MBA Finance & HR Project Titles

MBA Finance Titles:

  • Liquidity Management in Bank
  • Mutual Funds Strategy in Bank
  • Credit Analysis in Banks
  • Derivatives in Bank
  • Inventory Control Management in Any Industry
  • A Detailed Study on Non Performing Assets of India
  • Vehicle Finance In Bank
  • Credit Appraisal System In Bank
  • Marketing Services In Finance
  • Cash Management In Bank
  • Financial Statement Analysis In Any Org
  • Credit & Debit Card Analysis In Any Bank
  • Capital Market Analysis
  • Accounts Receivables & Payables In Any Org
  • Online Trading
  • Venture Capital Analysis
  • Security Analysis 

MBA HR Topics:

  • The Role of IT in Human Resource Development
  • Difference in Techniques of Human Resource in Developed Countries and Underdeveloped Countries
  • Time Management: How Can It Increase The Revenue Of An Organization?
  • In House Recruitment: Its Pros And Cons Defined.
  • The Do’s And Don’ts of Disciplinary Actions
  • How over Emphasized on Achieving Goals Actually Hinder in Attaining That Goal
  • Is HRM the Pursuit of Attitudinal Shaping?

South East Asia Is The Best Tourist Destination During Winter For The British Customers

Tourism can be defined as travelling for recreational, business or leisure purposes. The 2oth century has witnessed the emergence of tourism as one of the largest global industries. There is an acceptance that the growth witnessed within the industry will continue into the 21st century. With its rich cultural and religious heritage, as well as its natural attractions,India has the potential of becoming one of the most popular destination centers for tourism. 

The industry makes a contribution of 6.23 percent to GDP and only employs about 8.78 percent of India working population. It has been claimed that visitors to India usually number about 5 million per annum whilst the latest figures shows that tourism contributed approximately $100 billion to India’s GDP in 2008. It has been projected by the World Tourism Council that tourism would contribute approximately $275 billion to India’s economy by 2018, if it sustains an annual growth rate of 9.4 percent. However despite the potential for growth; the tourism industry in India is relatively under-developed. 

The underdevelopment of tourism in India could be attributed to the fact that India has a high level of corruption which can hinder the development of the industry. Other factors include pollution, high number of beggars on the streets, health care, local language difficulties (although India was a colony of the British Empire, English has not been adopted as the official language of India) and sanitary conditions. The fact that security in India is regarded as been very sloppy has not helped the Indian tourism industry. 

As a result this project will examine the following strategic questions:-

How to Motivate Employees in Pubs and Restaurants in London


Chapter 1:     Introduction

1.1             Background

Chapter 2:     Literature Review

2.1             Model a framework

Chapter 3:     Methodology

            3.1      Research prerequisites

3.2        Data analysis

3.3        Research findings

Chapter 4: Recommendations

The employee efficiency is placed and evaluated directly which can be related to employees motivation structure. This are can be evaluates and discussed by different theories regarding management. These theories are well defines by the different management departments since the researcher Fredric proposed much information about this employee motivation by the managers. This researcher has proposed about this motivation in 1911 and released his thoughts as “the principle of scientific management”. From that year, several publications were released for this motivation concept. 

Various advanced methods were discuss and explained by many researchers. These all methods focus on the motivation methods to employees by managers in various departments. These methods are very helpful in motivating the employees effectively. In order to get the ultimate result from the employees these adequate methods are proposed. This is only the main intention to work on this motivation. The survey has been done on this concept of motivation. Several employees treated these methods are helpful and some said that these are effective motivation methods. Hence, this research made successful with this survey. 

Motivation is a term that is used in order to make the employees to work without having any pressure on them. It is the only reason so many researchers has completed their researches in order to provide various motivation methods to the employees. A company or an organization will show a special interest in adopting such type of methods. These are the methods that are very much effective and, will give appropriate results from the employees. 

