanent/present)
  • Application mode
  • Professional job experience
  • Income details

Book data:

Managing the data concerning books is called Library management.

Student Details

  • Student identification number
  • Student name
  • Student address
  • Date of issue of the book
  • Phone number

Book Details

  • Book code
  • Book name
  • Price
  • Number of copies
  • Author
  • Publication
  • Edition
  • Course
  • Transactions
  • Book code
  • Student identification number
  • Date of issue
  • Due date
  • Date of return

Conferences, meetings, news

  • Date
  • Time
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Place


  • Website data
    1. College history
    2. Curriculum
    3. Courses offered
    4. Achievements
    5. Contact information

  Designing the project

    This includes

  • Finalizing the flow
  • Establishing relations
  • Designing the GUI
  • Organizing the data management

Plan for flow

  • Login
  • Main window
  • Options to view students, staff, library, schedules
  • Student
    1. Admitted
      • Select a classroom from list
      • Next, Previous, Add, Save, Modify, Home, Search.
    2. New Admissions
  • Next, Previous, Home, Update Status, View all.
  • Staff
  1. Select a department
  • Next, Previous, Add, Save, Modify, Home, Search, View all.
  • Library
    1. List of the category of books.
    2. Available books.
    3. Check whether the book is available or with the student.
    4. Ability to issue books and note down the details.
  • Schedules
    1. Calendar
  1. List of schedules.
  • Web
  1. Homepage
  2. Links to admission form, course details, contact information, etc. 


  • Login dialogue for CIMS
  • Main page
    1. Student details
    2. Employee details
    3. Library details
    4. Payroll
    5. Attendance
    6. College information
    7. Course information
    8. Latest happenings
  • If we click on Student link
    1. Admission details
    2. Course information
    3. Academic details
  • If we click on Employee Link
  1. Personal information
  2. Course responsibilities
  3. Academic details
  • If we click on Attendance link
    1. A screen with two options, student lists or employee lists with present or absent status appears.
  • If we click on the library link
  1. Books Available for Issue
  2. New books to add
  3. Status of books
  4. Return books with fine (if any)
  • If we click on college link
    1. Just shows the college details
  • If we click on course information
  1. Course details
  2. Subject details
  • Latest happenings
    1. Calendar
    2. Timetable
    3. Holidays
    4. Notice
    5. News and announcements
  • Other pages

Web page: A home page with the following links

  1. About us
  2. Courses
  3. Admissions
  4. List of students
  5. Staff
  6. Contact us
  7. Library
  8. Administrator

Food Ordering Management System PHP & MySQL Project

Summary of the System: 

There is a lot of scope online food ordering business and we can tap it to the max extent possible as everyone has access to an online ordering facility via the internet. Food business usually will have high demand and hence online business prospect for food ordering should be profitable.  We will provide an easily accessible interface wherein the customer can view and place the order easily.

The customer can register initially with minimum details and will be allowed to check the menu items before ordering them, adding them to cart and submit the order. The system records the details in MySQL database so that it will be easy to retrieve later. The users of the system also include employee/admin who will handle info related to product addition and assigning vehicle for placed orders.

Problem Statement:

The food business in restaurants is being carried out in the same fashion for so many decades. In the restaurants, when the customers visit, they will read the large menu cards which just has the name of the item and price. They have to decide in moments time and place the order just to wait in the queue for getting the ordered items on their table. Sometimes, the waiting time is so huge that the customers will actually lose interest in the item. Moreover, some customers will be in their office or busy to come physically to the restaurant and eat.

To ease the process of ordering the items, giving a description of each item and getting the item on the table the online food ordering system is designed. Some of the common problems are listed below.

The general problems faced while ordering food physically in a restaurant are listed below.

  1. Viewing the complete description of the menu item before ordering.
  2. Placing the order standing in a queue.
  3. Waiting for the customer’s turn to get the food.

These hurdles will be avoided by placing the order online

Users of the System:

The users of the system include the customers and the employees. The employees of the system are responsible for updating the menu items as well as the delivery of the item to a particular address. The customers will visit the website, check for the items available in the menu, order for one or more items in the menu. All the activities such as ordering items online, delivery of the items by employees, the vehicle used to deliver the items etc. will be recorded in the database for all the events.

