Project Report for Investigation Of Alternators Subjected To Different Loads And Minimization Of Encountered Harmonics

In these days the maintaining appropriate power quality had became a basic concern in both production and transmission of the electrical energy, because of increasing demand for electricity and involvement of sensitive devices in transmission of power had caused many problems in distribution and utilization of the electrical energy, these sensitive devices in order to meet the increasing demand of electricity, they creating undesirable quantities like harmonics, the harmonics are created due to the non linear behavior of the load, causing severe problems in the electrical equipment either reducing its performance abilities or by damaging it permanently.  These power quality disturbances are to be reduced in order to achieve proper economical energy transmission.

In our project we provided we studied the different conditions of the alternator performance when they subjected to varying loads, along the suitable harmonic filtration methods improving power quality.  This paper gives the detailed information regarding the evolution of harmonics and their prevention strategies,

In order to analyze the performance of particular machine the following factors are to be concerned like voltage regulation, total harmonic distortion(THD), power factor variations, our paper discusses about the  harmonic analysis which helps in designing proper harmonic filters,  we  conducted experiments on two types of alternators one is Laminated rotor alternator and the other  Solid rotor alternator, and these alternators tested under varying loads i.e. current is proportional to the voltage  and non varying loads i.e. current is not proportional to the load,

The performance tests we conducted are includes oscilloscope test for observing the variations in the load characteristic, Synchronous Impedance Method, Ampere-turn Method, Zero power factor (or) Potier reactance method to find the voltage regulation, and to measure the harmonics we use Spectrum analyzer having two types namely Analog spectrum analyzer, Digital spectrum analyzer with a Wave analyzer to amplitude and frequency calculations. The filters we employed are Single tuned harmonic filter, Capacitor filter having tendency to provide information regarding various harmonics and their behavior.

Download  Project Report for Investigation Of Alternators Subjected To Different Loads And Minimization Of Encountered Harmonics .

Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector ECE Project Report

Introduction to Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector Project:

This paper addresses the new upcoming technology in the field of medical sciences; our project is about Microcontroller based anesthesia injector which regulates the levels of anesthesia that to be injected into the patient’s body during major surgeries. In present day situations in doing operations there is an involvement of an anesthetist, who operates these tasks manually, creating some problems in giving appropriate doses and varying levels of anesthesia may cause severe problems, a man can make mistakes but a machine cannot, because it is sequentially programmed the necessary conditions based on the requirements.

So considering these factors we demonstrated a new model a Microcontroller based anesthesia injector performs painless surgery and makes the work of the anesthetists very simple. The system comprises of a temperature sensor to sense the variations in body temperature, a Respiration Sensor  to record the abrupt changes in the respiration system, an electromagnetic Stepper Motor in order to regulate the movements of the Infusion Pump, analog to digital i.e. A/D converter is used for changing the analog signals from body into digital signals, and this entire operation is controlled by a 89C51 micro-controller.

The assembly of these various components and working is explained in this paper, the 89C51 micro controller used in this circuit is an advanced version of 8031, based on CMOS technology, and it is an 8-bit processor having Multiple 16-Bit Timer/Counters, it is bi-directional has individual input and output lines, the data transfer is based on SPI Serial Bus Interface, the software details are given in the following sections, the stepper motor transforms the pluses signals into stepped rotational movements.

Our project was practically tested and the revealed results shows the importance of the virtually operated micro controller in analyzing various practical parameters, this specialized anesthesia machine is able to improve the working skills of human. By our successful implementation of this project paved path to the future technologies to develop this respective field.

Download  Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector ECE Project Report.