These methods result in employee performance and evaluate the performance as positive or negative. This evaluation could be done various organizations by adopting several methods of motivation. Using these methods the employee efficiency can be measured. So that, a company can knows about the staff performance. The motivation can be explained as the concept that is related to suggest the employees in doing the work properly. This could be achieved properly by saying tem as “there are no influential leaders, no motivation methods”. This way an organization can easily motivate the employees and can achieve success. So these motivation methods are very much helpful in achieving targets of a corresponding organization. 

The managers effectively use these advance methods in order to motivate their subordinates to avoid the pressure on them and to provide good work environment. If the work environment is good, then the employees could not feel pressure, then there is a chance of working well. The methods are well used by managers to get the uncommon outcomes from the organization. A survey has been take place on this concept and also provides the advanced features and methods in order to recognize the employee importance. 

The dictionary called American Heritage language is specifically define the employee as “as a person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation”. The main consideration towards employee is that he should not work only for the wages. An employee is a basic building block of an organization. 

  1. Literature Review

            Some of writers and theorists are concluded that they were depends upon the employees motivation. Moreover, it is not probable to motivate the employees effectively based on the Frederick Herzberg’s “two-factor theory” or “hygiene needs theory” and Maslow’s “Hierarchy Needs” because these above theories are declares that the human needs are greedy.     

            For example, Kramer said that every person in the management distinguishes to employees contains their excellent days and bad days. Moreover, they are do not know the reasons for their winning and losing in those days. Most of the managers are sign and accepts the “work life” fact. Further writers satisfying and motivation human needs consist of several theories are “Ten Managerial Roles” of Henry Mint berg, “Competitive Strategy” of Michael E. Porter. And also consists of “Democratic /Humanistic Value System” and “Pyramidal / Bureaucratic Value System” of Chris Argyris, Douglas McGregor’s “theory X” and “theory Y”, “Management System and Styles” of Rensis Likert, Elton Mayo’s “Hawthorne Experiments”, “Achievement Theory” of David McClelland and “Two Factor Motivation Hygiene Theory” of Fredrick Herzberg.

            In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposes the human native curiosity extension in his paper that is “A theory of Human Motivation”. Human needs are divides into five groups according to Maslow theory. Human being’s first needs are “physiological”, second needs are “safety related”, third needs are “belonging/love to the public”, the fourth one is “esteem needs” and fifth needs are “self-actualization”.       

            The physiological desires are food, breathing, water, sleep, sex, excretion and homeostatic. The safety needs are security of employment, of body, of morality, of resources, of the family, of property and of health. Love/belonging to the society needs is family, friendship, love, and sexual relationship. The esteem needs are confidence, self-esteem, achievements, respect by others and respect for others. The self-actualization needs are creativity, spontaneity, morality, problem solving, acceptance facts and lack of prejudice.

            The social factors and human relationships influence based on the workers motivation is discovers by theHawthornestudies. Management represents Motivation is the secondary link chain according to Porter. The market evolution and motivation are developing in an associated relationship.       

            This type of similar theory defines as “Contingency Theory”. This theory is the behavioral theory, which says that present there is no excellent way to manage the company, to make the decisions, and to guide an organization. Decision-making ways are the analysis of critical path, SMART analysis, programs suggest by the employees, analytic hierarchy process etc, which are contains and proves the better work rather than other categories. Provides the “adequate fund” during downscale or introduce more fund is the only one way to manage the organization.

            Herzberg defines that contains the basic needs, which are not satisfies in after. “Hygiene” is a medical word that is to perform something is essential. These needs are defines as “maintenance needs”. Separate set of needs are determined and satisfied. The manager does not provide the needs of the employee earlier than being a motivator. This need is use to identify the state of mind of employee whereas discussion over the problems of moody employees in office

Mintzberg define that the different factors are motivate the employees and there would be place in the right place. The management is generating the continuing survey on the employee’s opinion and they were capable to encourage the all employees because it will affect the production rate in the organization. Newly in Glasgow, one company starts the survey to motivate the employees in the time of the economic critical situation.         