Users of the database:

The top-level management who owns the food business will be using the database. They can try to infer details like

  1. what is the most demanded item?
  2. Which item is not ordered at all?
  3. What amount of business is made on daily basis?
  4. How the delivery of items is being carried out? etc.

Use Cases:

Use case diagram for Customers

Use case Diagram for Employees

The architecture of the Application 

Entities and its Attributes:

The main entities identified in the system are listed below.

  1. Customer [Attributes -> cid, name, email, pwd, phno, address]
  2. Employee [Attributes -> eid, name, phno, email, password]
  3. Orders [Attributes -> oid, pid, cid, odate, quantity, delivery status, vehicle]
  4. Products [Attributes -> pid, name, description, price, file]
  5. Vehicle [Attributes -> vid, status,vehicle_number]
  6. Cart [Attributes -> id, cid, pid, qty, status] 

Logical Design: 

The identified entities along with the attributes in the system are listed in Section 1. The tables that are designed are given below.

Customer Module:

The customer table consists of below details

  1. cid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each unique customer.
  2. name [type : varchar(30)] represents name of the customer
  3. Email [type : varchar(30)] represents email of the customer
  4. Pwd [type: varchar(30)] used for saving password of the customer
  5. Phnno [type : int(11)] is used for saving phone number of customer
  6. Address [type : text] used for saving the address of the customer

This table is used to get the details of customers

Employee Module:

Employee table is used to save

  1. eid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each unique employee.
  2. name [type : varchar(30)] represents the name of the employee.
  3. Phno [type : int(15)] is for saving phone number of employee
  4. Email [type : varchar(32)] saves the email info of an employee
  5. Password [type : varchar(32)] will save password of employee

Orders Module:

Order table used to save

  1. oid { primary key } [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each order.
  2. pid { foreign key references products: pid } .
  3. Cid [foreign key references customer: cid]
  4. Quantity [type : int (25) ] represents the quantity of the ordered product.
  5. Odate [type : datetime] represents a timeframe of the products ordered by the customer
  6. Quantity [type : int (11)] provides the quantity ordered by the customer
  7. Delivery status [type : tinyint(1)] saves the delivery status whether delivered or pending
  8. Vehicle [type : int(11)] helps in assigning vehicles. foreign key references: vehicles vid

Products Module:

Products tables used to save

  1. pid {primary key} [type : int auto_ioncrement ] assigned for each product.
  2. name [type : varchar(20)] represents the name of the product.
  3. description [type :text] represents the description of the product.
  4. Price [type : double(10,5)] saves the price of the product ordered
  5. File [type : text] saves the image of product ordered

Vehicle Module:

Vehicle table used to save

Vehicle [Attributes -> vid, vehicle number]

  1. vid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each vehicle.
  2. Status [type : int(11)]
  3. Vehicle number [type: varchar(30)] saves the registration number of the vehicle assigned for delivery

Cart Module:

Cart table used to save

Cart [Attributes -> id, cid, pid, qty, status]

  1. Id {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each cart
  2. Cid foreign key references customer id from the customer table
  3. Pid foreign key references products table
  4. Qty saves all quantities related to products added in cart
  5. The status will save delivery status

Entity-Relational diagram:

Download Food Ordering Management System PHP & MySQL Project Source Code.

Job Suggestion Website Java Project

To help job seekers to find the job information online conveniently and quickly we are going to develop this project. The project title is job suggestion website. Here We are going to develop this website to ease the difficulty of searching for jobs according to the area of interest and according to locations where they want to work. To develop this website we have to collect information from different companies by crawling the data with their domains and location. These crawled data need to store by using some database (such as mongoDB or phpmyadmin or mysql). The stored data of companies should be searchable by location or domain. For searching, we will use elastic search or other search engines. To search companies user need to enter location or domain and our website will suggest companies according to the given information.

Output Results Explanation:

This User interface is for job portal home page where admin can log in with registered user id and password. The user can view a list of features available in this application.

After successful login admin can view different features and perform operations form this page.