Micro Controller Based Automated Irrigation System Microcontroller Project Abstract

In this project we present the automatic irrigation system by using an 8051 micro controller, this irrigation network is controlled by the processing unit which is nothing but the 8051 micro controller, in order to the increasing demand for the food production we implemented the new dimension in the irrigation field with less utilization of humans, it is totally different from the conventional irrigation method used by our Indian farmers which involves manual operation and control, in this electronic era farmers not willing to face the challenges creating by these conventional methods,  so we provide this automatic irrigation system which waters the plants based on the atmospheric conditions detecting the dryness of the soil, the temperature and whether  conditions are displayed by using LCD’s, depending upon the signals of  these LCD’s he relay will operate to excite the motor.

In this project we use a temperature sensor which senses the temperature and this sensed value is displayed on the screen, a moisture sensing circuit is used to sense the levels of moisture content in the soil and interruption signal is generated whenever the soil maintains appropriate water content in it when this sensor is on the motor stops working, this entire scenario is programmed in the micro processor depending upon the requirement of that particular conditions.

This system had several advantages, its saves a lot of energy both human and electrical energy, maintains proper water regulation by preventing loss of water, it is not complex and easily controlled even by an illiterate persons within minutes of time, the maintenance cost is very low.

 The system operation along performance are illustrated in the coming sections, this project is successfully implemented in many areas, majorly domestic appliances had obtained successful results proving that it is an cheapest means of automatic irrigation system with high reliability and accuracy, this technology is creating new dimensions in underground  water management.

Download  Micro Controller Based Automated Irrigation System Microcontroller Project Abstract.

Networked Control System Electronic Project Report Download

Networked Control System (NCS) is the new model implementing in Computerized Numerical Controllers (CNC),here a single server can monitor and controls the entire machinery there by reducing the manpower requirement, the machinery is divided into segments and the segments are handled segment clients under the super vision of the single server, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is a  numerical control system performs various operations like data handling, response management, sequence control by a single computer system, having high storage capability, upgrading control system operations.

 The existing system is a human dependent system, in order to perform these individual tasks each machine need a human to control it. And also it is an open loop system without feedback results into complex system; the continuous hissing noise is not eliminated effectively.  In order overcome these problems networked control system is introduced, NCS machine tools are more efficient over ordinary conventional machine tools implementing in these days, the hard ware is comprises of  PIC18F2220 .

Micro Controller performs the speed regulations, LMD18200 ,L293D  Motor Driver responsible for position and directional movements i.e. the position and velocity servo mechanisms, LM35  Centigrade Temperature Sensor, MPX5050 Integrated Silicon Pressure Sensor senses the temperature variations with  0.5C accuracy operates at range of 4-30 volts ideal for remote applications,  Personal computers  including server and client.

The software programmed was Embedded C with CCS-PCWH compiler of Visual basic 6.0 version. When sensor receives the input signals depending up on the requirement the speed regulations, position, direction, temperature, pressure variations are changed. In our project we demonstrated the speed control results at different duty cycles,

Our project employs a very effective data transfer between the single node servers to the client computers, which enable the decrements of human resource, in future we can implement  Field-programmable gate array in this project in order to achieve better results.

Controlling Solar Panel Using MicroController ECE Project Report

Introduction to Controlling Solar Panel Using MicroController Project:

Due the extinction of the non renewable energy resources a rapid development had occurred in utilization, conservation of natural renewable energy resources, solar energy is major renewable energy available for the humans in the environment. In utilization of this solar energy scientists have been implementing several methods that reforms the efficiency in saving the energy prodded from the solar panels, through these researches a new concept had arrived in order to control and regulate the solar panels, here in this paper we introduced a new concept solar panel tracking system.

The main objective of our project is to control the solar panel angular movements based on the movements of the sun. The positions of the solar panel are altered by means of stepper motor and micro controller set, the variations in the orbit of the sun are divided into segments, Real Time Clock (RTC) is used to fix specific time limits for each segments.

Solar cell is made silicon wafer and it implements photovoltaic effect in order to convert solar energy into electrical energy, hence it is also termed as photovoltaic cell.