             Some body asking the questions like should the company increase the retrain workers salaries and fulfill various workers. In addition, another question like that is the company reduces the employees’ salaries across board and goes away from the employee’s population. The employees are designated for the lower salaries and enduring as a family. The employees all are understood the economic conditions like “will change”.  The organization is suppose that the increases the wages and salaries are motivates the “retrained workers” and dismiss the less creative workers when they are behaves wrongly.                    

            Descriptive factors and contextual factors are the motivational factors that are the two main categories identified by Herzberg. The contextual factor contains the working conditions, salaries and organization strategy etc. The descriptive factor contains the opportunities and threats, achievements, competences, sense of belonging etc. the factors are guide to dissatisfaction are very different from that those persons provide satisfaction. Describes the positive factors are like “motivation factors”. These factors are shows the human needs within a unique way and contains the personal development, achievement, and recognition and job satisfaction. The job satisfaction occurs when improve the factors. Herzberg said that the organization must plan to motivate the employees during job satisfaction rather than the pressure or reward. The wages and salaries are not motivating the workers performance. The Herzberg study defines the 200 Accountants and engineers are depends upon the high and middle cadre workers and this cannot present and indiscriminate for the low-cadre employees. The wages and salaries are of the Low-cadre employees motivating the factors than anything.

            Levinson said that every manager should encourage and motivate the employees to reconcile the person needs with the organization goals. All employees in the organization contain the objectives and aspirations to achieve the success. Some of the responsible managers are help to the employees to achieve the success in the organization.Taylorsaid that if the contract of employee is over then acts as a “demotivator” and connected with the intention of employee to quit the organization.

       Some of the setout objectives will be motivates the employees. The owners of small companies are even not informs the objectives of the organization to the employees and not defines the feelings to motivate the company. The Department for “Business Innovation and Skills” (BIS) reports this survey. The BIS report that only 25% of employees in the organization are interact to the staff and knows the objectives of company.  The third of the people are even doing not know about the future business. This BIS report shows the negative effect on the motivation levels of employee. Only 27% of the employees are feeling positively. In addition, even the leaders are not explains the business tools and what are to achieve and how can motivate the people to achieve the success and increase the productivity and performance.

            If the motivation factors are effects and motivate the one employee in the group of organization then all the members in the group are also affects by those factors.  For example, the motivation factor of the employee rejects the employees when they are ‘self-centered’, ‘distrustful’, ‘individualistic’ and ‘selfish’ as the working alternative for the collective success team. The UK Parliament considers the Financial Services Bill that means the banks were collect the bonus from the profit percentage of organization.

            Bonus is initiating the good performance across the years of experience. The bosses of the some banks are produces and covers the customized Annual Report and through the bad days. The liability is inherits by the successors. If the employees gather the bonus for the above expectation then they would fine for the diminishing expectation.       

Model a frame work.     

            Managers are think that the human beings are different to think, feel, see, view, reason and do things when the employers are motivated totally. Myer-Briggs model defines about the human differences. Personality types are regards by using this model. Myer-Briggs recognized the four ways of different people from each other. These are “the way they view”, “the way they think”, “the way they see things” and “the way they feel/perceive”.

            The Psychologist Eduard defines the human beings six values that are theoretical (enthusiasm for knowledge), aesthetic (enthusiasm for harmony, beauty, and balance), utilitarian (enthusiasm for what is useful and money), social (enthusiasm for examination to others), traditional (enthusiasm for ruling the highest importance in life), and individualistic (enthusiasm for control and power). These values are use to fulfill the happiness in life.

            Motivating the employees is with the reorganization of people best work and performance. In addition, employees meet their emotional drives to comprehend, bond and acquire. In today’s economy of knowledge, creativity is the most important to the employee. However, many kinds of companies accidentally kill the managerial practices of the employee. Crushing the employee’s is essential motivation. Managers are doing not kill the creativity on the particular purpose.  Using the words efficiency, productivity and control defines the creativity of the business and without this cannot estimate the success of business.

