Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment Project Document contains:
  1. Introduction of the project
  2. Project Literature Survey
  3. Analysis Phase and Design Phase
  4. Implementation & coding of the project
  5. Testing phase  and Debugging phase
  6. Conclusion of the project

Software requirements:

Operating System Used: Windows 2000 / XP, Linux Fedora Core 4.

Programming Languages/Software Used: Java Run time Environment, Java Development Kit 1.6.0

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed EnvironmentHardware requirements:

Architecture: Pentium-4 PC

Hard Disk: 20 GB hard-disk


Equipment: Keyboard, Mouse Not-Applicable

Download Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment Project

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks


 Once the destination file and the destination is selected now its time to select the file which is to be transmitted.

  1. Once the open button is clicked, a file dialog box is displayed to select the file which is to be transmitted.
  2. Now the selected file is displayed.
  3. Finally the “TRANSFER” button is clicked.
  4. We can view the path i.e., through which nodes the data is being transmitted.
  5. We can notice that there is no packet loss in the entire data transmission.


  1. Here we can view the simulation of how the nodes are routed in a network.
  2. The sender have to select the destination node in order to transfer the data.
  3. In this simulation the error node (the node where the void problem occurs) is also selected.

Here we can view the Packet Arrival Rate, Average delay and Path efficiency

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Software Requirements:

Operating System       : Windows XP/Vista.

Front End                    : Asp .Net 2.0.

Programming Language       : Visual C# .Net

Hardware Requirements:

System Architecture        : Pentium P IV

Hard Disk Size                    : 80 GB.

Ram Size                               : 512 MB.

Download Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation

Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation Project explains about new simulator which can load different modules. This simulator is used to simulate hardware modules explained with java. This application is used with the combination of MIPS processor with EISLAB.

This paper will explain about developing a syncsim simulator which is integrated with VHDL and java and a c compiler. This system will generate code with the existing MIPS model.

EESIM is the old model simulator used for SYNCSIM which uses hardware models which makes used of VHDL and c compiler. This simulator generates code which is compatible with MIPS model.

download  Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation Project.

Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication

Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication projects main idea is to develop a wireless remote application which can handle home appliances like washing machine …etc. This application can be mostly useful in industries, hospitals.  This system uses works on Infra red radiation as wireless system.

TV remote is used for IR radiation transmitter to control appliances. TSOP receiver is used in this application. This projects works on two micro controllers, one micro controller is used as master and other works as slave.

Receiver will send signals to master micro controller and Infra red signals are send to slave micro controller which will send information to LCD display.

Master micro controller will handle load using a driving circuit. On or Off of the system will be controlled by the stepper motor. On and Off will depend on the direction motor will rotate.

download  Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication.

Useful Links:

Wireless Equipment Control Using Microcontroller

Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash

Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash project explains about new application which will store audio files, play audio files using micro controller using analog to digital converter. This application uses flash memory to store data.

This system will explain in detail about how analog and digital converter is used for sound recording, Pulse width modulation is used for audio play back. SPI is used for accessing flash memory. Other applications that would require are temperature loggers, mobile answering machines and digital voice records.

Flash memory used in this application works at 2.7 volts which is a SI flash memory. Data flash memory is a 16 bit memory. This application works with two data flash memory. Data is written continuously to data flash memory. 


• Digital Voice Recorder

• 8-bit Sound Recording

• 8 kHz Sampling Rate

• Sound Frequency up to 4000 Hz

• Maximum Recording Time 4 1/4 Minutes

• Very Small Board Size

• Less than 700 Bytes of Code

download Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash.

Electrical Final Year Project On Simple Fire Alarm

Simple Fire Alarm projects main idea is to provide solution for industries, theaters, shopping complex and many other public places from fire damages. In recent years there are lot of fire accidents in india because of very less fire security measures implemented. In order to solve this problem we are providing a fire alarm application which will detect smoke and start alarm so security can take precautions to save lives of public.

In this paper we are providing a circuit diagram with detailed explanation about its functionality which can be implemented as final year project for electronics or electrical students.

In existing system there are very few fire alarm systems implemented in industries, shopping malls, movie theaters ….etc.  This application can be implemented with a low cost and works efficiently. 



download  Simple Fire Alarm project.

Stores Management System Project

The ‘Stores Management System’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the processes mentioned above to reduce the clerical labor of the staff working in Stores both technical and as well as Accounts departments using the software Industry’s latest technologies and cost effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding manual errors etc.., 

In this project modules under study are Material Issues module, Reports module.requisitions and Inter stores issues i.e. material issues to other stores based on inter store requisitions. For these two operations, we have to issue the gate passes for both types of operations. 