Admin can view employee details with user id, employee name, company name, contact number, email id, date of registration and charges.

List user interface will display a list of applications which are applied for jobs.

Using View jobs user interface admin can view a list of jobs posted with job id, job description, company name, and date of posting with requirements.

The user can select posted jobs from this list and look after detail of job with address, time and company profile. The user can apply using directly from this interface.

This interface is confirmation message after user applying for the job.

This user interface is for the admin who can post new walk-in details. List of posted details is shown with walk-in id, job title, company name, location, walk-in date.

Using this User interface admin can add new walk-in details and post to the existing list.

This interface is for showing successful posting of a new walk in.

This interface is for user registration where the employee should register with an application for applying for a job. The user must enter login detail and contact information using this form.

Admin can view a list of job seekers details who had applied for a different job posting . Admin can view job seeker id, username, qualification, percentage.

Search interface can help admin or user to find respective job seeker or job postings without searching from the list. Admin can select criteria, location, experience, functional area and get results.

Using manager login form user must enter valid user id and password to log in with application only after login user can use any features.

Company manager can view employer details after login to the application.

The manager can view a list of job postings from different companies. He can post a new job for his company.

The manager can add new job post for the list based on his company requirement.

This interface is for post successfully posted confirmation.

This interface is for user login where user had already registered with the application. He can enter user id and password and apply for a job.

The user can view a list of placements papers and download for reference.

This interface will display downloaded placement paper with previous questions and answers.

Using this interface user can download sample resumes.

This interface shows details of downloads available for a user like networking question papers, database question papers..etc.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

ER Diagram:


Metadata has data about data. Metadata actually has the data that describes the data we store in our SQlite database files.

S.NO Table name attributes properties Data type  key
1 Admin Userid User1, user2, .. varchar Primary key
password varchar
2 Employer  Home


User name


Employer name Varchar


Primary key


Job Street


View Jobs


Post New Job


SaveJob Details


















Search Jobs


J2EE Software Engineer…. varchar Primary key
3 Job Seeker Home Search Jobs J2EE Software Engineer…. varchar Primary key
Apply Job JOB1, JOB1…. varchar
My Profile PerID1, PerID2.. varchar
My Applications A-1, A-2.. varchar
Update Profile


PerID1, PerID2.. Varchar


Citizen Card System Java Project


The project ‘Citizen Card system’ provides us the data regarding the citizen of a country. Every citizen has a unique Id to trace the personal data in each and every division or service that he enters. The data can be traced using the unique Id of that particular city.

In case a citizen wishes to use the services or utilities of the Government or private institutions, he ought to go to the various divisions with varied IDs for that specific division. But a citizen card allows the citizen to enjoy all the services and utilities under a single card. The citizen card system assists us in gaining data regarding the services or utilities as well as providing data regarding the conduct of the citizen in credit rating.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Existing System:

The existing system is a system operated by humans and the citizen requires to reserve his data through excel sheets or disk drives, but there is always a risk of losing the data due to mismanagement.

Proposed System:

The proposed system is more user-friendly and makes the entire project maintenance very uncomplicated and manageable. This system motivates people to get the Citizen Card, which is a multi-purpose card. This is a socially responsible website and functions on the principles of citizen data and strengthening citizen safety in the country.

Output Results:

1. Homepage

2. Admin Login Page

3. Admin Home Page

4. View Users

5. Citizen Registration

6. Citizen Login

7. Citizen Home

8. View Profile

9. Insurance Info

10. Electricity Bill Payment

11. Bank Bill Payment

12. Gas Bill Payment

13. RTO Bill Payment

Software Requirements:

  • Operating System:  Windows
  • Database:  Oracle
  • Technology :  Java/j2ee,JDBC,Servlets,JSP
  • Web Technologies:  Html , CSS, JavaScript
  • Web Server:  Tomcat
  • IDE: Eclipse/ Net beans

Information Pool System .Net Project

The Information Pool provides a number of services to the users in terms of events management, classifieds, discussion board, news, polls, blogs etc depending on the handling of this Information Pool it is broadly divided into two major modules. They are

  • Administration
  • User

Administration: This section of the Information Pool System has all the features of the user as well as added features of administration such as news hosting, site management, configuration, registrations etc.