     “Employees suggestion programs (ESPs)” are suggested by McKendall and Mishra. Those are used to motivate the employees with the decision-making. The resourcefulness and intelligence of the employee and cost saving in the organization is represents by the ESP.

            Those companies’ managers contain the economic advantages of the ESP program when the employees suggest the programs according to mishra.  The employees are change their minds and motives in the production. All the employees in the organization are to prove their worth.

  1. Methodology 

Many researches are done in social sciences. These researches involve employees which uses the both approaches called qualitative and qualitative survey approaches. This kind of triangulation has been greatly expressed by the writers who write much about the motivation methods that are very much related to motivation of employees. These writers will use the method called triangulation method which involves mixed approaches that are very much used in methodology of a particular organization. 

Research prerequisites 

The main advantage of using this triangulation approach in a organization is that the data is so collected from the other methods which are specifically involved in organization development. The survey had done on the concept of motivation is so researched by other researchers in order gather the various advanced methods for the development of organization. In the region ofEast Kilbrideseveral interview are held for getting skilled persons to improve the status and manufacturing efficiency of a company. These are also held in some specific regions such asScotland,United Kingdom. In the concept of structured interview en employee will be asked to give the explanation about 30 questionnaires regarding the concept of motivation. This kind of approach is often known as structure based interview method. If 10 employees are there in a interview then they will be asked to write their views about the concept of motivation in which the organization achieve the success. After the completion of the interview method, the outcomes are once checked by the managers and make a clear view of the motivation methodology. The possible results from the employees are expected and these outcomes form specific employees are very much interesting as they were discussed briefly about the motivation concept. The employee supposes to write their view on applying the motivation methods to get the possible improvement in the company. 

This could be done in the research in order to gather the opinions of employees in a particular company. Here the data would be gathered based on the concepts of theoretical statistics and data analysis. The analysis and research could be done on the concept of methodology by the researcher called Patton in 2002. This is defined as “validity in quantitative research depends on careful instrument construction to ensure that the instrument measures what it is suppose to measures”. This research is successfully achieved in order to ensure the instrumental considerations. These considerations are very much used to measure the employee performance. At this time the questionnaires are shared between the employees and evaluate them. 

Data analysis 

23 responders feel that good working environment will always yields the motivation and this leads to success in the corresponding organization. In any organization a good and clean working environment must be provided. Otherwise the organization may not lead the higher position in success.  73.33% responders say that “managers leading by example” is a factor which indirectly motivates the employees as well as managers. 

20 respondents (66.67%) said that “opportunity to train and develop your potentials” will influence the employees 17 respondents (56.67) said that the reason for their motivation as “regular increment in wages and salaries”. “Sense of belonging in the organization” will always motivate 16 respondents (53.33%), while “effective communication of latest development” is a factor which is hugely supported by 16 responders (53.33%). “The employees that will be motivated by conflict” management system was able to gain 50% (15) responders in order for motivation in a company 43.33% (13). Here 13 represent 13 responders in the company. 

Here 15 responders from overall 20 responders which are in lower and higher positions support “regular increment in salary” as opposite 2 out of 10 respondents in higher management. Here all the employees which are in lower positions and 7 responders from higher positions are chosen “empathy from the manager” as the highest motivating factor. Here 9 responders from lower and poor positions and 8 are taken from higher positions support “welfare packages like accommodation, organization transport system, medical facilities, scholarship for students and pension scheme” will motivate them. 