These solar cells produce neat energy about 1400 kilowatt, the stepper motor is used here to convert the pulses into angular movements, and its controls the movements of the solar panel, an 8051 micro controller is used in kit to guide stepper motor in controlling panel positions, DS1307 serial real-time clock (RTC) is used here is capable of operating under Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C.  the hardware assembly was neatly explained, As per the research out comes average output wattage for a moving panel is around 6.9141 W is high when compared to the fixed panel, the load curve represents the power generation at various times in a day.

The solar tracking system has several advantages; it has low running cost, less impact on harmful atmospheric gases, long life cycle with good efficiency.

Solar Lighting System ECE Project Abstract

Introduction to Solar Lighting System Electronics Project:

Our non-renewable sources are in danger of extinction we had very little time hence the one and only alternate source is natural renewable energy resources, these are the resources given to us by nature, nature can replenish these resources in very quick time prevents from there extinction.  These renewable resources are of various kinds like are solar, geothermal, wind, water and biomass these are main source for human survival in coming future.

The main objective of our project is to provide alternate lightning system by using solar energy, for that we designed and developed a low cost solar power lightning system. Our project includes various components namely solar lighting system, solar panel, integrated circuit, light source, photovoltaic, battery, relay, solar panel.

In our project we harvest electrical power required for lightning applications by means of solar panels, we implement pulse width modulation technique in order to drive the solar LED system, this pulse width modulation resists the power loss by using current limiting resistor implementing time multiplexing method. The entire system consists of the following equipment in circuit construction they are 12-16Vsolar panel, 35mf capacitor, a relay operated at 10V, IC 7808 integrated circuit, a lamp with range of 6V, 1A, 3 watts, light emitting diodes, resistors of different values, operating switches.

The total circuit is verified under prescribed conditions, These experimental results revealed that our circuit is working at supreme condition, there are no short circuits, battery was delivering required power constantly, when relay is under working conditions the capacitor is charging in day light and delivering power at required time, the solar panel is up to the task by energizing the battery continuously. Our project not only gives information regarding the modern utilization solar energy by using latest technology but it reforms how to conserve these renewable energy for future global development.

JNTU Mini Project for ECE on Mobile Controlled Devices with Project Report

Introduction to  Mini Project on Mobile Controlled Devices with Project:

In this project we designed a system which use sour mobile phone(DTMF)Dual Tone Multi Frequency technology  Every mobile phone has this facility. In this present technology we have a challenge of long distance computer communication, this can also referred as information networks.

For exchange of information we have many information services in present days like Video teleconferencing,Telex, Facsimile transmission (FAX), Electronics mail, which are much efficient to transfer the information but are expensive too. Our project Mobile Controlled Devices designed by us comes into picture when all the technologies fail when the situation comes to upload or terminal download of files or information fails from the mains.

Use of RF circuits in wireless controlled devices have the drawbacks of limited frequency range, limited working range,limited control options and limited features.To overcome all these above mentioned limitations, our designed device is operated using a mobile phone so that this device can be controlled from anywhere in the world and also gives the advantages of more control options other than device control, no interference as the telecom network has the fixed bandwidth with other signals and if the coverage area of telecom network is good depending on this the working range of the device is unlimited. In our device we can adopt 12 different control options as from any mobile or land line phone, by activating the mobile keypads different keys 12 different DTMF codes will be generated.

Mobile phones or cordless phones are suites best for this application, which use 8870 chips for design.Our designed device in the project working principle is that the device receives the command signals through the mobile phone, the switching of devices will be controlled according to the remote end control signals received through another mobile by decoding the cordless phone DTMF signals received.

Download   JNTU Mini Project for ECE on Mobile Controlled Devices with Project Report.

GSM Based Home Security System Electronics Project for Final Year Students

Introduction to GSM Based Home Security System Electronics Project:

This final year assignment aims to expose students in higher education and technical studies the thoughts & logical processes that need to be urbanized to ensure the student can translate their work into something existing.