User: This section is a restricted one and has all the below-mentioned areas.

Welcome Page

The welcome page is the main Information Pool System navigation area. It consists of several blocks that display partial content of the module or other data. The blocks also serve as access points for navigation into module pages.

Welcome page components are laid out into 3 columns:

left column

  • search block that allows to search Information Pool content by keyword
  • events summary that displays several nearest events
  • discussions overview that displays most recent threads
  • links area that display selected links to external sites

the middle column contains short articles extracted from the database

right column

  • classifieds summary presenting most recent classified ads
  • news section displaying news articles or other content extracted from external news sites
    In the default setup, the news section is utilizing JavaScript component

User Registration And Login

First-time Information Pool System user can register to access restricted Information Pool areas and services using the “Join Us” button located in Info Pool header. The registration form can also be used to modify user information if the user is already logged-in.

The user is logged-in if the welcome message contains username displayed below header buttons.

All new users are automatically assigned Security Level 1, which allows them to participate in Info Pool community activities. The Administrator (Level 3), can upgrade the security level of a user to Level 2 (Editor) or Level 3 (Administrator).

Additionally, the Administrator has options to configure email notifications so that users receive Email Confirmation upon successful registration. They can also retrieve lost password via email.

Info Pool Administration

The Administration Module is accessible only to Editors (Security Level 2) and Administrators (Security Level 3) and can be used to manage Info Pool content and configuration.

Most of the administration pages are organized as two-page editing schema. One page contains a list of available items (optionally with searching capabilities) and by clicking items in this list one can navigate into another page containing a form for modifying item data or entering new item data.


This section is used for review and maintenance of articles appearing in the middle column of Information Pool System’s welcome page. The articles will be ordered by “order” number assigned to each one.


This section is used for review and maintenance of news articles appearing in the right column of Information Pool System’s welcome page. By default, the Info Pool is configured to display news headlines.


This section is used for review and approval and of Events submitted by users, as well as for adding new and maintaining existing Events.


The links section is used for review and approval and of Links submitted by users, as well as for adding new and maintaining existing Links.

Link Categories

This form allows the review and maintenance of link categories.


This section is used for creating and maintaining Discussion Forums. Forum details contain forum information and allow selection of forum moderator from the list of registered users.


This section is used for review and maintenance of Classified Ads submitted by users. Inappropriate ads may be deleted or marked as inactive.

Ad Categories

This form allows the review and maintenance of available classified ad categories. It contains the current category list and forms for editing the category.


This section is used to search, review and edit the list of registered Information Pool System users. The administrator can modify user information, delete users, as well as assign security access level to each user. The Member List page contains “Export To Excel” link, allowing to export Members to Excel.
Members can also be assigned a membership status for organizational purposes, such as candidate, member, or supporter. This status is not used elsewhere in the Information Pool System, except in the Email module.

Member Statuses

This form allows for review and maintenance of user statuses, for organizational purposes.

Send Emails

This page can be used to send email messages to selected Information Pool System users. It allows selection of Member Status to whom the email should be sent. The administrator also needs to enter email parameters, such as From, Subject and email Body.
Email history is also shown on the screen.
Email functionality may require additional email component to be installed on the server, such as CDONTS for Windows. Please contact your hosting company, if you experience issues with sending emails.

Data Dictionary

Info Pool Security

The Information Pool System is configured with 3 default users and 4 security levels, as shown to the right.

Security Level 0:

All visitors who are not logged in have security level 0 with limited permissions, allowing them to view Information Pool System areas. The administrator may configure the Information Pool to allow or disallow anonymous visitors from submitting new content like Events, Links, and Classified Ads.

Security Level 1:

All users who register and log in to the Information Pool are automatically assigned security level 1, allowing them to fully participate in Information Pool community activities. They can submit new content, although some of such content may require approval by an editor or administrator.

Security Level 2:

This security level can be assigned to users only by the administrator and is usually assigned to editors who may submit, review, approve, change and delete content.

Security Level 3:

This is the highest security level, available only to Information Pool owners/administrators and allows them to modify and delete users, configure Information Pool settings, and send email notifications to users.
Information Pool Configuration screen allows the administrator to specify if users need to login to be able to submit new content.