Research findings 

The managers can easily influence their employees by various factors such as empathy, leaderships with examples. Through these two factors the employees can achieve the main objectives of the organization. There are some other factors such as MBO, fairness, scholarships, education and training which are very helpful for the employees of a specific organization. For the good long work, the organization higher authority must provide the rewards and incentives based on the employee performance levels. There should be several opportunities to the employees to connect to the outside world and for that the company must provide training and development sessions to an employee. The company must offer the periodical promotions to the employee based on their performance. The company should not only provide the work based incentives should also offer several services such as children scholarships and medical services. The company management must have an effective communication with the staff so as t provide the excellent work environment. 

Here the concept of motivation plays a vital role in developing the organization. Motivation will be the key concept to achieve the success. If the employees are depressed and sad, then the entire work will be processed delay. So this will be a specific drawback for a company. So based on the above research the concept of motivation will indirectly help the employees to achieve success. 


A manager can easily motivate their employees adequately. The manager should conduct tests in order to measure the performance of employees. These tests are Psychometric test and physical observation capabilities. Salaries and incentives are not only the motivation factors for the employees. There are other motivational methods which are very much used to influence a specific employee.

Corporate culture must be adopted by the organizations, teams must be developed and the ideas that distinguish individual team members must not be encouraged. Workers should be reviewed before they start the work and the performance of them is written down in document. This is because covering the performance of the workers is not a good idea.

If a worker has done a tough task then they should be paid bonus. Organization must identify several external factors that can affect employee performance.

 The bonuses that are paid to the officers must be motivational but not as a tradition. The workers must not be miserable for the organization; they should not work only for money. Hey, have to make organization feel great about the workers.

How Mobile Marketing Does Affects the Business Value of the Small Organizations in the Opinion of Marketing Agencies

How mobile marketing does affects the business value of the small organizations in the opinion of marketing agencies: A case with Fetch media

Mobile marketing is the recent trend in the marketing and there are different types of mobile marketing and these include mobile advertisements, bulk SMS, premium rate SMS, mobile appointments and mobile voucher codes. There are many benefits with the mobile marketing and the core business value of the organizations can be enhanced with implementing the perfect mobile marketing strategies.

The main aim of this research is to evaluate the role of mobile marketing in enhancing the business value of the small organizations. There are different marketing agencies that offer wide range of mobile marketing services to their clients and in this research the opinion Fetch media is gathered to evaluate the role of their services in enhancing the business value of their clients.

A qualitative research is done to gather the required source of information and interviews will be conducted with the business development manager, marketing managers and technical leaders to evaluate the role of mobile marketing strategies against the business value of small organizations.

Role of HR Outsourcing towards Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction


Role of HR outsourcing towards employee motivation and job satisfaction: A case study with System simulation software organization.

Project description 

HR outsourcing the common practice implemented by most of the organizations across the world these days and the main benefits with the HR outsourcing is that the overall organization performance and efficiency can be improved. When the organizations outsource their non-core HR administration activities to the vendors, they find ample time to concentrate on the core business values of the organization and thus the overall business value is increased.

The main aim of this research is to evaluate the role of HR outsourcing in improving the employee motivation and job satisfaction and for this purpose a small software organization, System Simulation from London is considered as the case study. Qualitative research methodology is implemented in this context and the key information is gathered using the interviews from HR managers, project managers and the employees. Based on the research findings and analysis the overall role of HR outsourcing towards the employee motivation and job satisfaction is evaluated in this research.

Future Work of MBA Final Year Project on AMT coffee limited

Future Work 

Apart from the extent of research done towards gathering the information towards the level of employee involvement and the corresponding communication process followed by the management to make sure the employees understand the organizational strategies and improve the job satisfaction of the employee, there is still some future scope to this research and is presented in this section.

Initially I thought of interviewing general managers, assistance managers and the supervisors of different sections also and due to the time constraints I have gathered the primary information from only operational manager, area manager and  front-line employees and in future the information from the other managers can also be gathered to acquire more knowledge on the research problem in terms of their opinions. Employees are given close ended questions and in future open ended questioner would be helpful in gathering their opinions towards the level of understanding towards the organizational strategies and their job performance.