This is generally done by the creation of a design or a thought in the field of hardware and software. Also past products are studied to expose their deficiencies and an loom is in use to suggest a resolution which solves the problem.

A safety system encompasses an open standing interruption detector. The sight or has designed sensing element to detect and transmit an intrusion aware of customers.

For the fulfillment of our bachelor degree of engineering in telecommunication stream we select a project. The name of the project is GSM Based Home Security System.

At a time when home security is paramount, automated safety methods are a functional value addition to the modern home.

Vision based security systems can be easily installed, affordable & non- obtrusive. This system aims to detect home intrusion through the use of infrared sensors.

A security system has a open standing intrusion detector. The detector has an in built sensor to detect and broadcast an intrusion alert to customers.


We would also like to extend our thanks to our H.O.D, Col. R.K. Kapur for his undying faith in us and making us believe in ourselves.

His guidance has been the reason we could complete this project. We are very thankful to all of them.

Download  GSM Based Home Security System Electronics Project for Final Year Students with project Report.

Different Multipliers Using VHDL Embedded Systems Abstract

Introduction to Different Multipliers Using VHDL Embedded Systems Project:

The power consumption concern and the little occupancy are the major requirements of the fabrication of the DSP systems and other efficient performing systems. The important criteria for improvement are the enhancing speed and space of the multiplier. The speed and the space are relied on each other which mean increasing speed concludes with the more consuming space. 

We have focused to come out with a conclusion by studying more multipliers. We have studied three different multipliers differently. We found that the serial multipliers needs more power consumption compared to parallel multipliers. The project has three different multipliers called Booth Multiplier, Wallace Tree Multiplier and the Vedic Multiplier. 

The conclusion assists to select the proper multiplier for the fabrication of the systems. The multipliers are the part of the systems with presence at many places. With the analysis of the multipliers, we are able to construct a system with less power requirement and space. 

The Project  suggests for the Vedic Multiplier which is based on the Vedic multiplication method or called Sutras. The method is commonly and conventionally applied to calculate the multiplication of the two or more numbers in the decimal system. The Project also focused on the same method for the binary number system to form the algorithm which can run on digital hardware. The Vedic multiplication method used here is Urdhava Tiryabhyam for calculation of the binary system. 

Download  Different Multipliers Using VHDL Embedded Systems Abstract.

Project Report on Laser Torch Based Voice Transmitter and Receiver

Introduction to Laser Torch-Based Voice Transmitter and Receiver Project:

Right from the origin communication system had undergone several changes in terms of its advancement, continuous modernization taking place in every aspect of global communication. This electronic media starting from satellite communications had invented new dimensions in the field of wireless communication, research in these areas created a new concept of communication by means of lasers, no one ever expected this kind of development in communication strategies and its always a raising question that how we communicate by implementing lasers, in our project we give a detailed answer about how we communicate with others by using laser technology.

The main operation of our project is based on the two sections one is laser transmitter section and the other laser receiver section the combination of these two sections constitutes the entire circuit block.

The proposed circuit basically had the transmitter circuit and this block consists of transistor amplifier BC548 coupled with condenser microphone, and an audio modulator (BD139). The audio signal which is to be transmitted is feed along with the laser beam and transmitted in air by laser torch, the photo transistor located  in the receiver circuit  takes the information  and converts into audio signal, this audio signal is feed to the amplifier circuit which modifies the given signal and transmits to the listeners speaker,

 Here we use LM358   (Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier) gives low noise amplification, high input impedance, high current driving capability. And the total components with their specifications are elaborately explained in this paper. The overall advantages of our laser based voice transmitter and receiver is to provide speed and accuracy with high data rates, minimal interruptions and highly flexible. The performance characteristics and the practical results verified with real time applications.

The future scope for the laser based communication is to achieve the two way laser communication in spatial communications.

Download  Project Report on Laser Torch-Based Voice Transmitter and Receiver.