UML Diagrams:

Context Level Diagram

Administrator Use Case Diagram:

ER Diagram:

First Level DFD:

Second Level DFD:

Info Pool Layout

Every Information Pool page contains 3 areas:

Header: contains navigation buttons, Information Pool logo, and Welcome message or User Login information.

Main Content: welcome page or module content is displayed here

Footer: contains Information Pool navigation hyperlinks

Info Pool Configuration

This form contains Information Pool configuration options that affect Information Pool functionality. They include:

  • Information Pool URL
    URL of Information Pool welcome page used to redirect users back to the Information Pool, when they submit event payments via PayPal.
  • Users must be Logged-In to submit new content
    Global setting determining whether only registered Information Pool users are allowed to submit events, links, discussion messages and classified ads
  • Expanded Discussion Search
    this setting turns on/off alternate Discussion Search Results page. When “On” Discussion Search Results show individual replies instead of discussion topics.
  • Email Sender Address
    Default address for “From” field when sending emails
  • Enable Email Registration Confirmation and Password Retrieval
    If you want to utilize emails on your website, you should turn on this feature. It enables users to retrieve their lost passwords via email. It also confirms new user registrations via email
  • Registration Confirmation and Lost Password Body
    In this area, you can supply the email message that you want to send to users when they register or forget their password. You may also use special tags {login} and {password}, which will be replaced with the actual Login and Password of the user that is being emailed.

Info Pool Registration

This URL connects you to Smart Registration Page where you can register the usage of this application. The registration is free and allows you to be notified about the availability of future upgrades.


This URL connects you directly to the Smart Support System where you can submit technical questions, issues, and requests.

Output Screens:


  • Visual Studio .Net Enterprise Edition
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)
  • SQL Server

Download This Information Pool System .Net Project.

Secure File Sharing System Java Project

Secure File Sharing


Many Users will store the files in the cloud and share with other users but the information in the cloud is not encrypted so it cannot be secure so, we proposed this web application. In this project, we can encrypt the user’s uploaded files and we can also generate a secret key if any user requests for the file then we can verify and respond to their requests. Using the key, he can access the file.  In this Project, there is only one module


The user will register into the application by providing all the necessary details and therefore he can log in into the application using username and password and the user can upload the files to cloud and share with the other registered users. He can also view the files uploaded by him and can also view the requests for a secret key from the other users and we can respond and the key will be sent to his registered email. Using that key, he can download the file and view the information.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Existing System:

In Existing System user cannot share the files with multiple users at a time. And the files do not have security as the user who received the file can share to a number of users.

Proposed System:

The proposed System user can share the files with multiple users at a time. Users will have at most security in this project using AES Algorithm as a result users can encrypt the files and share to other registered users.

Output Screens:

Home Page:

User Registration Page:

User Login Page:

User Upload File Page:

Select users and Share Files Page:

View Files Requests Page:

View Requests and Response Page:

Verify Secret Key Page:

Restaurant Management System Servlets, MVC and JDBC Project

Project Aim:

The aim is to create an online reservation system for a restaurant, in addition to providing other resources such as the employee’s portal and a working portal for the particular restaurant.

Scope and objective:

This project will focus on the online booking system, the employee portal, and the creation of a job portal where individuals can search for open positions and release an application to the position they are interested in. It also has a rating where customers are encouraged to post their opinions in the restaurant so that the restaurant can improve its performance according to the ratings.

The environment of the project:

We are developing a web-based app for a restaurant. Using J2EE jsps, mysql aligning in mvc pattern.

Expected site users:

This site can be used by any customer to make a reservation at the restaurant. This site helps the user (manager) make menu changes and update a client’s reservation and can also be used by job seekers in the food industry.

Site Content:

This site has 6 pages of HTML that offer different functionalities. The web pages are named as start, menu and reservations, about us, employee login and job application. The content of each page is explained in the Html section.

A prototype of the web application:

This  Restaurant Management System project has been developed by using  Servlets, MVC, and JDBC.

Download this project source code & Database for reference purpose.