Employees from production unit and sales unit are considered across the research and in future different levels of employees can be interviewed to gather accurate information and opinion towards the research problem. Secondary source of information is gathered from the AMT coffee limited and in future the exact strategies followed by them can be reviewed in details across the secondary source of information.

Conclusion and Future Work of Organizational Strategies MBA Project

Conclusion and Future work

Organizational strategies are very important to decide the success or failure of any organization and in general there are different strategies developed towards different units in the organization. Even the performance and job satisfaction of the employees also depends on the level of involvement of the employees towards the organizational strategies and if the employees can really understand and communicated with the organizational strategies, their job satisfaction can be improved a lot. There is lot of research done towards the impact of the organizational strategies on the performance and job satisfaction of the employees and most of the research is done in the perspective of the employee job satisfaction and there are some gaps in the literature towards the role of communication from the management side to be delivered towards the employee understanding levels of the employees on the organizational strategies.

The main aim of this research to evaluate the role of communication on the organizational strategies towards the job satisfaction of the employees, a qualitative research methodology is considered across this project and case study based approach is considered as the basic research design across the research. AMT coffee limited is considered as the case study across this research and different respondents like operational manager, area manager and front line employees are interviewed using the semi structured interviews and their opinions are considered as the primary source of information to proceed with the research.

From the findings of the research based on the interview with operational manager, it is clear that there is always a scope to develop and implement a new strategy across the production unit in terms of number of units to be produced and also new production techniques for more output and these strategies are always communicated to the employees in the form of regular review and team meetings. Even email communication is used to escalate the frequent updates and changes in the production strategies to the employees and as per the opinion of the operational manager, email communication does not fetch expected results as most of the employees ignore these mails when they are busy with the regular work.

Targets are fixed to the employees during the strategy development process and even the employees are involved in few cases when the strategies are being developed or changed and thus the employees feel the required ownership and responsibility towards the production strategies and develop the required job satisfaction levels of their core work. As per the opinion of the area manager, strategies related to distribution and sales are done at the beginning of the month or a quarter and most of these strategies are fixed for long duration.

 Employees are communicated through emails regularly towards their daily targets and any changes in the strategies and most of the employees respond to these emails as they are subjected directly about the targets and the existing strategies and the corresponding changes to the strategies. In general the team meetings and review meetings are held when there are any major changes to the distribution strategies and across these meetings, most of the employees are involved and their advices are considered towards the distribution strategies and they are well communicated as well on a regular basis.

As per the opinion of the employees, their management is implementing a successful communication process to make sure they understand the corresponding strategies of the organization and also execute them as per the predefined manner. Most of the employees are satisfied with the level of communication delivered by their respective managers and also agree that understanding the organizational strategies improves their job satisfaction and also performance.

Best Ways of Communicating the Strategies to the Employees

What are the best ways of communicating the strategies to the employees and what is the role of managers in achieving this?

As the main aim of this project is evaluate the impact of communicating the organisational strategies to the employee on their job satisfaction and performance, few respondents are interviewed with respect to this like the operational manager, area manager and front line employees and based on the research findings the corresponding analysis is done in this section. When the operational managers are asked regarding the communication mechanism implemented across the production unit to communicate the production strategies to the employees and as per the findings it is clear that, team meetings and review meetings are used as the platform to communicate the strategies to the employees and make sure they understand the things and the managers expects the issues and queries regarding the strategies being communicated to the employees. As per this analysis it is clear that meeting the employees on regular basis can be considered as the best option to enhance the strategy communication process to the employees and this analysis is similar to the opinion of Cupples.

As per the opinion of one of the area managers, it is clear that email communication is done to the employees towards the strategies being developed and in general a review or team meeting is held every month or every quarter, as the strategies being implemented across the distribution unit are long term based and thus if there are any updates to the strategies email communication is considered as the best option as per the opinion of the area managers. From this analysis it is clear that, frequent email communication is always the best option towards communicating the strategies to the employee rather than long term team or review meetings and this opinion is similar to the findings of Carnegie.