Stores Management System ProjectConclusion:

We have been given the problem of automating the material of stores in APCPDCL

(Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Limited) at APTRANSCO. Earlier the materials of stores have only been automated. In our project “STORES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ” we have automated the stores of the central power distribution company limited. 

In Issues module, we have tracked the information regarding the issues of the receipts for the material that have been stored in the stores of the central power distribution company limited at CPDCL. This information can be easily made available to all the stores throughout the AP through intranet/ Internet. 

As a result of this automation, manual workload is reduced and data retrieval becomes easy. This project can be helpful for centralization of information regarding the stores of APCPDCL at APTRANSCO.

Hardware requirements


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  1 GB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  80 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  256 MB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  20 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP

Software Requirements

Operating System                     :         Windows 2000 Professional

Web Server                               :         Apache Tomcat Web Server

Database                                             :         Postgresql

EnterpriseApplication              :         J2EE, JBOSS

Implementation Architecture     :         MVE,

                                                           3 Tier using Servlets, JSP

Scripting Languages                  :         Java Script

Programming Language            :       Java

download  Stores Management System Project Report.

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

The project work designed with two microcontroller units is a unique one; it can be used for many applications. The main advantage of using this system is to maintain the privacy, so that un-authorized persons can not operate any electrical gadget or any iron safe (which is equipped with this system) unless they know the password. The new technology implemented in the system is, that the lock can be opened or closed automatically through remote. 

The data transmitting card contains a small keyboard (which is interfaced with microcontroller) generates code, a six digit code corresponding program is prepared for microcontroller, since the program is pre-defined, pass word can not be changed. The data delivered from the controller is modulated with 38 KHz frequency produced by the timer IC, and it is transmitted via infrared LED. The controller accepts all the keys data and transmits as it is. In the receiver this data is decoded with another microcontroller, the data received through 38KHz demodulator is fed to microcontroller, the received data is compared with pre- defined program, if the data is correct then the controller energizes the relay, other wise energizes the alarm,  which indicates that it received wrong code. TSOP 1738 is used as demodulator, this is a miniaturized receiver generally used for remote controlled systems, and the output of this device can be fed to controller directly for decoding.

Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP

This Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP thesis work was done in-depth to analyse all the concepts of VoIP technology and the information discussed in the following chapters to create a good outline and to discuss the design of VoIP technology in terms of conceptual model and gather the features that could be useful for projects, with parameters that are already tested.

This thesis work involves a five-heads model, for providing answers or related information to various types of technical and business queries which are considered to be crucial for explaining the topic. Initially focusing on the theoretical overview of VoIP technology, analysis basic components of VoIP security, varieties of threats to businesses when adopting VoIP, best practices security measures and finally simulation of VoIP project.

There is a demand and growth for signaling systems and this uses the data networks to transfer the voice calls. The main part of the signaling system architecture is the VoIP calls to VoIP. For the signaling protection there is mandatory module .

download  Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP project.

Control of Grid Connected PV Cell Distributed Generation Systems

Control of Grid Connected PV Cell Distributed Generation Systems Abstract: Energy is essential to everyone’s life no matter when and where they are. This is especially true in this new century, where people keep pursuing higher quality of life. Among different types of energy, electric energy is one of the most important that people need every day. At present the majority of the world electricity is generated by Fossil fuels (including coal, oil, and natural gas), Nuclear power and Hydro power. The problems/concerns in generating the electrical energy by using the above conventional energy technologies are:

  • Conventional energy sources are not renewable
  • Conventional generation technologies are not environmental friendly
  • The cost of using Fossil and Nuclear fuels will go higher and higher
  • Hydro power sources are not enough and the sites are normally away from load centers.
  • Political and social concerns on safety are pushing nuclear power away

Due to the above problems/concerns regarding conventional energy technologies, the       renewable/alternative energy sources will play important role in electricity generation. The term “alternative energy” is referred to the energy produced in an environmentally friendly way. And, sooner or later, today’s alternative will become tomorrow’s main sources of electricity. Renewable energies are nearly unlimited energy sources. One of the renewable energy is solar energy, which can be the main alternative energy source in power generation. There are normally two ways to generate electricity from the sun light: through photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems. Based on the above problems this project aims at the following objectives

  1. 1.      To develop a MATLAB/SIMULINK based model of Photovoltaic cells (PV Cells)
  2. 2.      To study the characteristics of Voltage –Current characteristics and Voltage –Power characteristics of PV cells under different cell temperature and Irradiance.
  3. 3.      To track the Maximum power point of the PV cells in all circumstances.
  4. 4.      To develop a MATLAB/SIMULINK based model for DC-DC boost converter
  5. 5.      To develop a SIMULINK based model for Inverters connected to the Grid.