As per the opinion of employees it is clear that, the communication of the strategies is well executed across the organisations and even there are some issues raised towards the communication process like, they can’t understand the things sometimes and the manager’s plays the key role in delivering the strategies to the employees in the right way. From this analysis it is clear that employees should be addressed with all the issues regarding the strategies being developed across the organisations to enhance their job satisfaction and performance and this opinion is similar to the findings of Watson.


The actual research analysis is done in this chapter, based on the opinion of the respondents interviewed across the research process. The research questions identified across the research answered against the actual research findings done in the previous chapter. From the analysis done it is clear that, the operational managers and area managers are striving a lot to communicate the strategies being developed across their respective units irrespective of the employee performance and make sure their job satisfaction is improved across the work and even the employees are satisfied with the level of communication provided by their respective managers and their involvement in the strategy development and implementation process. 

Improving the Performance of Employees and Their Job Satisfaction?

Research Analysis (The questions below are not in any questionnaire.   They are your main research questions. You may want to use this chapter as a summary of your research findings and discuss the main themes that emerged from the your research, e.g.  The role of organisational strategies in improving the performance of employees and their job satisfaction)


This chapter deals with the research analysis done based on the research findings done in the previous chapter. Once the research findings based on the opinion of the respondents like the operational manager, area manager and the front line employees are done, the required analysis to the corresponding findings are done against the research questions identified in the introduction chapter. All the research questions are answered against the findings and the actual analysis is compared with the opinion of different authors to verify the validity of the research done in this chapter and the overall analysis to the aims and objectives is explained.

RESCHQUE: What is the role of organisational strategies in improving the performance of employees and their job satisfaction?

The main aim of this research question is to identify the role of the organisational strategies in enhancing the performance of the employees with respect to the job satisfaction. Based on the opinion of the different respondents involved in this research like the operational managers, area managers and the employees, the actual findings related to the employee job satisfaction and the employee performance is done and based on these core findings it is clear that, the strategies implemented by the organisations are directly related to the job performance and job satisfaction of the employees. As per the findings from the opinion of the operational manager, it is clear that the strategies being implemented should be made by putting the employees in mind and they should reach the understanding levels of the employees and from this observation it is clear that if the strategies are well implemented against the employee enrichment, their job satisfaction can be improved a lot and even their performance is really enhanced and this opinion is similar to the findings of Aaker.

The actual opinion of the operational managers with respect to the level of involvement of the employees across the strategy development process is that, if the employees can show their interest towards the management activities rather than their core job responsibilities, their job satisfaction can be improved as they feel the ownership and responsibility towards the strategies being developed and this is similar to the opinion of Takenak.

As per the opinion of the area managers, regarding the targets set to the employees with respect to the sales and distribution it is clear that the area managers develops the strategies regarding the targets on a long term basis and thus the employees are provided with ample freedom regarding the targets and thus they are under less pressure and thus they can feel comfort in doing the job and thus their performance and job satisfaction is improved a lot and this is similar to the opinion of Albarran.

When the area managers are asked the opinion regarding the level of involvement of the employee across the strategy development process, it is clear from the findings that, employee opinion is taken towards the area strategies and the scope of the business at a particular area and if this is the case the employees feel more comfortable in sharing their views to the managers and also feel the responsibility and ownership towards the strategies being developed and implemented and this is similar to the opinion of Tennant.

When the employees are interviewed with respect to their involvement and understanding levels of the strategies being developed across the organisation, it is clear from the findings that, they are happy with the level of management cooperation regarding the communication of the strategies and if this is the case, employee job satisfaction and performance and this is similar to the opinion of Makhlouk.   

MBA Research Findings from the Opinion of Employees in an Organization

Research Findings from the Opinion of Employees

As the main aim of this project is evaluate the employee job satisfaction against the organization strategies, front line employees are interviewed with respect to their opinion on the organizational strategies and their job satisfaction and the key research findings are given as below. The opinions of the employees are gathered from the semi –structured interviews are gathered and consolidated to answer the research problem in this section.  Communication plays a key role in the discussion of the strategy with the employees and understanding of the strategy by the employees.

The impact of strategy communication on the performance of employee is deduced here with the help of the opinions from the respondents through a questionnaire.  Some of the respondents expressed that they are unclear about the strategy. When probed further into the issue, they opined that they are suffered from the communication gap. The strategic decisions are generally made by the top-level management and they expressed that they don’t have a team leader to explain the strategies clearly and guide them accordingly. While few of the employees expressed that their performance improved as they have a clear picture of the strategy and their work is directed towards the strategy. The role of employee in making the strategy successful is the issue to be probed.

When the insights of the employees are gathered about this issue, some of them agreed that employees play a major role in the successful implementation of the strategy. They expressed that though the top level management play anchor role in designing the strategy, the major chunk of success should be attributed to the team effort of the employees in the implementation of the strategy. While few others opined that it is only because of the effective management practices that make the strategy implementation successful as they argue that management is the art of getting work done. When it comes to the issue of descriptive planning, most of the employees are biased about their opinions on it.

The response was one sided and they said that descriptive strategic planning played a key role in converting the organization goals into reality. Some of the milestones and achievements of the company are voiced out in the strategic meetings and these achievements induce a kind of positive will and attitude among the employees to perform better and these serve as a driving force in meeting the targets. The effect of management on the functioning of the strategy is not undermined. The strategic goals and objectives of the company are generally delegated to the next level of management down the management hierarchy for the disposal to the employees. So, in this process the strategy is passed on from the top level management to the operating work force down the line through successive managers in the hierarchy.

Some of the employees expressed that their productivity is low compared to other teams. When asked about the reason for their low performance, they said that they are not divulged properly by our team manager and they said that the team manager is not affable to discuss the company goals and objectives. While some employees said the productivity of their team is much better and they attributed their success in productivity to their team manager who clearly discussed about the company goals and objectives.  Some employees are motivated with the meaningful work. Meaningful work is nothing but significance attached to the performance of that work in the long run for the company.

A few employees expressed a similar opinion that they feel motivated to work when the work is deemed to be meaningful in the sense that they feel satisfied for their contribution to the company and being a part of the success of the company. While some respondents expressed that they are not much bothered about the significance of the work and it does not affect their performance in any way. When probed about the issue of recognition of their performance from the employees, employees came up with mixed responses. They said that it largely depends on the managers under which they work. Few workers expressed their satisfaction because of the recognition they get from the managers for their performance. They said that the appreciation received from the managers serves as a motivating factor for them and it affects their performance in a positive way. A few bunch of employees even expressed that their managers granted them appraisals as a reward for their performance.

There are some employees who felt that their manager is indifferent and they said there is no personal review of their work. Training is a part of effective communication of the strategy. The orientation or the induction program helps the new employees in knowing about the strategic goals and objectives of the company early on in their career. This makes a large difference in the performance of the employees later on. Some of the employees expressed they are not comfortable in voicing their concerns with their manager as he is not affable. While others opined that they don’t mind in voicing their opinions with their manager and they believed that such interaction would benefit the team and contribute for a better team performance. 


Complete research findings based on the opinion of different respondents like the operational managers, area managers and frontline employees is given in this chapter. From the findings it is clear the role of the mangers is really important to decide the fate of the strategies being implemented and also the employees are involved at the required levels regarding the strategy development process. Team meeting and review meetings are used as the platform to communicate the production and distribution strategies and even email communication is done at some cases. Employees are made to understand the current strategies and also any changes in the strategies by the managers to make sure their job satisfaction and performance is improved and the actual analysis based on these findings is done in the next chapter.